
Ron Paul - Listen to this person he could save your life or at least our economy.

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Ron Paul is right about a lot of things. The constitutionality of many of the agencies and programs we take for granted is not just questionable, it is nonexistant. We have become inured to governmental excesses just as a frog will sit in a pot being heated on a stove - we tolerate incremental encroachments until there is no going back.

At any rate, Ron Paul says things that are true whether they are popular or not. He does not, however, have the capacity to single-handedly undo the damage we have inflicted upon ourselves in the past half century, but, then again, nobody does.

Great post and good points.

Yes Ron is not correct on everything, and there is much talk about the gold standard not being stable enough.

LOL, so I ask these people;

1, do you believe that the Greenback can last much longer in its current state?

2, what other alternative do you suggest.

3, After the gold standard was removed and the war pretty much ruined everything early last century, what currency was quickly adopted in the meantime?

4, The Federal Reserve system is/was supposed to avoid bubbles and crashes, do you think it works?

5, is the Federal Reserve System designed to help the people or the bankers that 'OWN' the fed.

Remember there is fuck all that is federal about it...
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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And if pigs had wings...

Will pigs have wings when the Chinese aircraft carriers pull up along the west coast and the war begins on your soil? The sleeping giants will still have a bitter taste in their mouths from that debacle that supposedly finished just a couple of decades ago...

It will be too late to say, "gee maybe that man (Ron Paul) was right, we were so blinded by our own arrogance the whole time to see that what we were doing goes against the very principals we were striving for"...

O'bomb'ya will only drive the last nail in the coffin.

We have much less time left than we are lead to believe.
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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And if pigs had wings...

Will pigs have wings when the Chinese aircraft carriers pull up along the west coast and the war begins on your soil? The sleeping giants will still have a bitter taste in their mouths from that debacle that supposedly finished just a couple of decades ago...

It will be too late to say, "gee maybe that man (Ron Paul) was right, we were so blinded by our own arrogance the whole time to see that what we were doing goes against the very principals we were striving for"...

O'bomb'ya will only drive the last nail in the coffin.

We have much less time left than we are lead to believe.

He has my vote , Both parties are the same .. they both want power and control ...:o

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Will pigs have wings when the Chinese aircraft carriers pull up along the west coast and the war begins on your soil?

This will not happen in our lifetimes. There is no need for China to "invade" the US.

If this is your fear, then it's unfounded.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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reply]This will not happen in our lifetimes. There is no need for China to "invade" the US.

If this is your fear, then it's unfounded.

It is not my fear, I fear the actons of the US/Nato first and foremost at present.

To say this will not happen in our lifetimes is pretty ignorant though, there are people still alive that were alive during WW1, WW2 the cold war and many others.

America is not as untouchable as we would all like to beleive, the war on terror has weakened us all considerably and China simply gets stronger and stronger. Russia is pretty quiet about all this too.

Did I mention India?

Human beings are not the nice humble critters we make ourselves out to be.

It was a hypothetical situation I presented but it is not so radical.

China has a VERY LARGE Population and a economy that is growing at an alarming rate.

They do not need America to sustain this.

I bet the North American continent looks quite attractive to them.

The less money, power and influence the US has, the less important it will be to the rest of the world.

They could repopulate North America and still be overpopulated at home.

Strategically now it would not be a good idea to invade, but if the USA fell on its ass there would probably be a queue to kick us in the ribs while on the ground.



In March, the National People's Congress (NPC) announced that China's military budget would rise 12.7 percent to 601 billion yuan ($92.7 billion), although the Pentagon estimated last year that China's military-related spending was nearly twice as high as its official figures suggest.

So every shitty plastic tool you by from the bargain basement, goes some way towards paying for military expansion of China.

Be careful what you believe and use you common sense and experience with human nature and history to determine what is likely or not.
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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This will not happen in our lifetimes. There is no need for China to "invade" the US.
If this is your fear, then it's unfounded.

It is not my fear, I fear the actons of the US/Nato first and foremost at present.
To say this will not happen in our lifetimes is pretty ignorant though, there are people still alive that were alive during WW1, WW2 the cold war and many others.
America is not as untouchable as we would all like to beleive, the war on terror has weakened us all considerably and China simply gets stronger and stronger. Russia is pretty quiet about all this too.
Did I mention India?
Human beings are not the nice humble critters we make ourselves out to be.
It was a hypotheitcal situation I presented but it is not so radical.
China has a VERY LARGE Population and a economy that is growing at an alarmng rate.
They do not need America to sustain this.
I bet the north american continent looks quite attractive to them.
The less money, power and influence the US has, the less important it will be to the rest of the world.

So then, why on earth would they invade?

The only reason a country would risk WWIII is if they were dying and saw no alternative. In your own description of the current situation, China doesn't need the US.

So I ask again . . . why on earth would they invade the US?

