
Of COURSE they support the troops!

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Yeah we do support them. Send them mail and packages, pray for them a lot. Because some of them are the kids our kids grew up with.

I'm against this war in Iraq. Always have been, it was stupid then and it's stupid now. Dreamed up by America's stupidest President. I'm thankful that the kids we've known who have gone over have so far come back alive and in one piece.

We're people just like you, we just vote differently. I was under the impression that was allowed.....

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Fascism - it's the new mainstream.


Hopefully the neo-cons will get booted from office, and that will change.


Fascism is here already and has been since 2000

I doubt it if they can be booted from office...

They will do ANYTHING to remain in power... I do not doubt for one minute that they can and will seize power permanently.. as General Tommy Franks said... it will take just one more 9/11 type of attack for martial law to be declared in this country.. and with this administrations criminal inability to protect our borders and our ports and give us ture homland security.. it WILL HAPPEN.. they may not do it themselves as some will think.. but they have made it impossible to stop with their failed policies.[:/][:/]:(

They will claim its for the good fo the country.. yet again.

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In Reply To

Fascism - it's the new mainstream.


Hopefully the neo-cons will get booted from office, and that will change.


Fascism is here already and has been since 2000

I doubt it if they can be booted from office...

They will do ANYTHING to remain in power... I do not doubt for one minute that they can and will seize power permanently.. as General Tommy Franks said... it will take just one more 9/11 type of attack for martial law to be declared in this country.. and with this administrations criminal inability to protect our borders and our ports and give us ture homland security.. it WILL HAPPEN.. they may not do it themselves as some will think.. but they have made it impossible to stop with their failed policies.[:/][:/]:(

They will claim its for the good fo the country.. yet again.

Arm yourself to the teeth and pray you never have to use you cache.



Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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