
I suppose this is Bush's fault too?

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I dont care who is in office. This shit can NOT be sustained!!!



Report: Obama to Propose $3.8 Trillion Budget

The president will send a nearly $4 trillion budget to Congress Monday, The New York Times reported Saturday.

President Obama is expected to send a $3.8 trillion budget to Congress on Monday for the coming fiscal year, according to The New York Times.

Obama's budget would increase financing for education and for civilian research programs by 6 percent and provide cash-strapped states $25 billion, the newspaper reported.

The proposal comes as the president seeks to impose a three-year spending freeze on domestic spending not related to national security or entitlement programs.

The budget proposes increases for programs at the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Energy Department, according to the newspaper.

The fiscal budget looks to cut projects of the Army Corps of Engineers and scrub NASA's plan to return astronauts to the moon.

National security, veterans programs, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security would be exempted from the cuts.

Holy going broke batman.... ...[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You have been around SC long enough to know that EVERYTHING is Bush's fault and Clinton did it first.

Holy Mr Obvious Batman, I forgot!!:P

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I dont care who is in office. This shit can NOT be sustained!!!

There is a lot of things mentioned, and I assume you do not object to all of them (like having veterans programs exempted from the cuts). What exactly you are objecting to?
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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I dont care who is in office. This shit can NOT be sustained!!!

There is a lot of things mentioned, and I assume you do not object to all of them (like having veterans programs exempted from the cuts). What exactly you are objecting to?

The spending total
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I dont care who is in office. This shit can NOT be sustained!!!

There is a lot of things mentioned, and I assume you do not object to all of them (like having veterans programs exempted from the cuts). What exactly you are objecting to?

The spending total

Right, if McHoover were elected we could enjoy the Great Depression again.

Tx cuts, my friends.....

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Obama's budget would increase financing for education and for civilian research programs by 6 percent and provide cash-strapped states $25 billion, the newspaper reported.

My state has sold off government buildings including prisons to pay the bills, what do you want to happen?

I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered; you know what that's worth.

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I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered

There is a simple solution, CUT SPENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can list all kind of things to cut. Don't spend more than you take it. PERIOD!

Cutting spending ONLY does as little as raising taxes ONLY. It's gotta be a balancing formula of both. During the Bush-2 Admin, there were huge tax cuts that benefited mainly the wealthy. There was also astronomical spending on Iraq (the Wrong War), to the detriment of our mission in Afghanistan (the Right War). Reverse those wealthy-benefiting tax cuts and slash spending on Iraq already. That will pay for a hell of a lot of the increase in spending to help out human beings at home. It's not just "spend less", it's also "take in more".

Incidentally, the freeze on discretionary spending should save about another $250 billion.
Oh, and extra parking meters in California. Big up-tick right there.

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I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered

There is a simple solution, CUT SPENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can list all kind of things to cut. Don't spend more than you take it. PERIOD!

OK, please give us a list, along with the $$ amount that each will save,

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Obama's budget would increase financing for education and for civilian research programs by 6 percent and provide cash-strapped states $25 billion, the newspaper reported.

My state has sold off government buildings including prisons to pay the bills, what do you want to happen?

I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered; you know what that's worth.

The solution (yours anyway) is to find more ways to take more money from those who earn it and give it to states to fund their uncontrolled spending and give away programs.

The solutions is way to simple for you to understand I guess but I will list it anyway


Note: I did not say eliminate but you tell me why gov has to "grow" at a rate faster than inflation or population in many cases.

You bigger government types make me sick.

Ya, I know what things are worth!!! YOU dont have any clue at all
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Obama's budget would increase financing for education and for civilian research programs by 6 percent and provide cash-strapped states $25 billion, the newspaper reported.

My state has sold off government buildings including prisons to pay the bills, what do you want to happen?

I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered; you know what that's worth.

The solution (yours anyway) is to find more ways to take more money from those who earn it and give it to states to fund their uncontrolled spending and give away programs.

The solutions is way to simple for you to understand I guess but I will list it anyway


Note: I did not say eliminate but you tell me why gov has to "grow" at a rate faster than inflation or population in many cases.

You bigger government types make me sick.

Ya, I know what things are worth!!! YOU dont have any clue at all

Give us a list of the spending cuts you propose, with the $$ you would save.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered

There is a simple solution, CUT SPENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can list all kind of things to cut. Don't spend more than you take it. PERIOD!

But of course not military spending, 8 times that of #2 and virtually matching the rest of the world, not counting Iraq/AFG spending, is fully acceptable, right?

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But of course not military spending, 8 times that of #2 and virtually matching the rest of the world, not counting Iraq/AFG spending, is fully acceptable, right?

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

It's that spending you so decry that's given our troops the weapons, comms and other gear that makes them so effective - I suppose you'd rather have them using Vietnam-era gear, instead.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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But of course not military spending, 8 times that of #2 and virtually matching the rest of the world, not counting Iraq/AFG spending, is fully acceptable, right?

