
Should freedom of speech have limits?

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Other than the proverbial "Fire" in a crowded theatre, No!


That guarantee, embodied in the First Amendment, is one of the GOOD things that separates the US from all the other Western-style democracies, and I'm rather proud of that.

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Other than the proverbial "Fire" in a crowded theatre, No!

How about libel?

Graphic porn on billboards?

Libel is not subject to prior restraint in the US. And it can never be criminalized in the US (i.e., without amending the Constitution first).

Porn - good point - it's a grey area that's been hotly debated in the US since before most of us were born.

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They were free to heckle him yet scoff at the verbal volley. Richards could had chose his words more wisely and turned it around on them yet, if speech had limits we all would be in prison for poor choices in what we say at times. I was not at all amazed to see how fast a sleazy lawyer got involved with her eyes on a big fat pay day. Two wrongs do not make a right. Richards had the right per the 1st amendment (although his choice of words were wrong), did not break any law, they were not injured and he apoligized for what he said. Does not amount to a frivolous lawsuit. Limits are for those who enjoy the security of a cage.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Other than the proverbial "Fire" in a crowded theatre, No!


How about libel?

I don't view libel as a freedom of speech issue. Libel simply makes a person responsible for what they write.


Graphic porn on billboards?

That's a tougher one. I don't think graphic images of anything such as aborted babies, porn etc. are the same as speech.

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Speaking of Richards, you know what surprises me? Instead of saying, "Gee, I snapped, I don't know what got into me," why didn't he just do what other standup comics do, which is to claim that he was just following the Lenny Bruce tradition of saying shocking, taboo things during his standup routine as a way of reaching his audience, and it simply flopped? Would have at least had some plausibility to it.

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Other than the proverbial "Fire" in a crowded theatre, No!


That guarantee, embodied in the First Amendment, is one of the GOOD things that separates the US from all the other Western-style democracies, and I'm rather proud of that.

Too bad we don't HAVE that guarantee anymore.
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Freedom of speech already has its limits. Just look at what the guy is going through.

Agreed. What bother me is that what Richards did is in the realm of comedy. The guy screwed up, give him a break. No need to crucify the poor bastard. I wonder how the general public would've react if he busted out the Aristocrats joke.

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Let society provide the repercussions - not the law.

Let the individuals themselves use courtesy to impose limits on themselves.

IF that doesn't work, then let society do it. I don't like the whole jumping straight to society - it doesn't take a village to learn courtesy. On the other side of the coin, nor should it take a village for others to not have thin skins either.

IF that doesn't work, then we can have this conversation.

I voted yes - but I consider self restraint (in terms of speaking and listening reaction) to be a form of limit. And people don't seem to understand this even a TINY bit - we have a bunch of incourteous loudmouths skreeching at a bunch of thin skinned jerks.

So I voted yes. I would NOT vote to 'legislate' limits, that would be validating Politically Correct thuggery.

So which do you mean then?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Then I'd say 'no'. Especially with any single party in control of both houses in congress? What wierd ass crap will be legislated that we can't say in public?

If the parties were in conflict? Reps in the senate and Dems in the house, then at least the results could be better with the nutters cancelling each other out, but still, I don't like the idea trying to legislate courtesy in speech.

Plus it would just be a mad rush to propose and then furiously debate and pose, and then NOT vote on tons of proposals as congressmen put out impotent bills designed to kiss up to whatever typical biases are present in their voting districts.

Monetary compensation? For hurting someone's feelings? other than slander and liable, that's pretty sad too. BUT THINK OF THE TAX REVENUE, under the Dems, if someone uses the word "Father, Dad, or Pop" in a speech, they get fined $100 per. under the Reps, if someone uses the word "peace, entitlement, or withdraw (various meanings)" they get fined $100 per. Think of how that would shore up the Senate medical and dental plans........

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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We already have legally-imposed limits. It's called slander.

Now if he was up there on stage telling the audience that these guys were terrible doctors that couldn't stitch up a cut because they were cross-eyed there would be a case there. In this case he's just being an insulting jerk. If one of the guys hauled off and decked him right off stage I certainly wouldn't have wanted to see them charged with assault because he asked for it, but that's another issue.

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Because it's obvious he meant what he said. A boldface lie like that would have simply added more shit to the storm. Making an off color remark about another race is something 99% of people have done. What he did was completely different. He got upset at a heckler, which incidentally comes along with doing standup, and said the things he usually just thinks. He's not an 8 year old child who didn't get the transformer he wanted for christmas. He's a grown man who knew what he was doing, what he was saying, who he was saying it to, and where he said it.

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Speaking of Richards, you know what surprises me? Instead of saying, "Gee, I snapped, I don't know what got into me," why didn't he just do what other standup comics do, which is to claim that he was just following the Lenny Bruce tradition of saying shocking, taboo things during his standup routine as a way of reaching his audience, and it simply flopped? Would have at least had some plausibility to it.

Or gotten into his Kramer persona and simply said "What, and you thought I was serious?" :ph34r:

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