
Bill Maher Disses Jon Stewart Sanity Rally:

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It cracks me up that the left dis the Talking heads (Beck, Rush.etc), of the right, then follow proffesional Comedians, for "their" lead!:S

people can see when someone is leading them down a path and not reporting the facts if they choose too or are smart enough (doesn;t take that much smarts). Its actually not that hard if you have not blindly decided to agree with what ever they say. Its called fact checking.

When you blame Obama (as your misinformation gods do for every thing) for things that happened when he was not even in the office that is fucking retarded and who ever blindly believes it is fucking retarded.

Dates, times, things, opnions that people have said (like some of your gems on here) show what people are made of. And Beck and Rush are full of shit. They have stupid sheep who are nothing but ignorant uninformed people who just want to hear the same shit there racists grandpa use to say get spewed on air.

The sad part is Rush and Beck, and your Queen Palin use people like you to become millionaires as they persuade you to vote against the interest of your self and the people you care about.

As for Bill I love hearing anyone say intelligent things, and yes I have found that comedians tend to express the concerns of society in a much more open way.

So yes I think his point is correct.
As an independent who used to believe in some republican principles, all I see is ignorance from people like you. All that hate the facts that so many who claim to be patriots were willing to shit on the constitution when it became convenient for them, the fact that the republican have done nothing but waist time on their party lines.

The biggest issue for me. The amount of people that I used to believe were rational republican who have once again attempted to rationalize racism and ones like you who clearly show it have made me realize your party is lost and taken over by the lowest common denominators.

Now go head with your one liner so you can feel good about your self, or maybe turtle can jump in this time.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Try and read my words slowly , since I have told you a number of times yet you keep claiming Otherwise!

Remember read slowly, absorb the words..

"I do NOT listen to either Beck Or Rush"!

Yet here you are reporting on proffesional Comedians, Like they are the Gods of Politics!:S

Please stop posting lies about me, I believe that is making personal attacks!

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It cracks me up that the left dis the Talking heads (Beck, Rush.etc), of the right,

WOW this is what you said right?

you refferd to them as the talking heads of the right.

Let me ask you this do you consider your self a lefty?.................yea i didn;t think so.


Please stop posting lies about me, I believe that is making personal attacks!

As with your "facts" just because you belive it does not make it true.

I gave you the reasons why who you reffer to as talking heads are full of shit.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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It cracks me up that the left dis the Talking heads (Beck, Rush.etc), of the right,

WOW this is what you said right?

you refferd to them as the talking heads of the right.

Let me ask you this do you consider your self a lefty?.................yea i didn;t think so.


Please stop posting lies about me, I believe that is making personal attacks!

As with your "facts" just because you belive it does not make it true.

Now go find some more negative posts about muslims to post.

I wonder how the world would look if I listed all the crimes that people do like so

Instead of man rapes woman, or man kills child or whatever horrible act that I see and focus on the religion of the person who was doing more then the fact that just maybe this person is violent and an ass hole regardless of their religion.

Seriously imagine if every thing in the news all the murders, child molesters, killers, and thieves were mentioned with there religion first.

ROFL, nice try at spinning the conversation, you must have followed the liberal arguement video!

You prove yourself wrong, so try to spin it off to another totally different subject!:S

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The amount of people that I used to believe were rational republican who have once again attempted to rationalize racism and ones like you who clearly show it have made me realize your party is lost and taken over by the lowest common denominators.

I'm unsure of your claim that republicans are rationalizing racism.

Your 2nd point about the republican party being lost as the lowest common denominator? I see only young, bright, charismatic republicans at every turn. Folks like Paul Ryan, Tim Palenty, and African American republicans like Allen West, Mike Steele, and Tim Scott, not to mention the Latinos Marco Rubio, Sanchez, NM's Suzana Martinez. and sandovo among others.

These are dynamic conservative leaders that believe in smaller government, less spending, personal repsonsibility, and fiscal policies that ensure that local state and federal government spends less than they take.

As far as up and coming democrat leaders? Well we've got Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerry Brown.

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4 different people (as long as they aren't banned right now) are going to blow out an eyeball with your post

on the left, do you have any real names that are analogous to the new kids in the Rep party

I'm really hoping both parties clean up, not just the one that's not leading all the time

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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These are dynamic conservative leaders that believe in smaller government, less spending, personal repsonsibility, and fiscal policies that ensure that local state and federal government spends less than they take.

If they could stick to that WOW would that be great or what.


When you add in the attempts by the same people on social issues that look all the world like the POPE and religious leaders are leading them around by the nose.. then we get problems.

You said personal responsibility how about that personal responsibility stopping at the end of your nose and keep said nose out of other people lives.

Legislating peoples morality as the religious right ( a HUGE part of the BASE of the GOP) does on a daily basis scares the fuck out of me. YOUR religious beliefs have no place being encoded as the rule of law.

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Legislating peoples morality as the religious right ( a HUGE part of the BASE of the GOP) does on a daily basis scares the fuck out of me. YOUR religious beliefs have no place being encoded as the rule of law.

I'm with you there. Many NKOB Rebublicans are hardly moderate :(. And I was unhappy with the last administrations's spending and social policies.

And I was pretty much making the observation that the repubs voted in are not a bunch of 'old rich white men'. Instead it's a youthful mix of latinos, hispanics, african american, and some hot chicks. It could easily be the other way, there are plenty of college-aged bleeding hearts out there dying to send your paycheck to my neighbor and her kids.

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