
Anti-Gun Mayor "Shoots Self in Foot"

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Feds shoot down Mike's gun suit

The federal government will not file criminal charges against any of the 15 out-of-state gun dealers accused by (New York's) Mayor Bloomberg in a federal lawsuit of selling guns illegally.

In a stern rebuke to the city's high-profile crusade against illegal guns, the feds warned the Bloomberg administration that it could face "potential legal liabilities" if it continues to conduct sting operations that fall within the jurisdiction of federal agents...

According to a letter sent to City Hall, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and various U.S. attorneys' offices have determined the city's findings against the 15 dealers "do not rise to a level that would support a criminal prosecution."

The letter... also scolded City Hall for engaging in sting operations involving persons "without proper law enforcement authority," saying that could put the city in legal jeopardy. Battle added that City Hall could "unintentionally interrupt or jeopardize" criminal probes...

Source: New York Daily News

Don't hold your breathe waiting for the mainstream media to tell this story...

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As I read it, the issue the Feds had was not the investigation itself, but rather the unsound methodology behind it (using private citizens for law enforcement tasks).

Dirty dealers who knowingly allow straw purchases should be busted, IMO, but it shouldn't be done by private eyes.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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In a stern rebuke to the city's high-profile crusade...

...the feds warned the Bloomberg administration that it could face "potential legal liabilities" if it continues to conduct sting operations that fall within the jurisdiction of federal agents...

...the city's findings against the 15 dealers "do not rise to a level that would support a criminal prosecution...

...also scolded City Hall for engaging in sting operations involving persons "without proper law enforcement authority," saying that could put the city in legal jeopardy...

So (A) there was no crime committed, (B) the city should stay off the Fed's turf, and (C) the city is putting itself at liability for having nonsworn personnel break the law.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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You mean, like ABC News? Right, I don't suppose they will cover it. Nor will The Guardian.

So you only found it one U.S. national news source, and one overseas source. Wow, yeah, the mainstream national news media is all over this story!

It was on ABC News the day BEFORE your post, so your silly statement about holding your breath was just that: silly. A quick search found 143 references from various news sources.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It was on ABC News the day BEFORE your post...



A quick search found 143 references from various news sources.

And how many of those were "mainstream national news sources"?

Well, since even I could find 143, and ABC News beat you to the punch, I'd say you simply made an error and just won't admit it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And how many of those were "mainstream national news sources"?

Well, since even I could find 143... I'd say you simply made an error and just won't admit it.

Since you didn't answer the question, I'll have to assume the answer is; "not enough to prove John wrong".

Link your search for me, so that I can see what you found. I suspect that you're counting some other stories in your results unrelated to this issue of the ATF rebuking Bloomberg.

And of your 143, I'll bet that very darned few of them are mainstream national news media.

A Google News search finds very few stories on this topic, and most of those are either local or specialized news sources.

"If you are trying to make a point, the burden is on you to provide supporting evidence, not on me. Want to make a point, then YOU provide the data. "
- kallend, Feb. 1, 2007
Prove your point and provide your news search link.

So how did you vote? "Right thing", or "overstepped"?

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And how many of those were "mainstream national news sources"?

Well, since even I could find 143... I'd say you simply made an error and just won't admit it.

Since you didn't answer the question, I'll have to assume the answer is; "not enough to prove John wrong".

Link your search for me, so that I can see what you found. I suspect that you're counting some other stories in your results unrelated to this issue of the ATF rebuking Bloomberg.

And of your 143, I'll bet that very darned few of them are mainstream national news media.

A Google News search finds very few stories on this topic, and most of those are either local or specialized news sources.

So how did you vote? "Right thing", or "overstepped"?

It was on ABC News, CBS news, your favorite FOX News, Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Business Week, Associated Press, Forbes, San Jose Mercury, Seattle Post Intelligencer among others, and in addition a whole bunch of local TV stations and newspapers picked up the AP story.

I suppose you'll now claim that ABC, CBS, FOX and the Washington post aren't mainstream.

Your prediction was wrong the instant you typed it. Most of these sources had the story BEFORE your post.



"If you are trying to make a point, the burden is on you to provide supporting evidence, not on me. Want to make a point, then YOU provide the data. "
- kallend, Feb. 1, 2007
Prove your point and provide your news search link.

You made the assertion that it wouldn't be picked up. The burden is on you to prove YOUR point.

So go ahead, show us all how clever you were to make that prediction.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You mean, like ABC News? Right, I don't suppose they will cover it. Nor will The Guardian.

So you only found it one U.S. national news source, and one overseas source. Wow, yeah, the mainstream national news media is all over this story!

It was on ABC News the day BEFORE your post, so your silly statement about holding your breath was just that: silly. A quick search found 143 references from various news sources.

You know dam well had the ruling went the other way it would still be on the news.

I know why you like to try a rebuke this though. Fun to watch
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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