
Great - now we get to add more lawer bills to the 634M . . .

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. . . That we already paid out for this exercise in futility.

Yeah - Lets SPEND THAT MONEY . . . again . . . still.

More foreshadowing[:/]

Waay back I predicted that lawyers would be the greatest benefactors of Obamacare.

Oh no, the cry went up from Andy9o8 and other prominent liberals in SC. There are no provisions of the law that require the use of attorneys. Yeah right.

The most frustrating problem dealing with progressive liberals is that they can't see anything except what is right in front of their nose. Conceptual thinking, no way, it is not objective. Fargun fools of the government.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I take it as axiomatic that all government programs will cost much more than the price they are sold to the public at.

Just so you will know...the US has special administrative courts for the IRS. Practice in these Tax Courts is specialized for attorneys. Nobody mentions the cost of these in our tax system.

Social Security has its own special administrative courts as well. Again, a specialized area of practice for attorneys.

Anyone want to guess what's going to happen with healthcare? For all I know, a system is already laid out in the law. I haven't checked. I can't imagine the system will go for long without specialized courts to settle disputes on interpretation of the law and related regulations. And a new specialization for attorneys will evolve.

I'm not particularly for or against ACA. I just find it counter-intuitive that a government that can't pass a budget on time (let alone balance a budget) can add a layer of government beurocracy to healthcare and make it cost less. That beurocracy has to be paid for somehow. And there are always additional costs nobody expected or discussed.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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