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Not sure if it's been posted, but let me just say that sometimes Jon Stewart hits one out of the park.


What does it say that a political satire show is one of the few places that actually does, you know, hard-hitting journalism? All you get on the major networks is pundits who very obviously contradict themselves.

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Now raise your hand if you are surprised that she isn't allowed to talk to the media. Now do the same if you are surprised that McCain has canceled 3 interviews now because they wanted to talk about Palin during it. Same thing again now that Palin is "going back to Alaska for 2 weeks and won't be available for interviews." Of course we know she will be going to ground after that to prepare for the debates.

So basically no Palin outside of Hollywood scripted speeches for the next month.

It's almost like they have things they don't want to be confronted about that could make them look bad.
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Now raise your hand if you are surprised that she isn't allowed to talk to the media. Now do the same if you are surprised that McCain has canceled 3 interviews now because they wanted to talk about Palin during it. Same thing again now that Palin is "going back to Alaska for 2 weeks and won't be available for interviews." Of course we know she will be going to ground after that to prepare for the debates.

So basically no Palin outside of Hollywood scripted speeches for the next month.

It's almost like they have things they don't want to be confronted about that could make them look bad.

Like her answers on the questionnaire they tried to bury?:D

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Not sure if it's been posted, but let me just say that sometimes Jon Stewart hits one out of the park.


What does it say that a political satire show is one of the few places that actually does, you know, hard-hitting journalism? All you get on the major networks is pundits who very obviously contradict themselves.


THAT sure highlights some Grade "A" hypocrisy!

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I like Daily. His show is funny. But remember anyone with the correct equipment can do what he is doing.

Never cared much for Rove. And seriously comparing the Spears' to the Palins'...Bill's on the mark on that one. I haven't heard Sarah complaining about her treatment. Anyone have any examples?

I'm willing to bet he could do the same with lib media persons as well.
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Destinations by Roxanne

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I think you completely missed the point of the vid. as a matter of fact, he was almost sympathetic to Palin herself at the end.

Who he was calling out were the pundits themselves and their blatant self-contradictions. Bill wasn't comparing Spears to the Palins. He was judging one person and their family for teen pregnancy and giving another a pass.

Or are you saying that's OK? because the Spears are "poor white trash" and the Palins are not? Where's that elitism thread? LOL
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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I think you completely missed the point of the vid. as a matter of fact, he was almost sympathetic to Palin herself at the end.

Who he was calling out were the pundits themselves and their blatant self-contradictions. Bill wasn't comparing Spears to the Palins. He was judging one person and their family for teen pregnancy and giving another a pass.

Or are you saying that's OK? because the Spears are "Hollywood trash" and the Palins are not? Where's that elitism thread? LOL

No...the difference is the Spears' want that exposure...they thrive on it. I'm not fooled by the difference. You shouldn't be either.
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Destinations by Roxanne

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I think you completely missed the point of the vid. as a matter of fact, he was almost sympathetic to Palin herself at the end.

Who he was calling out were the pundits themselves and their blatant self-contradictions. Bill wasn't comparing Spears to the Palins. He was judging one person and their family for teen pregnancy and giving another a pass.

Or are you saying that's OK? because the Spears are "Hollywood trash" and the Palins are not? Where's that elitism thread? LOL

No...the difference is the Spears' want that exposure...they thrive on it. I'm not fooled by the difference. You shouldn't be either.

Eh? Britney's younger sister went out and got pregnant because the family wanted to be in the news?

You going to have to do better than that if you want to show that Bill-O was on the mark in blaming Jamie Spears' prents for her pregnancy, but not blaming Bristol Palin's parents for hers.
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I think you completely missed the point of the vid. as a matter of fact, he was almost sympathetic to Palin herself at the end.

Who he was calling out were the pundits themselves and their blatant self-contradictions. Bill wasn't comparing Spears to the Palins. He was judging one person and their family for teen pregnancy and giving another a pass.

Or are you saying that's OK? because the Spears are "Hollywood trash" and the Palins are not? Where's that elitism thread? LOL

No...the difference is the Spears' want that exposure...they thrive on it. I'm not fooled by the difference. You shouldn't be either.

Eh? Britney's younger sister went out and got pregnant because the family wanted to be in the news?

You going to have to do better than that if you want to show that Bill-O was on the mark in blaming Jamie Spears' prents for her pregnancy, but not blaming Bristol Palin's parents for hers.

Look closer at the vid. She's standing there like some hollywood icon, papparazzi eating it up.
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Destinations by Roxanne

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I think you completely missed the point of the vid. as a matter of fact, he was almost sympathetic to Palin herself at the end.

Who he was calling out were the pundits themselves and their blatant self-contradictions. Bill wasn't comparing Spears to the Palins. He was judging one person and their family for teen pregnancy and giving another a pass.

