
Congressman to Face Assault Charges

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Congressman Charged With Assault
Chantilly, Va. - Monday August 20, 2007 7:15 pm

Rep. Bob Filner is facing an assault and battery charge after an incident at Dulles Airport where he allegedly pushed an United Airlines bag claim employee as first reported by ABC7/Newschannel 8.

ABC 7's Jay Korff and Kris Van Cleave broke the story

Filner, a Democrat from California, allegedly attempted to enter an employees-only area on Sunday night.

Van Cleave spoke with several witnesses who said they heard Filner yell "You can't stop me," before pushing aside the employee and refusing to leave the office.

Filner disputed the account in a statement issued by his office.

"Congressman Bob Filner is on his way to Iraq, visiting our troops, and will have a full statement when he returns. Suffice it to say now, that the story that has appeared in the press is factually incorrect - and the charges are ridiculous," the statement said.

The encounter happened after Filner "experienced a delay in claiming his bag," according to a United Airlines statement. United said it regretted that delay and was cooperating in the investigation.

When airport police arrived Filner was waiting in the bag carousel area, Prebich said. Police interviewed him and witnesses and let him go. The incident occurred around 6 p.m.

The employee decided to press charges and appeared before a Loudoun County magistrate later that evening.

Filner was summoned to appear in Loudoun County General District Court on Oct. 2. Assault and battery is a Class 1 misdemeanor charge in Virginia.

Filner, an eight-term incumbent who chairs the Veterans Affairs Committee, has displayed flashes of temper in the past.

About a year ago, he hurled obscenities at two Veterans Affairs officials after a briefing about the burglary of a laptop with military personnel information. The VA officials termed the briefing a "publicity stunt," which angered Filner.

witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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It's about time someone stood up to those luggage losing fucktards!;)

Seriously though, on your way to Iraq and they lose your luggage with your bulletproof vest in it?:o:o>:(

Considering the police questioned him and let him go, it sounds like very little is know at this point.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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What officers do fairly often when they don't feel they have enough to issue a citation/make an arrest, they advise the complainant to go down to the magistrate and take out a warrant.

Because the officers weren't there to witness the assault, and there was probably no visible evidence, they told the guy that if he wanted to follow it up, he could go down to the magistrate. Apparently the guy did, and the magistrate agreed there was probably cause, and so there will be a trial.

And remember, "experienced a delay" in claiming his bag could be nothing more than he didn't get his first, or fast enough to suit him.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Could be... sure. If he was being a dick, I hope they nail his ass. I'm sure his political position won't allow him special treatment in this case.......[:/]

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Is this another case of airport workers are like God - if the air from your moving body touches them, it's an assault against America?

The fucking airport workers are on a higher plane of heaven than firefighters these days.

Or did he really step over a line?

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Or did he really step over a line?

If he tried to enter an Employee Only area, then he stepped over the line. I don't know if it is the employees responsiblity to stop him, but I would appreciate it if he did.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Until the toilets overflow:(, there's no excuse.

I don't care who you are, that was funny. The best thing I've read all day.

And thats coming from a conservitive, which by the way I hear we don't read all that much when compared to Liberals:( Must ponder this further...

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