
Guns God, and Govt.

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O.K. I have found by looking over DZ.com that in this forum that the big 3 subjects are guns, god and government. Three subjects my poor wife has had to deal with me and my views on for sometime now, I have very strong views but I am not offended by other peoples views in fact I love to hear and try and better understand their views from the stand point that I just might learn something new. I was trying to go and read everything I could find on these subjects in this forum, and I have found that a lot of people have lot of very different ideas about these subjects. Sadly I have to say I do not have the time to sit down and read every post and reply in a proper manner, so I thought I would kick out a few of my views and let you all take shots at me in that I can get to know you all better and learn something about you and myself. I am not trying to change anyone’s view nor should you ever thing I am going to change mine, I just like to learn about the “other side of the coin” if you will.

I am for the most part a well armed semi-pacifist; I do not have any longing to kill and or hurt another human nor am I going to let my love ones or myself get hurt or killed when I have the means to stop an act of aggression. I have a large number of firearms everything from long arms, side arms, and shotguns. I guess a shot gun is a long arm, but I digress. I take them to the range and practice and for lack of a better word train with them. I do not understand people that are anti-gun but I will use my gun to defend their right to be anti-gun. For me guns and the privet ownership of guns is as necessary as food and water. I do not have the time nor will I wait for a peace officer to show up to my place if someone is breaking in that intends to steal from me or do harm to myself or my family. I will use the minimum amount of force needed to stop the “bad guy/girl” (lack of a better term) as time allows for. If the minimum amount of force requires me to put 7 rounds of 00 buckshot in to a “bad guy/girl” so be it but I will not lose any sleep over it, but I do not sit up and night hoping to have the opportunity to commit such an act. One should also look at the fact that you can’t always get to a phone the police, also what happens if it is the police that are the ones breaking in. I think that every person over the age of 18 that has not been put in to prison should be allowed to carry a firearm openly I do not care if it is a long arm or side arm. People’s manners in public would get much better as well as make police officers much nicer when that pull you over. Yes, I can hear you now talking about blood baths in the streets. I would like to point out to you that in places like South-Central LA you already have that going on what would happen if the “incant bystanders” could shoot back at the gang banners or who every.


I am a born again atheist, who’s best friend is a very devote Christian. I do not believe in god, I think that humans at one time needed religion to make up for what they did not understand then as people started to figure out the world around them the government took over religion as a means to control the masses. If you need religion to get you through your day and to make you happy go for it. I can understand right from wrong without somebody telling me about it every Sunday for a few hours. I do think that if you stripped away the religious dogma from the Mormon church they do have some very good ideas on taking care of their own and helping each other out and not expecting the government to feed and cloth you. It is when you add the religious dogma to the Mormons that it becomes something I have no taste for. I also can’t do the whole women is ment to serve man as man serves good. I think that is in proverbs not really and I not sure were my copy of the bible is. Another thing I have copies of many different religious texts and for the most part they say pretty much the same thing. So this whole killing in the name of god thing confesses me, and the 100 years war even more so. One of the things that I am really confused about it in mainly in what I call the BIG 3 that being Christianity, Islam, and Judaism is that two people of the same sex can not give each other an orgasm or get married. I hear people say all the time that marriage is a religious institution if so in some of your religions such as Wicca homosexuality is excepted, and do we not have the first amendment that would allow for people of the same sex get married under the freedom of religion part? Also if marriage is such a religious institution why do I have to buy a license from a city government official, then pay extra on my taxes for being married. I really am so confused on this issue. Me and my wife have several friends that are homosexual and I know two of them would love nothing better to get married.


I was born conservative, raised liberal, and I am a Libertarian by choice. It was reading the published works of Ayn Rand, Robert A. Heinlein, and Philip K. Dick that shaped a lot of my views. I know that in a lot of Philip K. Dick’s later works you can see his not only cheese slid of the cracker but had gotten up and left the room. In lot of Dick’s early works he had some very good ideas about government and freedom. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand enough said. Robert A. Heinlein’s The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Stranger in a Strangeland, Farnham’s Freehold, Revolt in 2100, and Methuselah’s Children all have a very hudge impact on my life and my feeling toward government. For the most part government is way to big and it is the fault of the American sheep excuse me American people that have let the government become that big. I get very sick to my stomach when I hear about people that feel no need to work and or believe that have the right to live off the work of others.

I’m going end this post now simply because my eyes are seeing nothing but fuzz and I could go on for ever and ever on these 3 subjects. Like I said at the start of the post just a few ideas and thoughts on these subjects. I’m hoping to learn something from all of you all.
Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
--Garrison Keillor

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I’m going end this post now simply because my eyes are seeing nothing but fuzz and I could go on for ever and ever on these 3 subjects.

You should feel right at home, here.

We beat dead horses until they're nothing but skeletons.

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I like your points.

"I mind my business and hope others mind theirs"

Of course, you realize, that's very rare.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I was born conservative, raised liberal,

Really? Is there a formal conversion ceremony?
As an infant, were you a social conservative or a fiscal conservative?

Maybe as an infant he was just chubby & bald & yelled a lot, like many Republicans.:P
Speed Racer

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