
Sexual Abuse Plagues US Schools

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Students in America's schools are groped. They're raped. They're pursued, seduced and think they're in love.

An Associated Press investigation found more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions from bizarre to sadistic.

There are 3 million public school teachers nationwide, most devoted to their work. Yet the number of abusive educators - nearly three for every school day - speaks to a much larger problem in a system that is stacked against victims.

Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action. Cases investigated sometimes can't be proven, and many abusers have several victims.

And no one - not the schools, not the courts, not the state or federal governments - has found a surefire way to keep molesting teachers out of classrooms.


One report mandated by Congress estimated that as many as 4.5 million students, out of roughly 50 million in American schools, are subject to sexual misconduct by an employee of a school sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade. That figure includes verbal harassment that's sexual in nature.


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how many of the 4.5 million are willing boys?

All a girl has to do is say 'rape' or 'sexual misconduct' and the teacher is toast.

I see motives in the counting here.

Good point. Back in HS me and my buddies always hoped we would get a hot teacher that was hot for student. Never happened though.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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how many of the 4.5 million are willing boys?

Let's say it's half. That still means each girl has a 10% chance of being target during her school years.

Are you okay with that?


All a girl has to do is say 'rape' or 'sexual misconduct' and the teacher is toast.

If you say so.

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how many of the 4.5 million are willing boys?

Let's say it's half. That still means each girl has a 10% chance of being target during her school years.

Are you okay with that?

Let's say it's 1/10. Just as useful a made up number. Sorry, I don't group 'verbal harassment' in the same category, esp when it's not even from a proper citation.

See, your tactic is exactly my complaint. You (well, your side) made up a nice horrible value, implying that 10% of girls suffer a horrible sexual experience in school. It's looks as fishy as the 30 kids a day getting killed by guns type stuff, with the 23 year old kids.

The only real numbers here involve 1440 (80% of 1801) students over 5 years, against 3 million teachers. More kids get shot and die in their cars.

So what do you do about this risk? You be parents and teach your daughters how to deal with this, because it's going to be far more of a concern when they start dating. Treating them as helpless victims doesn't do them service.


All a girl has to do is say 'rape' or 'sexual misconduct' and the teacher is toast.

If you say so.

You want to deny that reality? Expelling every teacher even suspected of impropriety will have its own consequences.

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The seven-month investigation found 2,570 educators whose teaching credentials were revoked, denied, surrendered or sanctioned from 2001 through 2005 following allegations of sexual misconduct.

Following allegations of sexual misconduct? (And if the article's figure of 3,000,000 teachers is correct, that number doesn't strike me as particularly high, especially over 5 years. The article as a whole reeks of sensationalism as far as I can see)

Having friends who teach, and hearing stories of people who've lost jobs as a result of giving a crying child a hug, or a congratulatory pat on the back, I wonder what the definition of abuse is.

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I was talking about the article in the OP. Based on your posts, you don't seem to have read it. You seem more intent on making this about girls crying "wolf" or school boy fantasies.


Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action. Cases investigated sometimes can't be proven, and many abusers have several victims.


The seven-month investigation found 2,570 educators whose teaching credentials were revoked, denied, surrendered or sanctioned from 2001 through 2005 following allegations of sexual misconduct.

Young people were the victims in at least 1,801 of the cases, and more than 80 percent of those were students. At least half the educators who were punished by their states also were convicted of crimes related to their misconduct.


Jennah Bramow, one of Lindsey's accusers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, wonders why there isn't more outrage.

"You're supposed to be able to send your kids to school knowing that they're going to be safe," says Bramow, now 20. While other victims accepted settlement deals and signed confidentiality agreements, she sued her city's schools for failing to protect her and others from Lindsey - and won. Only then was Lindsey's teaching license finally revoked.

As an 8-year-old elementary-school student, Bramow told how Lindsey forced her hand on what she called his "pee-pee."

"How did you know it was his pee-pee?" an interviewer at St. Luke's Child Protection Center in Cedar Rapids asked Jennah in a videotape, taken in 1995.

"'Cause I felt something?" said Jennah, then a fidgety girl with long, dark hair.

"How did it feel?" the investigator asked.

"Bumpy," Jennah replied. She drew a picture that showed how Lindsey made her touch him on the zipper area of his pants.

Lindsey, now 68, refused multiple requests for an interview. "It never occurs to you people that some people don't want their past opened back up," he said when an AP reporter approached him at his home outside Cedar Rapids and asked questions.

That past, according to evidence presented in the Bramow's civil case, included accusations from students and parents along with reprimands from principals that were filed away, explained away and ultimately ignored until 1995, when accusations from Bramow and two other girls forced his early retirement. Even then, he kept his teaching license until the Bramows took the case public and filed a complaint with the state.

Like Lindsey, the perpetrators that the AP found are everyday educators - teachers, school psychologists, principals and superintendents among them. They're often popular and recognized for excellence and, in nearly nine out of 10 cases, they're male. While some abused students in school, others were cited for sexual misconduct after hours that didn't necessarily involve a kid from their classes, such as viewing or distributing child pornography.