Or are you saying that's OK? because the Spears are "Hollywood trash" and the Palins are not? Where's that elitism thread? LOL

No...the difference is the Spears' want that exposure...they thrive on it. I'm not fooled by the difference. You shouldn't be either.

But running for VP of the USA does not result in exposure? Didn't you see the entire Palin family on TV last week? What are you smoking?

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No...the difference is the Spears' want that exposure...they thrive on it. I'm not fooled by the difference. You shouldn't be either.


But running for VP of the USA does not result in exposure? Didn't you see the entire Palin family on TV last week? What are you smoking?

Result may be the same...I'm going towards intent. Big difference. I'm not saying the pregnancy was intentional, but the media circus surrounding it was most definitely. The Spears family profitted from the pregnancy. That was their intent.
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Destinations by Roxanne

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No...the difference is the Spears' want that exposure...they thrive on it. I'm not fooled by the difference. You shouldn't be either.


But running for VP of the USA does not result in exposure? Didn't you see the entire Palin family on TV last week? What are you smoking?

Result may be the same...I'm going towards intent. Big difference. I'm not saying the pregnancy was intentional, but the media circus surrounding it was most definitely. The Spears family profitted from the pregnancy. That was their intent.

Their intent? Are you a mindreader?

I thought the spin on the Palin pregnancy and media circus at the RNC was quite deliberately done to turn a lemon into lemonade.

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who cares what the intent of getting pregnant was (pretty judgmental to assume that spears' intent by getting pregnant was to get publicity). My guess is Spears didn't intent ANYTHING when she messed around with her boyfriend. But that isn't the point!

The point is, Bill O'Reilly thinks it's perfectly OK to blame one set of parents and judge them as "pinheads" but it's not ok to do the same for another set.

The point of my posting this is meant as a warning to not take what you see each day at face value, and to dig deeper and do some research. too bad most Americans won't do that.
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The point of my posting this is meant as a warning to not take what you see each day at face value, and to dig deeper and do some research. too bad most Americans won't do that.

Which, no doubt, is why the bogus smears circulating in chain emails about the candidates are running 20:2 against Obama. The GOP smear machine is in high gear.

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who cares what the intent of getting pregnant was (pretty judgmental to assume that spears' intent by getting pregnant was to get publicity). My guess is Spears didn't intent ANYTHING when she messed around with her boyfriend. But that isn't the point!

The point is, Bill O'Reilly thinks it's perfectly OK to blame one set of parents and judge them as "pinheads" but it's not ok to do the same for another set.

The point of my posting this is meant as a warning to not take what you see each day at face value, and to dig deeper and do some research. too bad most Americans won't do that.

You both didn't read my post. I never said she got pregnant to profiteer....but once she was they played Hollywood for all it was worth.

I also think it's OK to make that judgement. How many "pinhead" parents do you know?
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still missing the point.

If it's OK to make that judgment, then shouldn't it apply to others in the same situation? anything else is hypocrisy, which is the charge being leveled at Bill O'Reilly in this segment.

Oh, and to answer your question, I know a lot of pinhead parents. Apparently, the Palins are some of them, as are the Spears.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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who cares what the intent of getting pregnant was (pretty judgmental to assume that spears' intent by getting pregnant was to get publicity). My guess is Spears didn't intent ANYTHING when she messed around with her boyfriend. But that isn't the point!

The point is, Bill O'Reilly thinks it's perfectly OK to blame one set of parents and judge them as "pinheads" but it's not ok to do the same for another set.

The point of my posting this is meant as a warning to not take what you see each day at face value, and to dig deeper and do some research. too bad most Americans won't do that.

You both didn't read my post. I never said she got pregnant to profiteer....but once she was they played Hollywood for all it was worth.

I also think it's OK to make that judgement. How many "pinhead" parents do you know?

And the GOP didn't play the Palin pregnancy for all it was worth? Weren't you WATCHING?

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You both didn't read my post. I never said she got pregnant to profiteer....but once she was they played Hollywood for all it was worth.

You're still going to have to help me here - what does that have to do with it not being hypocritical to blame Spears' parents for her pregnancy but not attach any blame to Palin for her daughter's pregnancy?


I also think it's OK to make that judgement.

But it's not OK to judge Palin?:S
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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can you be more specific because I must not have been watching?

Well, you certainly weren't paying attention if you missed all the "family values" talk, and hugs from McC.

Pregnant teenagers suddenly morphed from "slut" to "family value icon" in about 1 hour flat.

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I would call what they did more of a downplay rather than.....

And the GOP didn't play the Palin pregnancy for all it was worth?

They didn't hide it. They didn't make excuses. They simply said,"this is us, imperfections and all." Commendable really.

Spin on spin - very good.;)

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And the GOP didn't play the Palin pregnancy for all it was worth? Weren't you WATCHING?

Maybe I missed that part. I never heard any of the speakers commending her for her daughter's pregnancy. I think you're confusing the media with the GOP here.
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