
On calling bullshit

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It is certainly to the shame of the mainstream media that they didn't call BS on the rationale for invading Iraq.

Not to mention all those Democrats in Congress who supported Bush.

In 1964 every member of Congress but 2 voted in favor of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which authorized LBJ's taking the US into a 10-year descent into Hell (Vietnam). Why? Because Johnson lied to Congress and the American people about the reason for doing it, that's why. But because the White House and Pentagon had control of the information, by the time we learned it was Bullshit!, well, it was too late.

Sound familiar? History repeats itself.


History repeats itself

As well parties change roles.

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But I mean it always gets me. How people can’t see that a false war with many dead is a much bigger deal then a blowjob.

People think the war in Iraq is less significant than Clinton's blowjob?


Me for one. Let's hear your attempt to compare.

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It's about your sounding off with pointed questions that had nothing directly to do with my posts.

To answer your questions:

No - and I never said it did.
Yes - sometimes too much so. what's your point?
What was the question?
Worst? Shouldn't it be "worse"? The first part is worse, IMO.

Do you feel better?

I sure do. ;)

Oh well, beats dealing with issues.[:/]

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Dude, you're talking to people who think that admitting fault is equivalent to losing a war - and the only way to acknowledge any deviation from the ideal is to point out that someone on the enemy's side made mistakes as well. This whole process has been repeated literally thousands of times here. Why bother? Heck, they think we're winning the war in Iraq. Let 'em believe that if they want.

Yea, in spite of losing control of Congress, BY A LOT, they seem to think everything is fine. If all 100 seats of the Senate were up for grabs last month, there would be a 30/70 split. If this clown keeps us in Iraq and keeps his elitist policies, we will see a 40/60 split in 2 years and the large House lead will widen as well as a Dem pres. And these guys will still act oblivious to the notion that people have become sick of these policies. It seems looking at some neo-cons is like looking at the nutty professor-type; they just move along ignoring what goes on and think they are in control and everything is fine. Debt numbers = a big lie or are unimportant. War casualties and reports = lies from the left. Revoking personal liberties/privacy = a neccesary and small inconvenience.......

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The entire international community is bullshit - with some imagening they understand the BS, some thinking their privy to inside info. beyond all BS, some frustrated by the BS, others unaware of any BS, whilst the remainder realise it's all BS!

Yes, we are an island; we don't need to the rest of the world.

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Actually, we did impeach Clinton. Do you really think Bush is untouchable? Who controls both Houses of Congress?

Actually I don't think impeachment is proper. It's too expensive and a waste of the 110th's time. A war crimes tribunal in an international court will suffice.;)

Yeah. Let's start handing over our national leaders to the international courts. :D:D:D

Nah, we ignore Peru when they ream Lori Behrensen for nothing, give her a military tribunal from 3 hooded judges. Yet when Union Carbide killed what, 25K Indians, we refused to extradite him for crimes over there. Yep, we're fascist scum :o. But that's just the opinion of the other 95.5% of the world; what do they know? :)

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Actually, we did impeach Clinton. Do you really think Bush is untouchable? Who controls both Houses of Congress?

Actually I don't think impeachment is proper. It's too expensive and a waste of the 110th's time. A war crimes tribunal in an international court will suffice.;)

Yeah. Let's start handing over our national leaders to the international courts. :D:D:D

In the interest of national security I think it's a great idea. It would go a long way to mending the damage that he and his buddies have caused and it would show the rest of the world that we subcribe to the values that we're trying to spread around the world. I mean, what's the harm in the long run? Besides, think of the money we'd save. No secret service for life, no pension, no "Fun with Dick and Jane" Dubya library:D

Look what the Italians did to Mousolini? The American gov is smart enough to build their police forces to resemble military / SWAT operations. Any public rebellion would be fatal for all rebels.... either lump it or leave.

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Dude, you're talking to people who think that admitting fault is equivalent to losing a war - and the only way to acknowledge any deviation from the ideal is to point out that someone on the enemy's side made mistakes as well.

Considering practically all of Darius's posts in this thread were directed at me I can't help but think you're talking about me. If that's the case, I'm calling bullshit. I'd like to see you back it up.

Since you're the mod here, could you explain the difference between calling bull shit on someone and just telling them they are full of shit?


...could you explain the difference between calling bull shit on someone and just telling them they are full of shit?

I take the 5th :o......:)

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I can't help but think you're talking about me. If that's the case, I'm calling bullshit. I'd like to see you back it up.

