
Jessica Lynch

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I forget the story of that hard fighting US soldier who was so mistreated by the Iraquis after her capture.
I also can't quite remember every heroic detail of her rescuers' efforts.

Can anyone refresh my memory?



Maybe I missed it, but what was the point of this thread?

Stay positive and love your life.

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So how does that translate to animosity towards Lynch, who at a minimum earned her purple heart? Say what you want about the media and the politicians but calling her a failure is disrespectful to all who serve.

Hey rock... don't be a rock!

Before you accuse me of saying she was a failure, be sure to read who the hell wrote that. I was stating the fact that I can see where he might perceive that because of the bias media.

Hey, chimp, read it again. I never accused you of anything, I was commenting on the person who said it.

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[reply"Accomplishments from 2001 thru present as shown via Wiki.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Afghanistan_(2001%E2%80%93present) Now you and I both know that regardless what you read on this link from Wikipedia, you will see the glass half empty on this war and I will see the glass half full. Perception is reality."

Here's a bit o' reality for you SkyChimp, from the link you provided;"..."the deputies agreed that the United States would seek to overthrow the Taliban regime through more direct action."[32]... "an article published in March 2001 by Jane's, a media outlet serving the military and intelligence communities, suggests that the United States had already been planning and taking just such action against the Taliban six months before September 11, 2001. "

Let's see .., six months before 9-11 is just about the time the natural gas pipeline negotiations with the Taliban broke down.
They wanted more money than we were willing to pay to allow Unocals' pipeline to run through Afghanistan and into Pakistan.

According to the link you provided 9-11 wasn't "THE REASON" for the invasion of Afghanistan, it was an excuse.

All of those people are dead for a pipeline .



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So how does that translate to animosity towards Lynch, who at a minimum earned her purple heart? Say what you want about the media and the politicians but calling her a failure is disrespectful to all who serve.

Hey rock... don't be a rock!

Before you accuse me of saying she was a failure, be sure to read who the hell wrote that. I was stating the fact that I can see where he might perceive that because of the bias media.

Hey, chimp, read it again. I never accused you of anything, I was commenting on the person who said it.
My apologies brother.... Chimp was being a Baboon.:S

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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Cliff, the fact that the wiki link showed information about the media and their suggestions/opinions does not erode our accomplishments. The link showed success by the invasion and other reports about the invasion. Wiki is not opinionated, just objective on facts and other's opinions if expressed. You are suggesting we struck over oil and I am suggesting that we struck over two trade towers collapsing at the hands of Allah.

All of those people are not dead over a pipeline. Do you remember paying $4.65 per gallon in July of 2008 for 87 octane fuel?? If it was a pipeline issue we would have bombed all members of OPEC last year or lift the ban to drill off shore. This isn't Watergate where we have an inside conspiracy. We actually witnessed commercial airliners fly into New York buildings and it didn't stop there..... We've had Anthrax attacks on government officials and members of the media. We've had an Egyptian gunman open fire at an airport ticket counter in Los Angeles. We've had John Allen Muhammad open fire on the beltway killing 10 people with a sniper rifle. Even before 9/11 we had the terrorist bombing on the USS Cole killing American Sailors.

Last but not least, a mention from you on innocent people in Afghanistan being killed. I'm seeing a lot of people killed in the middle east by IED's and bombs planted on motorcycles, cars and suicide bombers, not so much from Nato forces. We are not involved in a war on "oil" Cliff, this whole world is at a war on terrorism. See below.....











Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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All of those people are dead for a pipeline .

How's that project coming, cliff? Surely if the US could pull off the 9-11 hoax, it would be a piece of cake to get that pipeline built in the last 8 years. So, where's my cheap Turkmeni gas?

Or maybe it's not about a pipeline...hmmm.

- Dan G

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Roger that Airborne on the REMF status. One of her friends, a Native American girl did fight and paid a price for her as did the cats who were rocki'n with the 60 etc... However, it's not her fault with the reporting. The propaganda war machine lied to create support for the War and attempted to make her look like a hero. They also lied about Tillman which really chaffs my ass. More than that was a lack of situational awareness by those troops who fired on him. They didn't know he was there because they weren't informed that he was there (he and his squad, platoon, whatever). No excuse at all by our leaders on the ground.

