What's the plural form of "anus"?

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Also P.S Lucky IS a yank.

is that a PA? Oh... you're saying he's a yank as in yankee... I thought you meant he was a ...

well anyway.

Is it hard to figure out that he meant Yankee? [:/]

You are such a victim B|
wait, it that a PA???:S

How am I a victim? That isn't even sensible in a sarcastic sense? :S

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Also P.S Lucky IS a yank.

is that a PA? Oh... you're saying he's a yank as in yankee... I thought you meant he was a ...

well anyway.

Is it hard to figure out that he meant Yankee? [:/]

well let's just say that when I think of you and the word "Yank", yankee doesn't come to mind immediately.

Well, ya have to spell things out for some people. BTW, what "IS" Hitler doing right now?

you hadnt heard? he was cloned and is hanging out in peru.

grammar nazi :P

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The Medicare system is not enough, we need something better. With all of the money that we are spending Importing everything because it is too expensive to manufacture here in the US we could be using that Tax Revenue to pay for a better system.

It's only too expensive due to US corps finding labor cheaper, we need to punish US companies that export work.

It's the punishing that made them export the work in the first place.



I am not sure what to do about this as I do not have a good answer.

Raise the top tax brkt to 70%+ as it was since the mid 1930's until fascist pig Ronnie slammed it down to 28%. No more overnight millionaires, but at least we can pay down the debt.

So we can have the millionaires export their money - brilliant.



I do believe that our President Obama has screwed up the National Debt to a point that not even the Chinese will buy our bonds anymore.

Yea, sep since the debt was 10.6T when Obama inherited it, >8T was under Reagan, Bush, Bush and the 2 Republican runs inherited a very stable debt picture and left a total mess, GWB was the worse with a total banking and mortgage failure.....so I guess you're right, Obama hasn't fucked up the debt.

41% of Bush's TOTAL debt increase in 14% of the time.


Rich people hold 93% of all cash and 85% of all cash and asset, so yea, rich people fund most things where distribution gives everything to the rich.

--- and ---

Well, yes, in a fascist nation where corporations control the money, write the laws, etc. You nailed it: corporations control everything. In socialism / quasi-socialism the gov controls things for the benefit of the people; a much better system where we don't throw ourselves in front of the train and beg the corps to throw on the brakes out of the kindness of their imaginary hearts.

Make up your mind, will you? Oh, and like you say immediately below - show us the numbers.


Wasn't it 2700 pages? Either way, what does it take? You give us some long, emotional appeal instead of hard facts. Show us the numbers. Where is your long appeal about people w/o HC for years or for people like my GF with Crones Disease who has worked for the Sheriff for 30 years and can't retire due to her pre-existing condition and the insurance issues/costs? Your emotional appeal and waving dead GI's on this page was strictly for emotional leverage; do you think we can't see that?

---and ---
Yep and it becomes harder to pay for medical svs, so the bill will bring some relief.

This is more emotional appeal garbage to make us want to not only match the rest of the world with military spending, but to double what we now have.

And the bits from YOUR little screed above, aren't? I like how you toss the g/f issue in, when you've already been shown different.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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