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>The majority elected.

Bush was originally elected president by neither a majority of the population nor the majority of voters. The only thing more tiresome than left-wingers claiming that Gore really won the election are right-wingers who can't admit that more people voted for Gore than for Bush.

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Don't be putting things in context.

This is about vilifying that motherfucking asshole prez and all those bastard neo-con puppetmasters who determined to take away all of our civil liberties and destroying this country, by whatever means neccesary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In context sure.... repeat after me...

I NCCLIMBER do completely support any incompetent act that any republican in this administration does because I am a staunch republican.

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For Amazon


I guess we will see what your right wing lord and master has in store for us in the next couple years huh.

See nothing but hatred, attacks, and unfounded nutjob conspiracy theories.

I have no real issue with you having nutjob theories, but your clear attacks on anyone that dares disagree with you is pretty sad.

"Lord and master"

Like I said, it is not your ideas but your consistent attacks on anyone that does not goose step in line with *your* thinking....Ironic as hell when you call them NAZI's.

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Wow you are jumping on the PA bandwagon now too...

REading comprehension is such a lost art these days.. I guess you need to figure out the difference in my calling this administration and its leader.. fascists.... and people who support them lock stock and barrel as supporting fascism..... not naziism...although the similarities that this administration is showing to 1930's germany is certainly a good analogy.




If it quacks like a duck.. and waddles along like a duch.. I guess it must be a neo-con.

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>The majority elected.

Bush was originally elected president by neither a majority of the population nor the majority of voters. The only thing more tiresome than left-wingers claiming that Gore really won the election are right-wingers who can't admit that more people voted for Gore than for Bush.

Interesting little delusional fantasy you got there, Bill. It's right up there with Amazon's penchant for labelling anyone who disagree's with him as an ultra-rightwing neocon. :D

BTW When was the last time a Democrat won the presidency with a majority vote? :$

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>The majority elected.

Bush was originally elected president by neither a majority of the population nor the majority of voters. The only thing more tiresome than left-wingers claiming that Gore really won the election are right-wingers who can't admit that more people voted for Gore than for Bush.

Interesting little delusional fantasy you got there, Bill. It's right up there with Amazon's penchant for labelling anyone who disagree's with him as an ultra-rightwing neocon. :D


BUSH 50,456,002 47.87%
GORE 50,999,897 48.38%

Looks to me like more people voted for Gore than Bush:)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Bush was originally elected president by neither a majority of the population nor the majority of voters.

I did not mention election one or two. Are you claiming that the second time he did not have the majority?


The only thing more tiresome than left-wingers claiming that Gore really won the election are right-wingers who can't admit that more people voted for Gore than for Bush.

Who mentioned Gore? The second time (after W "stole" the election) he won yet again.

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Wow you are jumping on the PA bandwagon now too...

REading comprehension is such a lost art these days.. I guess you need to figure out the difference in my calling this administration and its leader.. fascists.... and people who support them lock stock and barrel as supporting fascism.

Wow now thats funny, you cry about personal attacks...Then make one!!!! :S

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I did not mention election one or two. Are you claiming that the second time he did not have the majority?

Well the Diebold Machines certainly said he did have a majority


Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Quote of the Day: Diebold CEO promises Ohio to Bush
In a fall 2003 fundraising letter sent to Republicans, from Diebold CEO Walden O'Dell:
"I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president."
E-voting machine maker Diebold is based in North Canton, Ohio. Via earlier news items published mid-2004 by CNN, CBS, Mother Jones, and others.

Guess he came thru for you guys...

Its not how you play the game as long as you win.[:/]

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You mentioned his election, not his re-election. If you forgot what you posted, perhaps you might have noted that I mentioned Gore and not Kerry. I guess you missed that.

I didn't miss anything. As others pointed out, you took a shot and it failed. One thing that just cracks me up is when somone tries to claim Bush stole the first election, but cannot explain how he won the second one.

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Well OK then! You just keep believing that Bush got more votes than Gore. Heck, say that's a "delusional fantasy." Let us know how it works out for you. I bet most right wingers won't even question it.

Again never said Gore, you did. You tried to make it seem otherwise, but that does not make it true.

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I wonder how the families of the 3000+ are doing.. "getting over it"

Nice logical fallicy.."Appeal to Emotion"

At least that post didn't have a personal attack nor a reference to Nazi-anything.

But, if you look back at the polls from back then the majority of Americans supported Bush.

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