
So falcon 9 just blew up

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They are having a press conference in 20 mins or so where hopefully they announce the problem.

Not the best birthday present for Elon.



Elon Musk ‏@elonmusk 32m32 minutes ago
There was an overpressure event in the upper stage liquid oxygen tank. Data suggests counterintuitive cause.

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I didn't watch the press conference, but based on the video it looked like a blow out of something that was carrying oxygen that resulted in venting of oxygen overboard for several seconds prior to the explosion rather than a sudden rupture of an oxygen tank.

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Oh I did not watch the video or conference. I was just being a litle smartass with wording.:P
I am sorry to see the setback and wish them we'll in finding the problem and fixing it.
We need a viable space program, and if private sectorcan get more into it. Then the government sector doesn't have to foot the whole bill. Which at this point in time they can't afford it or don't want to.

Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle

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>I didn't watch the press conference, but based on the video it looked like a blow out of
>something that was carrying oxygen that resulted in venting of oxygen overboard for
>several seconds prior to the explosion . . .

At those rates there's not much difference between "rapid venting," "rupture" and "explosion." Note that there's a dark object falling past the Falcon 9 shortly after the first plume; I suspect that was the Dragon capsule. Once the LOX tank ruptured (or vented, or exploded, or blew out) the Dragon, no longer being attached to anything, would have been free to fall away past the first stage, which was still accelerating. (The RSO apparently had to destroy the first stage.)

Note that if the second stage had survived another 25 seconds the explosion would have occurred after separation, and the first stage might have been recoverable. (They were going for another first stage landing test.)

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Note that there's a dark object falling past the Falcon 9 shortly after the first plume; I suspect that was the Dragon capsule.

Just watched the video again on a larger screen. I agree the dark object is likely part of the second stage or the space vehicle.


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