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Another male bashing favorite these days are commercials, the majority of men are betrayed as idiots while the women are the ones with the brains keeping them out of trouble..

First of all, I think you're exaggerating with "majority." I can't even think of a recent commercial I've seen that bashed men, but maybe the shows I watch don't attract that type of commercial. Anyhow, this has little to do with men's rights. It has to do with a company's right to free speech and a consumer's right to not buy from companies he finds offensive.

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First of all, I think you're exaggerating with "majority." I can't even think of a recent commercial I've seen that bashed men,...

Oh, you have not been paying attention.


That was pretty vague since they didn't say how many of the 477 commercials portrayed men as inept.

But it has nothing to do with me paying attention. It has to do with what I watch. I don't own a TV, so generally the only commercials I see are on hulu, which are somewhat tailored to the viewer. By now they've figured out not to show me commercials about domestic chores, so it's likely I haven't seen any of the commercials they're talking about in your link.

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So then why comment on something you admittedly have such a limited sampling of? Go conduct some research.

Watch a night's worth of prime time commercials with the thought in your mind that -maybe- they show men as being stupid and you -will- see the overwhelming trend.

Watch just about any sitcom and especially any with a dad in it.

It's simply ridiculous.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Watch a night's worth of prime time commercials with the thought in your mind that -maybe- they show men as being stupid and you -will- see the overwhelming trend.

Oh, I know what kind of commercials you're talking about, but I don't believe it's a "majority" of ALL commercials. (But feel free to show me some research that says it is.) I watch prime time TV when I'm at my mom's house. I've seen those "domestic chore" commercials before, but not in a while. And that type of commercial is probably more likely to make men look goofy because they're trying to appeal to women, which women could find equally insulting since it implies that we should be doing all of the domestic chores.

If you're going to watch sitcoms that portray men as being stupid, then it makes sense you're going to see commercials that portray men as stupid. But if you are watching those shows, then you're contributing to the problem and shouldn't be complaining about it. Watch something else.

The only sitcom I regularly watch is 30 Rock, which doesn't seem to portray either gender as being more incompetent than the other. And there are even some dads in the show.

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The only sitcom I regularly watch is 30 Rock, which doesn't seem to portray either gender as being more incompetent than the other. And there are even some dads in the show.

Show me any man on that show as smart as Tina Fey's character.

Btw, it's not just products for domestic chores...it's just about anything. Watch carefully. In almost every situation portrayed in commercials, men will tend to be the bumbling dupe who is "saved" by the solution some woman discovers (the product).
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The only sitcom I regularly watch is 30 Rock, which doesn't seem to portray either gender as being more incompetent than the other. And there are even some dads in the show.

Show me any man on that show as smart as Tina Fey's character.

Her mentor, Jack. His father. Some of the writers. But she's not exactly portrayed as "smart."


Btw, it's not just products for domestic chores...it's just about anything. Watch carefully. In almost every situation portrayed in commercials, men will tend to be the bumbling dupe who is "saved" by the solution some woman discovers (the product).

I'm thinking of all of the commercials I've seen recently, and not a single one matches this description. I've certainly seen the scenario many times before, but hardly "in almost every situation portrayed in commercials."

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I'm thinking of all of the commercials I've seen recently, and not a single one matches this description. I've certainly seen the scenario many times before, but hardly "in almost every situation portrayed in commercials."

It's because you've never paid attention to it and you admit you don't watch TV.

Run the experiment. Report your findings.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm thinking of all of the commercials I've seen recently, and not a single one matches this description. I've certainly seen the scenario many times before, but hardly "in almost every situation portrayed in commercials."

It's because you've never paid attention . . .

Not true.

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I'm thinking of all of the commercials I've seen recently, and not a single one matches this description. I've certainly seen the scenario many times before, but hardly "in almost every situation portrayed in commercials."

It's because you've never paid attention . . .

Not true.

Really? Under what circumstance have you previously and conciously analyzed this?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm thinking of all of the commercials I've seen recently, and not a single one matches this description. I've certainly seen the scenario many times before, but hardly "in almost every situation portrayed in commercials."

It's because you've never paid attention . . .

Not true.

Really? Under what circumstance have you previously and conciously analyzed this?

I've seen men complain about this before, so that has caused me to pay attention.

How have you analyzed it to come to the conclusion that the majority of commercials belittle men? Is it perception, or have you actually conducted a study on the topic?

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Oh, I know what kind of commercials you're talking about, but I don't believe it's a "majority" of ALL commercials.

I don't think Jclalor was referring to the majority of all commercials, but rather the majority of men when portrayed in those commercials. Now I don't know if it's truly the majority or not, but it happens a lot....and it's not always obvious either.

Personally, I don't really care...it is what it is.. When I was in advertising, it was understood that we were primarily marketing to women 25-54 because they control the majority of money in the average American household or at least have the greater influence in how it's spent. I think the age demographic is even older now....

...sometimes I wonder if this has something to do with this country's economic woes.:P
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Another male bashing favorite these days are commercials, the majority of men are betrayed as idiots

I guess it's no different than the majority of women being portrayed as sexy shah style...;)
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I showed you one article that is footnoted with a reference to a study. Additionally, as you might recall, I'm more than simply a causal observer of the entire media.

The article focused only on commercials involving domestic chores, and it gave no numbers - just said that men were "often" portrayed as inept. The footnote has no link, so I wasn't able to read that.

Anyhow.... Whatever the numbers are, it's obviously bothersome to some men. So you can choose not to watch those shows, and you can complain to the companies who make such commercials and/or choose not to buy their products. Is there any other solution?

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Another male bashing favorite these days are commercials, the majority of men are betrayed as idiots

I guess it's no different than the majority of women being portrayed as sexy shah style...;)

Yea because complimenting someone is the same thing as ridiculing them.

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Women are coddled in our society from birth to death while boys and men are essentially thrown to the wolves. Try thinking about it critically and not just reciting tired old excuses.

What "tired old excuse" did I recite?

I happen to agree that women are more likely to be coddled in life than men are, though not 100% of the time.

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Another male bashing favorite these days are commercials, the majority of men are betrayed as idiots

I guess it's no different than the majority of women being portrayed as sexy shah style...;)

Yea because complimenting someone is the same thing as ridiculing them.

it is to the companies as long as it maximizes profits...

...the point I was trying to make is that tv may portray most men as idiots and most women as sexy, but most people in real life know better than that.
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...the point I was trying to make is that tv may portray most men as idiots and most women as sexy, but most people in real life know better than that.

What, TV is not reality??? Am I not really sexy and sophisticated while drinking vodka, like those ads tell me I am? :P

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...the point I was trying to make is that tv may portray most men as idiots and most women as sexy, but most people in real life know better than that.

What, TV is not reality??? Am I not really sexy and sophisticated while drinking vodka, like those ads tell me I am? :P


I had to share this photo...not sure how many here have seen it.

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It will take another 30 years before this is recognized by the main stream as an issue. I believe there are legitimate concerns, but good fuckin' luck getting people to listen to you at this point.

I've certainly experienced my share of BS when it comes to men's rights when I was going through California's family law Kangaroo court...but still, if these "legitimate concerns" got to the point where we were seriously oppressed...I think most men realize that we'd have no problem physically overthrowing tyrannical women.
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