
More training needed.

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Well, the gun enthusiasts posting in this thread must all be from Lake Wobegon, since all of them are above average.

hey, we are so much superior than those guys - heck, our football team beats their's about half the time we play

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Well, the gun enthusiasts posting in this thread must all be from Lake Wobegon, since all of them are above average.

hey, we are so much superior than those guys - heck, our football team beats their's about half the time we play

You should aspire to beating them nearly more than half the time. ;)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Well, the gun enthusiasts posting in this thread must all be from Lake Wobegon, since all of them are above average.

And yet all of them know more about firearms and firearm training than you.

You know, when a bunch of people who know more about a topic than you speak about that topic.... The wise listen. Instead you claim to know more than them.

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In the minds of MANY,

Less than half of the population. And 90% of police do not agree with you.


If the most proficient is that, then putting guns in the hands of people like RUSH and Gravitymaster is REALLY a mistake.

I know many people who shoot that shoot better than police. In fact in most competitions it is not the police that shoot best.


100 million of you running around armed is even scarier than the cops who still suck and hit random women in the ass after training and passing tests 2x a year.

All this crying, but you don't see innocent people shot accidentally by civilians nearly as much as by the police... simply put, you are going of of a fear based on an emotional response.

It does not happen as much as you would like, but you will not let that stop you from crying about it.


Pretty much sums up my concerns about guns.

"I don't claim to be "supremely effective" compared to the cops. I know I'm nowhere near as good at conflict resolution. Or at confronting an adversary. Or even necessarily at deciding when to shoot or not to shoot.

But I do know I'm far better with a pistol"

I think the order of operations should be reversed.

He does not have to be good at conflict resolution... He has the option of walking away.

People like you always try to claim that citizens with guns will just go around shooting innocent people... Yet that is such a rarity in reality. Sure, it has happened but in most cases armed citizens avoid conflict more than the police because they CAN.

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Well, the gun enthusiasts posting in this thread must all be from Lake Wobegon, since all of them are above average.

And yet all of them know more about firearms and firearm training than you.

Prove it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Nice try at re-direction there. Instead I'll go this route.

I can get tighter groupings than you on any weapons platform you want to choose. Good Luck.

I'm sure you can because my last training session was some 15 years ago with an M16, by Army instructors, on an Army base. I was pretty good then.

Ass-uming I know nothing about firearms is an error.

So you and DaVinci are the same person.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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