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Cliff, the fact that the wiki link showed information about the media and their suggestions/opinions does not erode our accomplishments. The link showed success by the invasion and other reports about the invasion. Wiki is not opinionated, just objective on facts and other's opinions if expressed. You are suggesting we struck over oil and I am suggesting that we struck over two trade towers collapsing at the hands of Allah.


Listen, SkyChimp, I see you put a lot of faith in the veracity of the information on wikipedia.
I wonder if you've ever explored the Congressional Record much?

You might find interesting a transcript from that source dated Feb.12 1998 and titled 48–119 CC








The entire record may be an eye opener but especially enlightening could be the testimony around pg 30-36.

Of course, I realize that it may be easier to serve the military if you really do believe that your buddies are dying and being physically and mentaly wounded to protect America from some "terrorist threat".

Happy reading,


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All of those people are dead for a pipeline .

How's that project coming, cliff? Surely if the US could pull off the 9-11 hoax, it would be a piece of cake to get that pipeline built in the last 8 years. So, where's my cheap Turkmeni gas?

Or maybe it's not about a pipeline...hmmm.

Ya know Dan,
Im flabbergasted that the military has failed to clear the proposed pipeline route of "terrorist threats".
Especially as the deal for construction was signed shortly after the invasion began.
Darn those pesky Afghanis!


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You sure about that? Last I heard the deal was never even finalized between Unocal and the Afghan government. Maybe your sources are better than mine. Of course, your sources say that GWB brought down the twin towers, so maybe they're not so good after all.

Why am I bothering? Your ideas are complete shit.

- Dan G

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You sure about that? Last I heard the deal was never even finalized between Unocal and the Afghan government. Maybe your sources are better than mine. Of course, your sources say that GWB brought down the twin towers, so maybe they're not so good after all.

Why am I bothering? Your ideas are complete shit.


"An agreement has been signed in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, paving the way for construction of a gas pipeline from the Central Asian republic through Afghanistan to Pakistan.

The project has been around for some years
The building of the trans-Afghanistan pipeline has been under discussion for some years but plans have been held up by Afghanistan's unstable political situation.
This follows a summit meeting bringing together the presidents of the three countries last May when the project received formal go-ahead.

The pipeline would represent the first major foreign investment in Afghanistan in many years.

Alternate route

With improved regional security after the fall of the Taleban about a year ago, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan have decided to push ahead with plans for the ambitious 1,500-kilometre-long gas pipeline.

Pakistan will be the terminus for the pipeline
The leaders of the three countries have now signed a framework agreement defining the legal aspects of setting up a consortium to build and operate the pipeline.
The trans-Afghanistan pipeline would export Turkmen gas via Afghanistan to Pakistani ports, from where it could reach world markets.

India is the largest potential buyer and the Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, said Delhi was welcome to join the project.

Turkmenistan has some of the world's greatest reserves of natural gas, but still relies on tightly controlled Russian pipelines to export it.

Ashgabat has long been desperate to find an alternative export route.

Wary investors

Afghanistan would profit by receiving millions of dollars in transit fees and construction of the pipeline would provide thousands of desperately needed jobs.

It is also hoped such a project would boost regional economic ties and pave the way for further foreign investment.

The chief difficulty will be actually finding the money to build the pipeline.

The Asian Development Bank is carrying out a study for the project.

But investors will be very cautious about putting serious money into Afghanistan when the central government in Kabul still has only limited influence in the regions the pipeline would cross. "


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The leaders of the three countries have now signed a framework agreement defining the legal aspects of setting up a consortium to build and operate the pipeline.

My point is contained in your link. They signed an agreement about coming up with an agreement.

There is no pipeline. If that were the reason for the US invasion, don't you think we'd have made more progress on it by now? The only people going on about a pipeline are the conspiracy nutjobs who think we never landed on the moon, GWB brought down the Towers, JFK was killed by the mob, and Pamela Anderson's tits are real. I know critical thinking is not the strong suit of conspiracy theorists, but try real hard.

- Dan G

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Last but not least, a mention from you on innocent people in Afghanistan being killed. I'm seeing a lot of people killed in the middle east by IED's and bombs planted on motorcycles, cars and suicide bombers, not so much from Nato forces.


Terrorists and car bombers?
Like these?

"The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as “members of the SAS elite special forces”
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm ).

They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. "



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[replyThere is no pipeline. If that were the reason for the US invasion, don't you think we'd have made more progress on it by now?

Unfortunately the US Government and Military haven't learned lessons of history.
There is a reason Afghanistan has been reffered to as "The Graveyard of Empires".
The fact is that it a very difficult people and region to defeat and even harder to hold.

