
Everyone should know this Marines name.

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He broke international laws, was a war criminal, and deserved what he got helping to invade and occupy another country.

You need counseling.

I hope we never meet.

You need a lesson in basic moral truisms like what is right for one is right for all. A lesson in international law. A lesson in the role of the US military and a lesson in US foreign policy.

I hope we do meet.

Is there anything about the USA that you admire or consider worthy?

If you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

There are probably many things. You seem to be confusing government and military with culture and people.



That is why he posts anonymously, he knows what his views of many of us will get him, and it is not a cold beer.

I don't for one second think there is anything good about him, except that maybe he is an organ donor.

If you cannot acknowledge very basic universal truisms like do unto other as you would have them do unto you, then you don’t have a leg to stand on.

If you are in Iraq as a foreign occupier you are breaking the same laws that you hung Nazis for.


I am more than open about who I am, and proud of it. (a quick search on this site will give you all the info you need);)

The poster in question wants to be a hateful, communistic, anarchist, and denigrade the fallen.

Anarcho-syndicalist thanks


He would rather dishoner them after they have given their lives, but would never risk saying things like that to the face of his LIVING brothers in arms.

I have had face to face conversations, arguments and punch ons with military drones from my country and other countries, including a couple of meathead sailor boys from the US that make visits now and then. None of which I consider my brothers.


He might be pretty smug about his hateful views, but even soldiers of another country would not take kindly to his drivel.

Pointing out international laws and basic principles of morality are drivel, sure ok.


Only cowards disgrace the fallen, for they cannot speak for themsleves.

His actions are those of a true coward.

The guy was a criminal.


He also would be wise to stay the fuck away from me.

I would have no empathy for his sorry ass.

And what are you going to do?


At least we all now know what he is.

Too bad he is ashamed to state his real name.

*(he should be ashamed);)

I am pretty confident anybody I ever jumped with from my city would recognize me if they used this forum, my politics are no confined to the internet.



Regardless of the political, moral, or religious reasons we enter into combat the sacrifices of the warriors who fight those battles should never be cast aside.

Regardless of political reasons for war? So It is probably safe to say you have some posters of Soviet or SS troops on your walls at home?


For all who have not been "there" and ever for those who have take a second to curb your anger and hate to remember that those men and women on both sides are only fighting for their way of life.

Hahahahaha oh right that is why wars happen! People fight ‘for their way of life’. Jesus Christ.


It is not for us to judge who is right and who is wrong because in the end it does not matter.

Yes it is for us, the global population, to judge who is right and wrong. That is why things like international laws exist and if in the end it doesn’t matter then why does this thread exist at all.


Who will be remembered as being right will be the one that wins.

Who will be remembered as being right is the side that doesn’t break international laws and cause the deaths of 100,000s of people.




I am more than open about who I am, and proud of it. (a quick search on this site will give you all the info you need);)


Your profile does not seem very enlightening.


The poster in question wants to be a hateful, communistic, anarchist, and denigrade the fallen.

He would rather dishoner them after they have given their lives, but would never risk saying things like that to the face of his LIVING brothers in arms.

He might be pretty smug about his hateful views, but even soldiers of another country would not take kindly to his drivel.

Only cowards disgrace the fallen, for they cannot speak for themsleves.

His actions are those of a true coward.

He also would be wise to stay the fuck away from me.

I would have no empathy for his sorry ass.

I am sorry that a fine Marine and a fine young man is now dead on account of the arrogance, incompetence and venality of his CinC. Your anger would be better directed at the president who sent him on this sad and sorry mission.

His anger should be directed straight into a mirror for perpetuating a cycle of meatheaded bravado war culture. Where is the thread for the 100,000s of people your government has killed in Iraq alone? Oh you haven’t made one?

Yeah it is easy to look over the 10,000s of little Mohammad’s with their limbs ripped off from US “accidents” because they are Arabs and Muslims right? But when its some moron who joins the military because of 9/11 its time for a parade, a minute silence and some “simper fi bro! simper fi! Let me grab your tight arse and balls in the showers! Simper fi”

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You need a lesson in basic moral truisms like what is right for one is right for all. A lesson in international law. A lesson in the role of the US military and a lesson in US foreign policy.

Is there anything about the USA that you admire or consider worthy?

If you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

There are probably many things. You seem to be confusing government and military with culture and people.

Again, if you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

Or are you just going to stick with "I hate America" and "you just don't get it" approaches?

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You need a lesson in basic moral truisms like what is right for one is right for all. A lesson in international law. A lesson in the role of the US military and a lesson in US foreign policy.