For some reason I picture you pressing a large red button labeled "bullshit" causing dramatic music to play, the audience to gasp, and all the lights in the studio to pan back over to Billvon as camera 2 switches to him and a caption at the bottom of the screen reads, "Billvon, responding to a call of Bullshit" to keep the viewers at home up to speed.


Since you're the mod here, could you explain the difference between calling bull shit on someone and just telling them they are full of shit?

The former is addressing something someone has written here, and the latter is directed at the person themselves.


For some reason I picture you pressing a large red button labeled "bullshit" causing dramatic music to play, the audience to gasp, and all the lights in the studio to pan back over to Billvon as camera 2 switches to him and a caption at the bottom of the screen reads, "Billvon, responding to a call of Bullshit" to keep the viewers at home up to speed.

Kind of like the, "Easy Button" at Office Max is it?

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And maybe we could have the UN handle our foreign policy, too.

Not a bad idea, it would have saved thousands of innocent lives.

They've done a bang up job in Sudan. How about Sierra Leon?

I wonder how many people have died in the last 20 years as a result of ineffective UN efforts??? In Africa, alone?

Ineffective UN efforts didn't kill anyone. That's like blaming the police for the murder of Nicole Simpson.

Yea, we all know it was those guys OJ is looking for.

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I am hoping that when the new congress comes to power they will start a "Ken Star" type of investigation......

Me too, but I'm thinking they may not. They don;t want to look as desperate as the other guys, so they might actually work on the issues instead of revenge.

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Look what the Italians did to Mousolini? The American gov is smart enough to build their police forces to resemble military / SWAT operations. Any public rebellion would be fatal for all rebels.... either lump it or leave.

I can honestly state you seem to have no idea of what youre speaking about here.

If you feel that I am the one that is wrong about this fact please present the evidence.

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Look what the Italians did to Mousolini? The American gov is smart enough to build their police forces to resemble military / SWAT operations. Any public rebellion would be fatal for all rebels.... either lump it or leave.

I can honestly state you seem to have no idea of what youre speaking about here.

If you feel that I am the one that is wrong about this fact please present the evidence.

1) I have posted a question, an assertion as to PPU's and a conclusion. Perhaps you could be less ambiguous and tell me what you think I have no idea what I am talking about.

Furthermore, you don't need me to prod you to post a disagreement with supporting evidence, do it is you feel you have an argument.

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But I mean it always gets me. How people can’t see that a false war with many dead is a much bigger deal then a blowjob.

People think the war in Iraq is less significant than Clinton's blowjob?


Me for one. Let's hear your attempt to compare.

You think the war in Iraq is less significant than Clinton's blowjob?

Who knew? :o

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It's about your sounding off with pointed questions that had nothing directly to do with my posts.

To answer your questions:

No - and I never said it did.
Yes - sometimes too much so. what's your point?
What was the question?
Worst? Shouldn't it be "worse"? The first part is worse, IMO.

Do you feel better?

I sure do. ;)

Oh well, beats dealing with issues.[:/]

This kind of response reminds me of a couple of old girlfriends. They'd ask pointed questions. I'd answer the questions honestly and truthfully. Then they'd criticise me for not reading their minds and addressing what they really wanted to talk about.

I do not miss dealing with those neurotic women.

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And maybe we could have the UN handle our foreign policy, too.

Not a bad idea, it would have saved thousands of innocent lives.

They've done a bang up job in Sudan. How about Sierra Leon?

I wonder how many people have died in the last 20 years as a result of ineffective UN efforts??? In Africa, alone?

Ineffective UN efforts didn't kill anyone. That's like blaming the police for the murder of Nicole Simpson.

No. It would be more like the police making an official statement that they've looked into the matter and have determined that no one was killed at the home of Nicole Brown Simpson on June 12, 1994.

Move along, folks.

nothing to see here.

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This kind of response reminds me of a couple of old girlfriends. They'd ask pointed questions. I'd answer the questions honestly and truthfully. Then they'd criticise me for not reading their minds and addressing what they really wanted to talk about.

I do not miss dealing with those neurotic women.

Hmm, how to say this (i.e., supporting your point) diplomatically? :|
My life's experience tells me the same reaction would have occurred in the absence of individualized neuroses.

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Look what the Italians did to Mousolini? The American gov is smart enough to build their police forces to resemble military / SWAT operations. Any public rebellion would be fatal for all rebels.... either lump it or leave.

Well then without me takin bait to discuss matters which do not need be public information you might do this:

Ask any police officer if he thinks his department is capable of taking ona few armed thugs.

