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Whooo hooo - 8 in a row . . . but still can't defend the whole OBAMA tax cut thread.

Sad really.[:/]

Glad you can now count to 8, here's my defense of tax increases:


Considering it took the US 8 years longer than the rest of the world is great evidence to that which you support

By the way, not working today?

I wrote:

Wonder why? http://www.fsmitha.com/h2/ch15wd3.htm

Rememebr, the GD started here and was worse here than in Europe, so that little fact may have slipped your guess.

- Sweden's industrial production fell no more than 10 percent from its peak in 1929. And its unemployment rose no higher than 12 percent.

Nevertheless, the relatively hard times in Sweden resulted in a loss of power for the incumbent conservatives. In September 1932 the Social Democrats were elected to power. But Sweden would recover faster. This was the result of both a liberal monetary policy and public spending. A reduction in taxes for the average wage earner gave him more money to spend. A raised minimum wage increased the ability of low-income people to spend money. The government increased investments in public works. Federal money was pumped into unemployment insurance, medical care and old age pensions. The government willingly created a deficit, believing that it was emergency spending that would be paid back after the recovery. And with recovery being rapid and revenues increasing as a result of the rising economy, the deficits were quickly overcome.


- Recovery in Britain slower than Sweden's

The world's economic depression caught the Labour Party running the government, and some folks in Britain blamed Labour Party politicians for their economy's poor performance. Their vote helped to send more Conservatives to parliament, and a new government of national unity was formed -- a coalition of Labour and Conservatives.

The overall result kept Britain's economy from falling as far as did the U.S. and German economies. Britain's economy hit bottom in 1932, and its recovery was slower than Sweden's. In 1935, Britain's industrial output returned to its 1929 level, and its unemployment returned to 10 percent -- twice as high as Sweden's.

So Britain installed more conservatives and utilized those policies and the recovery as slower. Ya, you really make good arguments.

So to summarize, the GD started here, hit us far worse than other countries, yet European nations who didn't realize teh mess we did recovered a little sooner as a rule. The more socialism and liberasl who were in charge meant sooner recovery. Yep, great arguments for me, thank you. Now give me your one-liner response and we'll be good.

Uh, took us 8 years longer? When do you consider the start and stop for the US and for Europe? Me thinks you're not all here.

Not working today?

- http://www.bea.gov/...l/gdp/gdp_glance.htm Not fast enough? Not working?

- http://data.bls.gov/...eries_id=LNS14000000

Not working? Not fast enough? What would be acceptable?

Finish your arguments for once, IK'm tired of making u look silly.

So the countries that elected liberals who raised taxes and/or spend stimulus recovered faster.

1) Explain how when Hoover did nothing for 2 1/2 years the thing got worse and worse and worse, until he and FDR raised taxes and started programs, then the thing flipped around.

2) Explain how when Reagan cut taxes the amount that Harding/Coolideg did, the debt went crazy as it never had before, ESP IN A TIME NOT OF WAR.

3) Explain how when GHWB and Clinton raised taxes the mess turned around and a surplus was left, budget balanced and debt virtually horizontal.

4) Explain how when GWB cut taxes the economy, a great economy, went to shit.

5) Explain how when Eisenhower and teh congress left taxes at 91% top brkt with massive cold war spending, Korea War spending, teh debt actually fell 3 of his 8 years and the years it rose it was minimal.

See, there are the issues you have to address or, as usual, look silly.

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I didn't even bother to read anything you wrote lucky. All of that BS doesn't change the fact that Obama is raising taxes by allowing the Bush Tax cuts expire. He said no one's taxes who make less than $250,000 a year will go up and now he has found a way to back door his promise and blame it on bush.

Instead of raising taxes, why can't he cut spending. there are 2 ways to balance a budget. I would be happy with a small tax increase and a budget cut, but instead he is blowing through money like a drunken sailor.

Most drunken sailors I know will usually stop drinking after they run out of money though.:S

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I didn't even bother to read anything you wrote lucky. All of that BS doesn't change the fact that Obama is raising taxes by allowing the Bush Tax cuts expire. He said no one's taxes who make less than $250,000 a year will go up and now he has found a way to back door his promise and blame it on bush.

Instead of raising taxes, why can't he cut spending. there are 2 ways to balance a budget. I would be happy with a small tax increase and a budget cut, but instead he is blowing through money like a drunken sailor.

Most drunken sailors I know will usually stop drinking after they run out of money though.:S

That is because the bar tender won't serve them after it is know that that sailir has no more money . . . but Hey - lets just put the bill on the credit card!
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