
Good news for schoolkids

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Science will be taught in PA schools instead of religion! Score one for education.

School board rescinds 'intelligent design' policy
Wednesday, January 4, 2006; Posted: 11:37 a.m. EST (16:37 GMT)

Board members vote to rescind the "intelligent design" policy from the curriculum of Dover High School.

DOVER, Pennsylvania (AP) -- Biology teacher Jennifer Miller had refused to read a statement about intelligent design before her lesson on evolution. Now, the policy that led to a landmark lawsuit will no longer be required in her school.

The Dover Area School District's policy of treating the concept as an alternative to evolution was officially relegated to the history books Tuesday night. Newly elected board members unanimously rescinded the policy on a voice vote and with no discussion beforehand. A judge ruled it unconstitutional two weeks earlier.

"I will feel comfortable again teaching what I'd always felt comfortable teaching," Miller said.

A different group of school board members had been in control when the policy was approved in October 2004. The policy required that a statement be read that said Darwin's theory is "not a fact" and has inexplicable "gaps." It also referred students to an "intelligent-design" book, "Of Pandas and People."


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