
Hands of the Doomsday Clock to move Thursday

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3) If full-scale, Fallout 3-style nuclear war happens, will one of these guys have the dedication to stay at the office and change the clock to midnight?

That should be Fallout 3 expansion pack mission.

:D Hee-hee. I like it. B|

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Maybe they're adopting Doomsday Savings Time. They'll move the clock back 1 hour until global temperatures start going back down.

Post of the Decade Award!:D:D:D:D:D:D

Well, the decade is young; but thank you.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Since the BAS was founded by those who were part of the Manhattan Project, obviously their focus was primarily on the threat that the types of weapons they developed could pose to the world.

Do you think that since the BAS has included other issues (such as biosecurity, civilian nuclear development and climate change), it has somewhat 'muddied' the true meaning of the Doomsday Clock? Are there too many factors to make it the indicator it once was?

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Do you think that since the BAS has included other issues (such as biosecurity, civilian nuclear development and climate change), it has somewhat 'muddied' the true meaning of the Doomsday Clock? Are there too many factors to make it the indicator it once was?

Personally, I strongly disagreed with the inclusion of anthropogenic climate change in the 'Doomsday Clock' determination. I understand the stated reasons & can speculate on some un-stated ones; I just disagree for reasons that are more similar to what you wrote and others.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
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So what do you think – does the apparent nuclear program of Iran, DPRK’s two alleged nuclear tests, ending of START, and the renaissance in nuclear energy (w/accompanying reprocessing risks) mean the clock should be moved closer to midnight? Or why not?


Some one is worried about it. The Department of Defense along with the AMA, is now training Veterinarians how to respond to nuclear, biological and or toxicological events. They are telling us that the local health care systems will break down almost immediately and that they want us to step up and help. They gave the optimistic prediction of some major event with in the next 10 years.

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Some one is worried about it. The Department of Defense along with the AMA, is now training Veterinarians how to respond to nuclear, biological and or toxicological events. They are telling us that the local health care systems will break down almost immediately and that they want us to step up and help. They gave the optimistic prediction of some major event with in the next 10 years.

Yes, lots of folks from BAS to DoD to DHS to Congress to HHS to State public health departments to local first responders are concerned about the potential threat & consequence management following an intentional nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological (CBRN) terrorist incident; accident involving toxic industrial chemicals (TIC) or nuclear material, or a natural disaster like pandemic. Herding cats as a metaphor is probably a gross simplification.

Who specifically told you “the local health care systems will break down almost immediately”? That is not an official DoD position or any federal agency of which I am aware; it’s actually outside the jurisdiction of Title 10 forces except in extraordinary instances. Doesn't mean that someone currently or formerly affiliated with the DoD might not say it. It is also scaremongering, imo. It's overwhelmingly a State/Commonwealth and local function. I've seen some areas, Omaha NE and New York City as two example, that are, imo, very well-prepared and have drilled (not just 'table-top' exercises) ... and other areas that are less prepared. It's a local thing not federal, and I understand how easy & why so many folks focus on the federal level rather than State and local level. Trying to impact one big system (federal) rather than 51 smaller ones is also a strategic choice.

The 10 year number is probably from the latest Report of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism.

And yes, there are National Veterinary Response Teams (NVRT). Those teams are part of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). There also are (Veterinary) Medical Reserve Corps. HHS also has an interagency agreement with the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps in the event of an incident that activivates the National Response Plan under HSPD-10 as part of Emergency Support Function (ESF) #8 response – Public Health and Medical Services.

Veterinarians are one group of individuals who have been discussed informally by lots of folks to be called upon for a variety of reasons, from responding to terrorism directed at agricultural to a reserve capacity of individuals with basic medical training. I am not, however, aware of anything that’s policy at the federal level to do what I’m reading you’re suggesting: mass mobilization of veterinarians. I’m quite confident someone, somewhere has proposed it. Might not be a bad idea. Much of emergency response is led and controlled from the local and State level, so Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) may have plans like that in place.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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Interesting. They specifically mentioned the election of President Obama and his willingness to work with other nations on both nuke issues and climate issues.

I'm not a big Obama fan, but I agree that there is no way we can go on doing what we please without considering what the rest of the world does.

But "Six Minutes To Midnight" just doesn't have the same "ring" to it as Two Minutes does (YouTube)
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Who specifically told you “the local health care systems will break down almost immediately”? That is not an official DoD position or any federal agency of which I am aware; it’s actually outside the jurisdiction of Title 10 forces except in extraordinary instances. Doesn't mean that someone currently or formerly affiliated with the DoD might not say it. It is also scaremongering.

I can't remember the persons name, somebody from the Department of Defense. They used Atlanta as an example and showed how a nuclear strike would take out most of the hospitals in the area. They spent an hour of the weekend conference talking about the breakdown of medical services in a large scale emergency. Another point they made, I found interesting, was that for the first 72 hours after an emergency the " YOYO " protocol would be in effect. As far as scaremongering, that point was mild compared to some of the other things they talked about.

YOYO - You're On Your Own

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Who specifically told you “the local health care systems will break down almost immediately”? That is not an official DoD position or any federal agency of which I am aware; it’s actually outside the jurisdiction of Title 10 forces except in extraordinary instances. Doesn't mean that someone currently or formerly affiliated with the DoD might not say it. It is also scaremongering, imo. It's overwhelmingly a State/Commonwealth and local function. I've seen some areas, Omaha NE and New York City as two example, that are, imo, very well-prepared and have drilled (not just 'table-top' exercises) ... and other areas that are less prepared. It's a local thing not federal, and I understand how easy & why so many folks focus on the federal level rather than State and local level. Trying to impact one big system (federal) rather than 51 smaller ones is also a strategic choice.

Wow, "cover your ass" must be really ingrained.

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