Yet another peer-reviewed study

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"LONDON — A major British medical journal on Tuesday retracted a flawed study linking the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism and bowel disease.

The retraction by The Lancet comes a day after a competing medical journal, BMJ, issued an embargoed commentary calling for The Lancet to formally retract the study. The commentary was to have been published on Wednesday..."


"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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"LONDON — A major British medical journal on Tuesday retracted a flawed study linking the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism and bowel disease.

The retraction by The Lancet comes a day after a competing medical journal, BMJ, issued an embargoed commentary calling for The Lancet to formally retract the study. The commentary was to have been published on Wednesday..."


So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

Yes. So when "science" creates its own religion and politics, the "science" may say "sorry" about its errors but the religion and politics based upon it remain.

Thus, when scientists play the political card, matters become political and legal fact. Once that happens, science may reverse itself but the events it sets into motion are more difficult to stop.

Political and legal fact, John. Political and legal fact.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

Yes. So when "science" creates its own religion and politics, the "science" may say "sorry" about its errors but the religion and politics based upon it remain.

Thus, when scientists play the political card, matters become political and legal fact. Once that happens, science may reverse itself but the events it sets into motion are more difficult to stop.

Political and legal fact, John. Political and legal fact.

I don't get the distinction you're trying to make by putting quotation marks around the word "science".

In any case, errors are almost guaranteed in any endeavor, be it scientific, political, legal, religous, athletic, intellectual, unique, or mundane.

The more widely an erroneous concept is propogated, the more difficult it is to retract. However, this does not mean that we should withhold all findings, on the basis that they might be in error. You go with "this is what I think, based on the information at hand, and subject to change as the body of information grows."

(drink Mountain Dew)

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So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

Yes. So when "science" creates its own religion and politics, the "science" may say "sorry" about its errors but the religion and politics based upon it remain.

Thus, when scientists play the political card, matters become political and legal fact. Once that happens, science may reverse itself but the events it sets into motion are more difficult to stop.

Political and legal fact, John. Political and legal fact.

I don't get the distinction you're trying to make by putting quotation marks around the word "science".

It's "OK", he's "just" practicing his "lawyer" skills on "us".

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"LONDON — A major British medical journal on Tuesday retracted a flawed study linking the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism and bowel disease.

The retraction by The Lancet comes a day after a competing medical journal, BMJ, issued an embargoed commentary calling for The Lancet to formally retract the study. The commentary was to have been published on Wednesday..."


So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

Ah! But religion and politics are self correcting.
For example.....
Religion: "We can't explain it" is corrected by "God works outside man's scientific laws."
Politics: "We screwed up" is corrected by "its for the best in the long run".
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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"LONDON — A major British medical journal on Tuesday retracted a flawed study linking the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to autism and bowel disease.

The retraction by The Lancet comes a day after a competing medical journal, BMJ, issued an embargoed commentary calling for The Lancet to formally retract the study. The commentary was to have been published on Wednesday..."


So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

......and AGW
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

Yes. So when "science" creates its own religion and politics, the "science" may say "sorry" about its errors but the religion and politics based upon it remain.

Thus, when scientists play the political card, matters become political and legal fact. Once that happens, science may reverse itself but the events it sets into motion are more difficult to stop.

Uh, this study was always controversial and mostly disbelieved. It never achieved consensus, though there are many parents of autistic children that will view the removal of the study as a problem as well. Just because they can't prove the association with mercury doesn't mean it isn't there. But if so, it must be a weak connection that doesn't affect most children.

While the surge in ADD kids seems artificial to me, I think it's harder to write off the growth in diagnosed autistics as contrived. Something is driving it, or maybe it's multiple causes. Certainly it would be good to find the culprit(s) as one of the consequences is a mistrust of vaccinations and a lower use of them, alllowing vanquished diseases to return.

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So? Science IS self-correcting, unlike religion and politics.

Ah! But religion and politics are self correcting.
For example.....
Religion: "We can't explain it" is corrected by "God works outside man's scientific laws."
Politics: "We screwed up" is corrected by "its for the best in the long run".

Those aren't corrections. Those are each's MO.

Politics is self-correcting eventually though. This process usually involves a violent revolution.

Religion may very well have a monopoly on never getting things right.

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