The idea just doesn't make any sense.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The only reason a country would risk WWIII is if they were dying and saw no alternative. In your own description of the current situation, China doesn't need the US.

It is more likely that we would start world war 3, we will start it when we know we are on the way out.

Once Pandora’s Box has been opened, then 'hey why not?' They do have a couple of billion people to accommodate.

Put it this way, if you are one in a million; there are 1300 people just like you in china....


So I ask again . . . why on earth would they invade the US?

The idea just doesn't make any sense.

Maybe for a little more elbow room at the dinner table?
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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And this, in a nutshell, is why Ron Paul is basically irrelevant. His followers keep drifting into ridiculous notions like impending Chinese invasions, and immediately everyone else tunes Ron out.

As said previously, WEIRD doesn't work for voters.

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And this, in a nutshell, is why Ron Paul is basically irrelevant. His followers keep drifting into ridiculous notions like impending Chinese invasions

Ron wants to defend our boarders not the boarders between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I don't think for a minute that china is gong to invade, but it is something that we should all consider.

We have been flexing our muscles for a long time, now it is their turn.

But you are correct; this tangent has gotten way off topic.

The primary reason I am voting for Ron is his open dialogue about the Federal Reserve.

No other politician has the guts to even bring it up let alone challenge the legality of it.

When congress is not allowed to see the gold in Fort Knox and we cannot see the books of The Fed then we have basically lost control of our very own economy.

Auditing the Fed is the first step in getting out of this mess.
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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And this, in a nutshell, is why Ron Paul is basically irrelevant. His followers keep drifting into ridiculous notions like impending Chinese invasions

Ron wants to defend our boarders not the boarders between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I don't think for a minute that china is gong to invade, but it is something that we should all consider.

We have been flexing our muscles for a long time, now it is their turn.

But you are correct; this tangent has gotten way off topic.

The primary reason I am voting for Ron is his open dialogue about the Federal Reserve.

No other politician has the guts to even bring it up let alone challenge the legality of it.

When congress is not allowed to see the gold in Fort Knox and we cannot see the books of The Fed then we have basically lost control of our very own economy.

Auditing the Fed is the first step in getting out of this mess.

Kelpdiver is right :o - Ron Paul is unelectable on account of the weirdness factor. We all understand that you and other weird people like him, but no way will he ever be elected.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Kelpdiver is right Shocked - Ron Paul is unelectable on account of the weirdness factor. We all understand that you and other weird people like him, but no way will he ever be elected.

Weirder things have happened, look at GWB for example.

If I was an uptight person I would call out your personal attack, but I know the tactic.

Find yourself up against a point you cannot refute, e.g.

The sinking US economy, collapsing dollar and the reasons it is happening.

Then you will attack anyone that suggests that the status quo will fail, this allows you to sleep comfortably at night 'thinking' everything is OK.

Then one day you will be in a position where Ron Paul’s warnings will not seem so 'fringe' and 'Far Out', then all of a sudden it will be like..

Yeah we knew that was going to happen all along...

WMD’s anyone?

LOL. I can rest assured that the PNAC has already failed, they are too foolish, arrogant an haphazard to accomplish their ambitions.
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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And this, in a nutshell, is why Ron Paul is basically irrelevant. His followers keep drifting into ridiculous notions like impending Chinese invasions

Ron wants to defend our borders not the borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I don't think for a minute that china is gong to invade, but it is something that we should all consider.

We have been flexing our muscles for a long time, now it is their turn.

But you are correct; this tangent has gotten way off topic.

The primary reason I am voting for Ron is his open dialogue about the Federal Reserve.

No other politician has the guts to even bring it up let alone challenge the legality of it.

When congress is not allowed to see the gold in Fort Knox and we cannot see the books of The Fed then we have basically lost control of our very own economy.

Auditing the Fed is the first step in getting out of this mess.

One major problem is that we have put ourselves in a position where historically the only way out is to default. This usually takes form of devaluating the currency to less than nothing (e.g., 1 Trillion Old Marks = 1 New Mark).

Being left holding the bag with a whole lot of worthless credits (it is all electronic, so "paper" is inaccurate), the Chinese are liable to be somewhat annoyed.

If the Chinese Government is stuck with the option of either trying to explain to 1.3 Billion constituents why their nest egg evaporated or trying to sieze assets in accordance with what they just lost, the latter option is likely more attractive.

Quite what will pan out and when I do not know, but I guarantee it will not be pretty, and nobody is going to walk away happy.

Auditing the Federal Reserve is pointless. The Fed is neither Federal nor a Reserve, and exists solely as an end run around the Constitution. The Constitution is specific regarding the Government issuing money backed by specie (gold & silver), so the Government "borrows" money from private lenders (the Fed) backed by nothing.

What's to audit?

It's like the old Polish joke about the Party worker inquiring about the potato harvest.

