
Petraeus gets it

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Petraeus at a news conference today - "Any student of history recognizes that there is no military solution to a problem like that in Iraq." He emphasizes that the only possible solution lies in diplomacy and political negotiation, not more violence. I'm glad that a leader of his stature recognizes that; I'm only sorry his job entails running the military rather than determining policy.

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I love this from that site: "Petraeus suffered his second major military injury, when, during a training jump, his parachute collapsed at low altitude, resulting in a hard landing that broke his pelvis."

I saw it....It was not a collapse. He tried to stand up twice before we got to him and told him to stay down.

I think my actual words were..."Stay the fuck down....Uh, Sir!"

Later he gave me this: See attachment

All around a very smart guy. I liked being around/being led by him.

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From what he told me before he went back the second time, the Pres. wont force him out. He is thought to actually be the right guy, if they will let him ADVIZE the Civilian leadership on the region as he runs the military side in step with the diplomatic side of things.

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