
Islamic Extremism - Another perspective

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I know that many of us like to go on about Islamic extremists and the current terrorist threats, but this story really highlights the effects on the nearest and dearest.

I know the media rarely pick these stories up as it goes against the popular theme of every Muslim is out to get us.

Finally remember the context for the UK police before attacking their behaviour. This was before July the 7th and some 5 or 6 years after 9/11. Sure it was a cock-up to let the guy leave the country but I am guessing that the threat posed by him was pretty small.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I know that many of us like to go on about Islamic extremists***

I dont know about you, but personally I get so tired of people using what a few psychotic stone age freaks do *(statistically speaking) to generalize what an entire religion is about.

not all are out to get us.
not all want to take over the world.
not all debase women.
The koran is no more evil than the bible, both have been used *(and still both are used for evil) - both should be used for toilet paper.

I dont hate anyone for what they are or believe. I hate some for what they do, and the terrorists use methods that are so evil and cowardly that it boggles the mind to think that they believe that their cowardly attacks will buy them entry into nirvana... talk about rev jim jones gullible... [:/]

those commiting the atrocities need to quit wasting our oxygen and just die - no, I am not the turn the other cheek type and I will never apologize for that fact.

while I am on my freaking soapbox here, I will add other things I hate *(you wanted to know...admit it):P

1) apologists... those idiots that want me to feel bad for what my ancestors did. - think slavery, I didnt own any slaves and my foster brother and best friend is black... so on this I cannot be termed a racist * oh, I am sure someone could throw that at me, and is likely to do so but it wont fly

2) people who dont understand what illegal means - I have many mexican friends - not hispanic... where the fuck is hispania anyhow? my friends dont particularly like illegals either, they give those that made the effort to immigrate legally a bad rep.

3) anyone who flies their flag over the American flag on our soil... who the fuck are they? if they love their homeland so much that they would go against their new homeland then why are they here - rhetorical question people. $$$

4) morons who deny the holocaust existed.

5) politicians who lie....**** holy shit I hate all politicians!!!:D

6) Australians... just the men though, that freaking accent...damn - do you think they know how that affects American women? fuckers...:P *(Aussie women though...."woooohooo" gotta love them :)
7) anyone who feels the need to put "American" after their race designation.... if your an American just be a goddamn American, take race out of the fucking issue, this would probably go a long way to alleviating race issues, quit making yourself out to be different and *special* we are a goddamn melting pot so just melt in would ya? - ok, I dont hate the people who do this, it just disgusts me.

holy wall of text batman... rant over:ph34r:


Disclaimer* all the above is really my thoughts, however the tequila may or may not have had the "drifting off thread" effect - flame on, I wear nomex

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Well, first of all, you premise is out of "reality". 5 or 6 years after 9/11 would be 06' or 07'. Knowing that the London bombings took place on 05 (of course, but I would assume you did not know that).

You obviously, have not seen their work firsthand, or how they cripple their societies. It is indeed never reported in any news media. That part I can agree with you 100%.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Well, first of all, you premise is out of "reality". 5 or 6 years after 9/11 would be 06' or 07'. Knowing that the London bombings took place on 05 (of course, but I would assume you did not know that).

You obviously, have not seen their work firsthand, or how they cripple their societies. It is indeed never reported in any news media. That part I can agree with you 100%.

Ok my bad for some reason I thought our attacks happened after the event. So perhaps the police should have treated it more seriously based on current events. My main point still stands though - there are "other" victims in this that don't get to make the news. This guys own family notified the police to try and get help - that takes more guts than alot of people have.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Yes, current events. We stopped hearing from muslim terrorist bombings around the world. We saved the world, for the children.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Yes, current events. We stopped hearing from muslim terrorist bombings around the world. We saved the world, for the children.

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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