Is there anything about the USA that you admire or consider worthy?

If you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

There are probably many things. You seem to be confusing government and military with culture and people.

Again, if you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

Or are you just going to stick with "I hate America" and "you just don't get it" approaches?

I will translate that even further seeing as you didn't get it

Here is what I have openly voiced my distaste for about the US

1. The government and military past and present
2. Its rising Christian fundamentalism

Assume from this that I like everything else about the US. Interestingly I also don't like those two things about a lot of other countries... almost all of them in fact.

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Again, if you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

Or are you just going to stick with "I hate America" and "you just don't get it" approaches?

I will translate that even further seeing as you didn't get it

Here is what I have openly voiced my distaste for about the US

1. The government and military past and present
2. Its rising Christian fundamentalism

Assume from this that I like everything else about the US. Interestingly I also don't like those two things about a lot of other countries... almost all of them in fact.

See... here's the thing... if all you ever do is bitch and moan and criticize any given topic, it's pretty difficult for others to understand that you have anything other than negative feelings about that topic.
Interestingly enough, you still haven't stated anything that you like about this country. Hmm.

You say you like everything, except our government and Christian fundamentalism. How about our capitalist system?... that exploits cheap labor in underdeveloped countries? How about our materialism? Excessive consumption and pollution? All good?

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Again, if you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

Or are you just going to stick with "I hate America" and "you just don't get it" approaches?

I will translate that even further seeing as you didn't get it

Here is what I have openly voiced my distaste for about the US

1. The government and military past and present
2. Its rising Christian fundamentalism

Assume from this that I like everything else about the US. Interestingly I also don't like those two things about a lot of other countries... almost all of them in fact.

See... here's the thing... if all you ever do is bitch and moan and criticize any given topic, it's pretty difficult for others to understand that you have anything other than negative feelings about that topic.
Interestingly enough, you still haven't stated anything that you like about this country. Hmm.

You say you like everything, except our government and Christian fundamentalism. How about our capitalist system?... that exploits cheap labor in underdeveloped countries? How about our materialism? Excessive consumption and pollution? All good?

Well I only made a list of what I can remember complaining about in this forum but now that you mention those things yes it is probably obvious I would also dislike them too.

I didn't realise I had to make compliment sandwiches given that it is a forum for political discussion (disagreement) but that is a novel idea and I will try it now

1 (bread) I really admire Eugene Debs
2 (meat) I really dislike the way your government has and still continuous to murder millions of people
3 (bread) Fox news is hilarious you guys make great comedy shows

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Again, if you have anything positive to say about this country, I'd love to hear it.

Or are you just going to stick with "I hate America" and "you just don't get it" approaches?

I will translate that even further seeing as you didn't get it

Here is what I have openly voiced my distaste for about the US

1. The government and military past and present
2. Its rising Christian fundamentalism

Assume from this that I like everything else about the US. Interestingly I also don't like those two things about a lot of other countries... almost all of them in fact.

See... here's the thing... if all you ever do is bitch and moan and criticize any given topic, it's pretty difficult for others to understand that you have anything other than negative feelings about that topic.
Interestingly enough, you still haven't stated anything that you like about this country. Hmm.

You say you like everything, except our government and Christian fundamentalism. How about our capitalist system?... that exploits cheap labor in underdeveloped countries? How about our materialism? Excessive consumption and pollution? All good?

Well I only made a list of what I can remember complaining about in this forum but now that you mention those things yes it is probably obvious I would also dislike them too.

I didn't realise I had to make compliment sandwiches given that it is a forum for political discussion (disagreement) but that is a novel idea and I will try it now

1 (bread) I really admire Eugene Debs
2 (meat) I really dislike the way your government has and still continuous to murder millions of people
3 (bread) Fox news is hilarious you guys make great comedy shows


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His anger should be directed straight into a mirror for perpetuating a cycle of meatheaded bravado war culture. Where is the thread for the 100,000s of people your government has killed in Iraq alone? Oh you haven’t made one?

Yeah it is easy to look over the 10,000s of little Mohammad’s with their limbs ripped off from US “accidents” because they are Arabs and Muslims right? But when its some moron who joins the military because of 9/11 its time for a parade, a minute silence and some “simper fi bro! simper fi!

I agree. Marines/army folks seem to be in love with macho bullshit, while discounting the very real impact of their actions.
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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If you are in Iraq as a foreign occupier you are breaking the same laws that you hung Nazis for.

No one hung for crimes against the peace/waging war of aggression solely,I think.
Karl Dönitz got ten years for it,though.

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