
Christians vs. Religious Church Goers

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I assume you'll want the government to pick up the community programs and charities. You think it's a good thing churches are going away, why? Because Christians have caused you and this country so much harm or just because you don't agree with their beliefs?

Yes, yes and yes.

Religious fundamentalism is a disease. Luckily it's one that has already lost the war of ideas to science. Unfortunately, it's going to take some time to clear up the mess, but it'll happen.

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America's Christian heritage is both rich and deep. What most historians and educators refuse to acknowledge, our forebears understood clearly: it was mostly Christians and churches that formed and shaped the new land that became known as the United States of America.

When the opening statement contains that big of an error, you know the rest of the article is going to be pretty flawed.

America was founded by people looking for ways to make their fortunes. A few people like the Pilgrims came along as well, but for the most part religion played almost no part whatsoever.

What did? Tobacco, Pine Tar, Rum, Slaves, Sugar, Fur, Gold . . .

History, I believe, has been re-written by secular humanists. Who could expect otherwise. The profit motive of educators mandates re-writes.

You got it wrong as hell there scooter. Its the religious right that has ALWAYS rewritten history to suit their agenda. Hell the bible itself has been PROVEN to be a total fabrication of history in most of the important places.
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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America's Christian heritage is both rich and deep. What most historians and educators refuse to acknowledge, our forebears understood clearly: it was mostly Christians and churches that formed and shaped the new land that became known as the United States of America.

When the opening statement contains that big of an error, you know the rest of the article is going to be pretty flawed.
America was founded by people looking for ways to make their fortunes. A few people like the Pilgrims came along as well, but for the most part religion played almost no part whatsoever.
What did? Tobacco, Pine Tar, Rum, Slaves, Sugar, Fur, Gold . . .

History, I believe, has been re-written by secular humanists. Who could expect otherwise. The profit motive of educators mandates re-writes.

You're fooling yourself. Pretty much every US colony was set up by a group that had the word "Company" in its name.


It's a crying shame you are "preaching" history but seem to not know any.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So what can you tell us about Thomas Jefferson? As he was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, I've always felt he was of particular importance.

It is my understanding that he was a Deist and that his famous "separation of church and state" philosophy is contained a letter and not in the U.S. Constitution.

It was an explanation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Since he was around when the Bill of Rights was written and corresponded with James Madison on the matter, I'd put a lot of weight in his explanation. Madison, who was the main author of the Bill of Rights, also referenced a "total separation of church and state" on several occasions.

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Because Christians have caused you and this country so much harm or just because you don't agree with their beliefs?



Yes, via the propogation of ignorance, the rejection of knowledge, and subversion of the human spirit when it conflicts with their neolithic agenda.

Sort of like those promoting cap and trade, via the global warming myth?

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