"Comerade Party Worker, the harvest will be twice as good as last year!"


"Comerade Farmer, could you be more specific?"

"Certainly, Comerade Party Worker - if you piled all the potatoes on top of each other they would reach the knee of God!"

"Ah, Comerade Farmer - but you know there is no God!"

"Yes, Comerade Party Worker - so you know there are no potatoes!"

In any event, getting the Fed to agree to play by the rules is not an optimal solution, since the instution was created to circumvent the rules in the first place.

Then again, come to think of it, there is no solution. We have over 300 million people - a great number of whom have no capacity to produce anything ever - who are dependent upon the importation of a variety of goods to include 15 million barrels a day of oil (that we can not pay for) just to get through the day, we are already in debt to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars per household (and counting) and there is no plan on either side of the aisle to even stabilize the situation.

We are royally screwed, any way you cut it.

The fact that you have people sweating whether or not gays can marry (who cares?) or whether people can smoke pot or not (who cares?) or how cow farts contribute to Climate Change (tm) (who cares?) when we face terminal conditions is akin to rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic.

Yes, she's the biggest thing that has ever set sail. Yes, we've been reassured that she's unsinkable/too big to fail. No, there is not a lot you can do about it now that events have been set in motion - the end result is pretty much a given.

At any rate, regardless of whether we continue to send thieving idiots to Washington or we mend our ways and send only sage and responsible representatives, the damage is done and it is not surviveable.

Enjoy yourself - it's later than you think.



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Then again, come to think of it, there is no solution. We have over 300 million people - a great number of whom have no capacity to produce anything ever - who are dependent upon the importation of a variety of goods to include 15 million barrels a day of oil (that we can not pay for) just to get through the day, we are already in debt to the tune of a quarter half of a million dollars per household (and counting) and there is no plan on either side of the aisle to even stabilize the situation.

Enjoy yourself - it's later than you think.



fixed that for you ...;)

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Then again, come to think of it, there is no solution. We have over 300 million people - a great number of whom have no capacity to produce anything ever - who are dependent upon the importation of a variety of goods to include 15 million barrels a day of oil (that we can not pay for) just to get through the day, we are already in debt to the tune of a quarter half of a million dollars per household (and counting) and there is no plan on either side of the aisle to even stabilize the situation.

Enjoy yourself - it's later than you think.



fixed that for you ...;)

Yeah, well I knew it was more than I could count on all my fingers and toes...

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One major problem is that we have put ourselves in a position where historically the only way out is to default. This usually takes form of devaluating the currency to less than nothing (e.g., 1 Trillion Old Marks = 1 New Mark).

Being left holding the bag with a whole lot of worthless credits (it is all electronic, so "paper" is inaccurate), the Chinese are liable to be somewhat annoyed.

If the Chinese Government is stuck with the option of either trying to explain to 1.3 Billion constituents why their nest egg evaporated or trying to sieze assets in accordance with what they just lost, the latter option is likely more attractive.

Quite what will pan out and when I do not know, but I guarantee it will not be pretty, and nobody is going to walk away happy...

Wow, what a terrific post. I am glad there are actually people here with rational thoughts that can assess the situation to its true extent. Thank you for being you.

I still believe auditing the Fed is the first step.


Auditing the Federal Reserve is pointless. The Fed is neither Federal nor a Reserve, and exists solely as an end run around the Constitution. The Constitution is specific regarding the Government issuing money backed by specie (gold & silver), so the Government "borrows" money from private lenders (the Fed) backed by nothing.

What's to audit?

It is owned by ruthless banksters that have essentially ripped off the entire world with false claims.

If it was audited publicly then we would KNOW that it is all just a farce. Then ‘Susan and Thomas’ that have been too busy watching American Idol may get a glimpse of the truth as well.

Then we can have a chance at a real revolution, get rid of the corporate criminals ‘Marcellus Wallace style’ (get medieval on yo ass:D), create a real democratic voting system and have a go at starting again.

I agree that we are fucked which ever way we look at it but ignoring it will not make the ramifications any better I can assure you.

If we just ignore it, then they get away with it.

I'm sure there are all sorts of financial sidesteps protecting the assets of these ruthless yet talanted people, but who cares... Put them in a stock and throw rotten tomatoes at them... Once they are dead, their assets will be useless to them.

Actually I reconsider what I believe the first step is,

Step 1,Bring the Boys (and girls) HOME!!!

Step 2, Audit the Fed.

Too many lives lost... for what?
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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The Constitution is specific regarding the Government issuing money backed by specie (gold & silver), so the Government "borrows" money from private lenders (the Fed) backed by nothing.

Section 10 of Article one states that a State cannot pay debt with anything other than gold/silver coinage. Unless I missed somewhere where it says the federal govt are restricted to the same rules, I see it as an ability for the federal govt to allow any form of currency.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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