Then ask them if they are prepared to take on a determined enemy with whom they may even sympathize, bear in mind that these said individuals would be trying to restore our constitution and in fact be made up of regular citizens, former and current military members and even police officers.

I say just look at the numbers alone.

Look at how many police there are in this country and what weapons they possess, then look at how many veterans and other like minded individuals there are and their collective training makes a police force look impotent.

I have many federal agents as friends as well as seasoned police officers and they would not want to face that.

It would be suicide.

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But I mean it always gets me. How people can’t see that a false war with many dead is a much bigger deal then a blowjob.

People think the war in Iraq is less significant than Clinton's blowjob?


Me for one. Let's hear your attempt to compare.

You think the war in Iraq is less significant than Clinton's blowjob?

Who knew? :o

Well the war is more significant in that 2900 dead Americans, 100's or 1000's of dead Iraqi civilians, 340B US Dollars in the midts of the largest fiscal crisis ever, world hate for the US. I'd say the Iraq war is more significant, but the criminality of the presidents is far less significant with the BJ.

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It's about your sounding off with pointed questions that had nothing directly to do with my posts.

To answer your questions:

No - and I never said it did.
Yes - sometimes too much so. what's your point?
What was the question?
Worst? Shouldn't it be "worse"? The first part is worse, IMO.

Do you feel better?

I sure do. ;)

Oh well, beats dealing with issues.[:/]

This kind of response reminds me of a couple of old girlfriends. They'd ask pointed questions. I'd answer the questions honestly and truthfully. Then they'd criticise me for not reading their minds and addressing what they really wanted to talk about.

I do not miss dealing with those neurotic women.

So you have a lot of problems with women? Who knew?

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Look what the Italians did to Mousolini? The American gov is smart enough to build their police forces to resemble military / SWAT operations. Any public rebellion would be fatal for all rebels.... either lump it or leave.

Well then without me takin bait to discuss matters which do not need be public information you might do this:

Ask any police officer if he thinks his department is capable of taking ona few armed thugs.

Then ask them if they are prepared to take on a determined enemy with whom they may even sympathize, bear in mind that these said individuals would be trying to restore our constitution and in fact be made up of regular citizens, former and current military members and even police officers.

I say just look at the numbers alone.

Look at how many police there are in this country and what weapons they possess, then look at how many veterans and other like minded individuals there are and their collective training makes a police force look impotent.

I have many federal agents as friends as well as seasoned police officers and they would not want to face that.

It would be suicide.

So your point that I was supposedly wrong about was that a revolution would not work, you're saying it would. OK.

If the local and fed gov's let people assemble and train, you're right, but they don't. Get 3 guys together talking gins and the gov calls this a potential militia. Get 10 guys who like to play war games and that's a militia. The local and fed gov is scared to death of any assmbly of guys with high power stuff, so they just conveniently set them up with the help of our lovely judges if they dare assemble. This same philosophy is used when busting unions; if they're able to individualize everyone, they can exploit labor all day long. If they can individualize would-be revolutionists, they can exploit his ocnst rights all day long.

It's romantic to think the people can take back their gov, but it's suicidal utopia if ever applied. It would take at least 50 people to ever make a dent, really 1000 to exact any change, then they would send in the military to wipe em out. I've always said the US gov won't be changed from within, but from without, so maybe all this worldwide dissent isn't really bad. Maybe the gov will piss off the rest of teh world enough to overthrow the gov just as Japan, Italy and Germany's gov was forced to chage after we (allieds) overthrew them.

I guess, "Love it or leave it" aplies here.


Then ask them if they are prepared to take on a determined enemy with whom they may even sympathize,

In keeping with this thread, I call BS on this:P. Cops sympathize with cops, the system is setup that way.


former and current military members and even police officers.

I call BS on this too. They screen and train cops for loyalty to the reich.


then look at how many veterans and other like minded individuals there are and their collective training makes a police force look impotent.

As I wrote, people in large numbers aren't willing to die for the cause. And if there was a group like this, with the wiretaps, they would identify them, raid them, drop some kiddie porn in there and make their cause look despiciable. Of course they would use their so-called liberal media to aid in spreading the word.


I have many federal agents as friends as well as seasoned police officers and they would not want to face that.

You're right, that's why they watch guys with M60's and other class 3 goodies and if they detect any language that makes them organized, they call them terrorists. The cops are part of this illicit chain of events and this is how they combat having to face them in street warfare.

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