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"People who are really, really neat, between what it takes to be really neat at the office and at home, typically will spend anywhere from an hour to four hours a day just organizing and neatening," he said.

It reminds me of a giant refill bottle of Windex I saw at the store labeled, "Institutional Size" which I read to mean, "If you need this much Windex in your life..."

As far as organization at work, it really depends on what. On one hand, everything I create on my computer is very carefully filed with meaningful names, and I usually combine fragments of work into a more organized file structure before moving on to something else. On the other hand, I also carry a 3x5" notebook everywhere I go into which I pour random thoughts, notes from meetings, block diagrams, numbers and figures I want to remember, equations I've worked out, reference tables, etc. with absolutely no structure whatsoever.

In fact looking at it right now, and this is funny because for the life of me I can't remember why anymore, the pages are getting filled both from the front cover forward and the back cover backwards as I go.

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why smart people have messy/cluttered desks. Ironically, the desk in the story is a producer's desk; looks much like my own.

Neatness & organization, are signs of a twisted/distrurbed/troubled mind!:S:S:)
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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why smart people have messy/cluttered desks. Ironically, the desk in the story is a producer's desk; looks much like my own.

Neatness & organization, are signs of a twisted/distrurbed/troubled mind!:S:S:)


Ya' beat me to it! :D:D:D

I got in trouble once, for telling our secretary that! :D


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