In the long run it probably would have been much cheaper and quicker to have just paid the Talibans' negotiated price .
The "carpet of bombs" doesn't seem to be working so well ,does it?



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Terrorists and car bombers?
Like these?

"The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as “members of the SAS elite special forces”
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm ).

Your link to the BBC article is no good. A search using the supposedly quoted sentance is not fruitful. Care to try again with your link?

- Dan G

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You'll love this:


The piece at the end: "But the argument that these are the main motivations behind US actions, not the desire to stamp out international terrorism, will probably find support mainly among those who already have a fondness for conspiracy theories."

Doesn't it resonate? Still, the key question needing asked is exactly why are we in Afghanistan? I reckon I can come up with at least 4 fairly different answers with official quotes and links that've been issued over the years. . .

Taking into account the variety of the official government policy of at least the USA & UK, coupled with blatant and ridiculous government lies - who can blame anyone of being sceptical?:)

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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You sure about that? Last I heard the deal was never even finalized between Unocal and the Afghan government. Maybe your sources are better than mine. Of course, your sources say that GWB brought down the twin towers, so maybe they're not so good after all.

Why am I bothering? Your ideas are complete shit.

Come on Dan, what else do you expect by now.....after all Cliffwhite is....

SUPERTROLL!!!! :P -------------(please don't feed the trolls.) ;)

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Yeah i agree her friend (Lori) and the others did their jobs.
And the powers that be used her for pure propaganda!
She was no super soldier but just another inadequatly trained r.e.m.f.
However she was also not in a firing position (Turret or leaning against door weapon out)
Sitting in the midde of the back in a vehicle maunuvering that aggresivly her best role would have been to distrubute ammo.
Which she did not do! like i said remf!!!
But i really don't expect supply clerks in maintenance companies to react like COMBAT soldiers.
As for being unable to clear her weapon. Again it goes back to training.
Combat soldiers are far more likely to maintain their weapons then remfs!
And in a dessrt enviromant that is APSOLUTLY CRITICAL!!
Failure to do so is almost a gaurantee for a malfunction.
And not all malfunctions are clearable simply by pulling the charging handle back.
Sometimes you have to rod it. Again back to training can you spell remf.
But such acttions are typical of remfs! So like i said she WAS NO SUPER SOLDIER. JUST ANOTHER REMF!!
But she also was not responsiable in any way for how she was used.
What really pissed me off was the same people who used her fucked her rescuers.
And i gaurantee that breach of opsec (releasing the video) was NOT a milatary decision!!
Ther are only two units in the U.S. Milatary which were created primarily for hostage rescue.
Which is a mission they almost never do. This is not world war two you don't need a camera man with a big bulky caamera on his shoulder to get combat footage.
Video of that mission would be apsolutly priceless to those units for after action review!
So of course it's going to be filmed!!
But is not for public disemanation!!!!!
And yeah the Tillman incident was a FUCKING DISCRASE!!

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Last but not least, a mention from you on innocent people in Afghanistan being killed. I'm seeing a lot of people killed in the middle east by IED's and bombs planted on motorcycles, cars and suicide bombers, not so much from Nato forces.


Terrorists and car bombers?
Like these?

"The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as “members of the SAS elite special forces”
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm ).

They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. "


Oh I get it....... so you mean for the last decade of terrorism attacks worldwide like showed in the earlier post of mine are nothing but British operatives. WOW, I should have known that 007 and "M" were behind the Twin Towers.

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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Taking into account the variety of the official government policy of at least the USA & UK, coupled with blatant and ridiculous government lies - who can blame anyone of being sceptical?:)

No reason to be sceptical vortexring.
We found nookular weapons in Iraq and chemical and many of Al-Queidas' ties and even a cumberbund or two.

OK , none of those were found but .., well .., uh .., they killed some US soldiers so we should stay there and whoop IRAQUI ASS!!!!! They are "insurgents"!!!

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Terrorists and car bombers?
Like these?

"The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as “members of the SAS elite special forces”
(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/424614.stm ).

They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. "


Oh I get it....... so you mean for the last decade of terrorism attacks worldwide like showed in the earlier post of mine are nothing but British operatives. WOW, I should have known that 007 and "M" were behind the Twin Towers.

Not the towers but MI6 and 5 were behind the 7-7 subway bombings.


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