
Censorship - some don't like it, so YOU can't watch it

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It's why religious drones carry power.

Mr or Ms Liberal think that its not their business what another person chooses to do or see, because they believe that people can manage themselves.

Fuckhead religious drones feel that they need to control reality.

Luckily fuckhead religious drones follow their leaders like good little sheep and leave the thinking to them. All they have to do is put little Xs in boxes.

Normal people should pay attention.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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That's happened to me before, but I didn't call it censorship.

Look, we all miss Sheriff Lobo, also Jake and the Fatman, but let's try and stay on topic. {{{VIBES}}} to you anyway

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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... there is pressure to SEE filth in the world that exists, no matter if I change the channel, quit reading the article/book,etc.
(What if I see/experience things in this world that I don't want to? SAME THING!)
What can be done, to prevent people like me, from being "pressured" to participate in the filth and garbage of this world? :|

You want to watch what you want to, and so do I...except I don't want to watch programs that are filthy, overly violent, etc.

What EFFIN' pressre!!?:S

Short of the Ungodly Unsaved Heretical Fornicators sending you subliminal signals if you take your tinfoil hat off, try changing the channel or even using the OFF button. It does work IF you are able to exercise some discipline - rather than expecting someone else to do "The Right Thing" for you and remove your choice for your comfort.

Then again, it maybe just a cultural thing. For example, the last TaTu video was censored. The British censor cut all the super-real cgi effects of the "Bad-Man" having his brains blown out at point blank range with a Colt M1911! All the blood / brain / hair / skull spatters had to go! The American censor let all that through in it's entirety... But the Lesbian Kiss in the same video!!!:o:o:o

I think that Americans have to watch out that the "Religious-Thought-Police" are getting past the point where they can be laughed at like they are in Britain!


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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You want to watch what you want to, and so do I...except I don't want to watch programs that are filthy, overly violent, etc.

Then don't freakin watch them!!! I find Sex in the City offensive cos it's so shit! Do I watch it or feel pressured to watch it? NO, I am my own person and I make decisions on what I do and do not watch.

Why do you find being offended every now and again is such a bad thing? You ever thought, for just one second, that being offended could be benficial and character building?

Anyway, being religious an all, shouldn't you tolerate other people's tastes in TV viewing? Just wondering.

May Contain Nut traces......

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I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! Except on my side, there is pressure to SEE filth in the world that exists, no matter if I change the channel, quit reading the article/book,etc.

Where does such pressure come from? What sort of pressure - peer pressure, pressure backed by violence etc? I've found that if I veryy much disagree with a book, radio channel or tv show, closing/shutting it it off removes the annoyance.


(What if I see/experience things in this world that I don't want to? SAME THING!)

Part of life. Life is a dance on roses, rather than rose petals. You must be prepared to step on some thorns. Dealing with uncofortable and downright nasty things is part of what define us as humans. Still, I suspect that with the prosperity and knowledge in our respective countries, this is about the most comfortable period ever for people to be alive in.

You may want to reconsider participating in skydiving. Some really, really ugly things happen in the sport. Chances are someone you like will be injured or killed. Chances are you will witness it. Kind of puts TV shows into perspective, doesn't it?


What can be done, to prevent people like me, from being "pressured" to participate in the filth and garbage of this world?

Really good and useful question, if directed at yourself. Useless, if you expect others to answer it.

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