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Why is it necessary to prepare to fight the entire rest of the world, including your allies?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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But of course not military spending, 8 times that of #2 and virtually matching the rest of the world, not counting Iraq/AFG spending, is fully acceptable, right?

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Why is it necessary to prepare to fight the entire rest of the world, including your allies?

You didn't seem to have a problem with the spending when you were bitching about HMMWV armor a couple years back.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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But of course not military spending, 8 times that of #2 and virtually matching the rest of the world, not counting Iraq/AFG spending, is fully acceptable, right?

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Why is it necessary to prepare to fight the entire rest of the world, including your allies?

You didn't seem to have a problem with the spending when you were bitching about HMMWV armor a couple years back.

Priorities don't exist in your world? Humvee armor (cheap) was to protect against a real enemy, not an incredibly expensive defense against imaginary ones.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Priorities don't exist in your world?

Sure they do - that's why I support the military spending that's given us things like the drones that let us perform recon without risking our troops.

Obviously, you have a different opinion.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Cutting spending ONLY does as little as raising taxes ONLY.

RWers are deaf to this concept, the very concept they brag about but do the opposite of. Clinton followed this process and repaired the economy after fascist Ronnie.


During the Bush-2 Admin, there were huge tax cuts that benefited mainly the wealthy.

Nothing compared with fascist Ronnie. He cut taxes from the top brkt of 70% to 28% over 6 years in 3 hacks. GWB cut them from 40% to 35%, so GWB's issues were more of massive irresponsible spending more than tax cutting. And people will cite the war, but it only accounted for 15% of the 5T in debt increase incurred under him and his corrupt regime.


There was also astronomical spending on Iraq (the Wrong War), to the detriment of our mission in Afghanistan (the Right War).

Both were a joke, but not that economically devastating as they comprised only 15% of his dirty work.


Reverse those wealthy-benefiting tax cuts and slash spending on Iraq already. That will pay for a hell of a lot of the increase in spending to help out human beings at home. It's not just "spend less", it's also "take in more".

Of course.

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I love all your criticisms yet no solutions rendered

There is a simple solution, CUT SPENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can list all kind of things to cut. Don't spend more than you take it. PERIOD!

OK, please give us a list, along with the $$ amount that each will save,

Don't wait up late.

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Priorities don't exist in your world?

Sure they do - that's why I support the military spending that's given us things like the drones that let us perform recon without risking our troops.

Thanks for making my point. Drones are INexpensive compared with the F35 program or a missile shield



Obviously, you have a different opinion.

Yes, I do. We don't need F35s when what we already have is superior. We didn't need B1Bs during the Reagan administration or later, or the $billions wasted on Star Wars.

We piss away $trillions on the military when we could spend 1/3 as much and still be #1 by far.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The solution (yours anyway) is to find more ways to take more money from those who earn it and give it to states to fund their uncontrolled spending and give away programs.

Yea, mega-rich people earn their 100M salaries. Nazizona is not a charity state, so you once again spoke (wrote) with no information.



But not the corporate giveaway programs. Not the massive military waste, right?


Note: I did not say eliminate but you tell me why gov has to "grow" at a rate faster than inflation or population in many cases.

It has to grow at a rate commensurate with population growth and inflation to break even. Of course your party doesn't get that, it grows at several times that rate, as with Reagan and GWB, right? Or do you have a BS rationalization for that too?


You bigger government types make me sick.

Your bigger government application, as per the people you elect, make me sick. See, you claim I want to grow gov while you elect people who do just that under the guise of smaller gov. You're a walkign contradiction who runs when called on it.


Ya, I know what things are worth!!! YOU dont have any clue at all

If I have no clue, then explaoin:

- You claim a smaller gov

- Vote for people who promise a smaller gov

- Those representatives triple debt figures, turn surpluses to deficits.

- Yet you clammer I'm wrong, don't know what I'm talking about and pretend you want a smaller government when in fact, by your electoral actions, you must want the bigger government as the guys you elect constantly do just that.

I won't expect a comprehensive reply.

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But of course not military spending, 8 times that of #2 and virtually matching the rest of the world, not counting Iraq/AFG spending, is fully acceptable, right?

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

It's that spending you so decry that's given our troops the weapons, comms and other gear that makes them so effective - I suppose you'd rather have them using Vietnam-era gear, instead.

Assuming the war is worth fighting, which I don't, but I do support the troops just as my party does, which is why Obama said vet benefits are off limits. Now, the war amounted to 15% of teh 5T debt increase, so explain the other 85% considering the economy was descent when your idiot inherited it, the debt increase was virtually horizontal and there was a 236B surplus.

I won't expect a direct answer, perhaps a strawman.

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Priorities don't exist in your world?

Sure they do - that's why I support the military spending that's given us things like the drones that let us perform recon without risking our troops.

Obviously, you have a different opinion.

Why do we need to match the world in defense spending. No mike, bakc to that question - quit wandering; WHY DO WE NEED TO MATCH THE WORLD IN DEFENSE SPENDING? Other countries spend virtually nothing and have no issues.

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