
just like religon, the world could do without sports

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Think before you wish for something. You're into skydiving... correct? Isn't skydiving a ... sport? Since you are 'into' this sport, doe that mean you are retarded? Report back to us when you've sobered-up.;) Meanwhile, I'm goin' out after that atheist, rabble-rousin', war mongerin' gnome!:D


True true.........I have been called retarded before, so maybe there is something to that. It all kinda depends on how you define a sport, I know plenty of people that wouldn't consider skydiving, skateboarding, or snowboarding sports, most of them are military or ex military guys, but that's what I've been most exposed to the last 5 years. I was really more referring to mainstreem team sports like soccer, football, maybe even basketball and baseball. Don't know if what I'm writing now makes me more or less retarded, but at least I'm sober.;)


Glad to hear you are sober. I was having a bit of fun... at your expense:):D. I do agree though that, some folks really take their favorite sport seriously. Especially those wild and crazy Europeans and their football. Oh and some hockey fans when their team wins the Stanley Cup.


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True true.........I have been called retarded before, so maybe there is something to that. It all kinda depends on how you define a sport, I know plenty of people that wouldn't consider skydiving, skateboarding, or snowboarding sports, most of them are military or ex military guys, but that's what I've been most exposed to the last 5 years. I was really more referring to mainstreem team sports like soccer, football, maybe even basketball and baseball. Don't know if what I'm writing now makes me more or less retarded, but at least I'm sober.;)

So maybe what you're trying to argue is that the world might be better off without spectators.

The world is definitely better of with competitive sports, and any participatory sports, but as for those who just watch them from the couch, maybe not so good.

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True true.........I have been called retarded before, so maybe there is something to that. It all kinda depends on how you define a sport, I know plenty of people that wouldn't consider skydiving, skateboarding, or snowboarding sports, most of them are military or ex military guys, but that's what I've been most exposed to the last 5 years. I was really more referring to mainstreem team sports like soccer, football, maybe even basketball and baseball. Don't know if what I'm writing now makes me more or less retarded, but at least I'm sober.;)

So maybe what you're trying to argue is that the world might be better off without spectators.

The world is definitely better of with competitive sports, and any participatory sports, but as for those who just watch them from the couch, maybe not so good.

I think you're right, although the ones on the couches aren't the ones causing the problems, if they do at least it's in their own house:ph34r: we just need to get rid of the stadiums, that's where all the shit happens like people getting pushed down bleachers or starting fights out in the parking lot. I also forgot about hockey like the other guy mentioned, and I'd also get rid of all gnome related sports.B|
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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So maybe what you're trying to argue is that the world might be better off without spectators.

So either;

have no spectators = boring and no atmosphere


Arrest offending trouble makers and Ban them for life.

once a few have been banned then the others will decide what is more important, the riots or the football? if the want football they will behave and if they want riot they will go to a (North American) hockey game.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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So maybe what you're trying to argue is that the world might be better off without spectators.

So either;

have no spectators = boring and no atmosphere


Arrest offending trouble makers and Ban them for life.

once a few have been banned then the others will decide what is more important, the riots or the football? if the want football they will behave and if they want riot they will go to a (North American) hockey game.


I like your idea, in the Air Force everyone was punsihed for the stupidity of a few and I always hated that mentality, shame on me for doing the same thing, maybe there should just be really strict rules on trouble makers and then everyone else can enjoy the game without fear of getting hit in the head with a beer bottle.B|
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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