
A cashless world!?

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I am not saying that credit cards are perfect. Not saying there are not better ways with significantly more effort. I am saying that (in Canada I guess) between cash, debit and credit, a credit card is the better way to go.

I would agree that credit cards are more secure than debit cards here in (we’re going to tax the shit out of you and give you little back in return) Canuckville. But the credit cards do have some big financial interest penalties if you don’t pay 100% of your balances every month and it is easy to lose track of your spending if you’re not disciplined.

So I have my uses for all three:

Credit Cards: used for large ticket items and some medium ticket purchases (like gasoline).

Cash: for small to medium priced items.

Debit: only used as a last resort when I don’t have the cash on hand and I don’t want to use the credit card for whatever reason.

In summary, I don’t buy into this cashless society trend since here in (yes they are continuing to tax the shit out of you and giving you little in return) Canuckville, fraud crimes among the traditional mafia, the biker gangs and now the ever increasing Asian and Eastern European gangs is on the rise and they are targeting debit cards as a prime place to prey upon the lemmings.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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During the depression the US Government (FDR) made it illegal to own gold. EO 6102 in 1933 (I think) it became illegal to stockpile gold.

Yup. I've heard of the Double Eagle coins becoming illegal as tender and had to be turned in.


The price of gold when you turned it in was about 20.00. Once the gold was turned in the Gov raised the price of gold to 35.00 and it remained that way until Nixon took the US off the gold standard

This was more of a failure of the Bretton-Woods act than anything else. Nixon allowed for the Dollar to "float" (be valued by the economy) rather than be a fixed value. The gold standard was actually finnished in the World in the thirties.

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