The AP investigation found efforts to stop individual offenders but, overall, a deeply entrenched resistance toward recognizing and fighting abuse. It starts in school hallways, where fellow teachers look away or feel powerless to help. School administrators make behind-the-scenes deals to avoid lawsuits and other trouble. And in state capitals and Congress, lawmakers shy from tough state punishments or any cohesive national policy for fear of disparaging a vital profession.

That only enables rogue teachers, and puts kids who aren't likely to be believed in a tough spot.

In case after case the AP examined, accusations of inappropriate behavior were dismissed. One girl in Mansfield, Ohio, complained about a sexual assault by teacher Donald Coots and got expelled. It was only when a second girl, years later, brought a similar complaint against the same teacher that he was punished.

And that second girl also was ostracized by the school community and ultimately left town.

Unless there's a videotape of a teacher involved with a child, everyone wants to believe the authority figure, says Wayne Promisel, a retired Virginia detective who has investigated many sex abuse cases.

He and others who track the problem reiterated one point repeatedly during the AP investigation: Very few abusers get caught.

They point to several academic studies estimating that only about one in 10 victimized children report sexual abuse of any kind to someone who can do something about it.

Teachers, administrators and even parents frequently don't, or won't, recognize the signs that a crime is taking place

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Just like any other profession, if you look long and hard enough you will find perverts. Most teachers become educators with the idea of helping kids, and I have a ton of respect for most of them.

Many teachers are falsely acused by students. I'd like to see the statistics on that one. Many have even lost their career over a false accusation. If you are a male teacher you'd better not touch a kid ever. There are times when a student needs a hug, but you'd better not do that if you are a male. You should also make every effort not to be alone with a student.

Being a school counselor I talk with students individually, privately in my office. The possibility of a false accusation is always there. If you are accused your career may be over because there is always that doubt that you could be guilty. I've driven some suicidal students to the hospital in the past. I no longer do that. It's just too risky.

And yes, there are some sexually deviant people who do work in some schools. I know of two teachers who were fired for having a ton of porn on their computers. One of them had recently been nominated for teacher of the year. I've known a couple teachers who were released from their jobs for having affairs with high school girls....So, it does happen.

I'm surprised that John Stossel hasn't jumped on this. He's always looking for some kind of sensationalism.

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I was talking about the article in the OP. Based on your posts, you don't seem to have read it. You seem more intent on making this about girls crying "wolf" or school boy fantasies.


The seven-month investigation found 2,570 educators whose teaching credentials were revoked, denied, surrendered or sanctioned from 2001 through 2005 following allegations of sexual misconduct.

Young people were the victims in at least 1,801 of the cases, and more than 80 percent of those were students. At least half the educators who were punished by their states also were convicted of crimes related to their misconduct.

No, I read it, and this part above is exactly what I talked about. In 5 years, you have fewer than 1500 incidents involving students. 300 a year across the entire school population of America isn't remotely close to your alarmist claim that 1 in 10 girls would be harmed.

Are there bad teachers out there? Sure. But there are a lot of bad things out there, and it would seem that teachers are still far behind bad stepfathers and uncles.

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You seem pretty caught up in trying to dimiss this story.

I wonder why.

To me it was kind of a shock. Forget about the one part of the story that you so kindly labelled "alarmist", even though you have nothing back up your claim. I was more intrigued by:

"Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action."

"In case after case the AP examined, accusations of inappropriate behavior were dismissed. "

"Unless there's a videotape of a teacher involved with a child, everyone wants to believe the authority figure, says Wayne Promisel, a retired Virginia detective who has investigated many sex abuse cases."

"several academic studies estimating that only about one in 10 victimized children report sexual abuse of any kind to someone who can do something about it"

Yeah - you go on sticking with the view that only those cases where sexual abuse is proven is the only relevant factor.

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You seem pretty caught up in trying to dimiss this story.

I wonder why.

yep, you got me. I go to schools and chase girls.

Sheesh. I'm surprised you're not deaf from that whooshing sound.

I'll remember your stance when it comes to other topics where the propaganda doesn't favor your side.

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Detroit Rock City (the movie) said it best.........

"Dude, that's how horror movies start".........

"No way man, that's how porno movies start"...;)

I know by today's standards some may find this shocking, but I used to drink with some of my teachers and coaches over 20yrs ago.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Not a surprise to me. Had an affair with my teacher in High School. Never thought of it as being abuse...I actually thought I was one lucky kid.

I can see why more of it doesn't get reported.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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I'll remember your stance when it comes to other topics where the propaganda doesn't favor your side.

It's funny that you're attacking me considering your posts in this thread.

To summarize:

- mock the OP article
- further mockery of the OP and attack the poster
- cherry picking to suit your bias
- attack the poster

As far as I can tell, you had your panties in a wad about this from the get go... and you seemed intent on resorting to childish tactics throughout.

Go job. :P

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