
Why fight the inevitable?

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The world is not sinking, but the oceans are on a rise, albeit quite slow. There are bits of the world here and there that are submergence zones, like NO. There are also bits that are emergent zones; I think FL is one of them.

It does seem foolish to rebuild a metroplois in a submergence zone, unless you're going to get really really serious about it like the Dutch. If I recall correctly, they have recently wrapped up some major work and have a few experts available.

Perhaps a partial rebuilding, using the best engineers and technologies available, of only the areas that are salvageable long-term (i.e. - not expected to go below sea level for at least 2 centuries) and that also have historical and cultural significance. Course then you run the risk of turning it into another Disney.

That's a tough call between sauerkraut and cajun. How about gumbo for breakfast, spaetzel for lunch, and a little kraut and jambalaya buffet for dinner? That'll make for some fabulous windage on load number 1 the next day!
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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