
What is wrong with these people?

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Are you sure even the Iranians don't beat their wives?
I mean come on that’s not possible.[:/]:P

Not all, but of course they are in the US, and playing by US rules, and not Islamic Rules placed in Iran, which does not mean all Iranian men beat women.

Perhaps this is much for you to understand.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Are you sure even the Iranians don't beat their wives?
I mean come on that’s not possible.[:/]:P

Not all, but of course they are in the US, and playing by US rules, and not Islamic Rules placed in Iran, which does not mean all Iranian men beat women.

Perhaps this is much for you to understand.

Sure, US rules mean that no women ever get beaten in the USA.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hey! Me too. I even have two dogs that sleep under my porch and a car on blocks.

I not only have a car on blocks; but also a camper on blocks, and a haywagon on blocks. But my dog sleeps in the entryway of the house.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I gave you 2 examples which you still refuse to answer, or simply state, If you like it or don't. I take it that you liked taliban's rule.

No and if you knew anything you would know the Taliban don't like me much more then you.
If you remember the US government was the only country supporting the taliban when it was convenient?
Where you protesting the way woman were treated by the taliban when the US was supporting them. Or was it ok to do so back then


I said I have witnessed women in an Islamic state being publicly punished for not wearing appropiate dresses. So don't tell me I have not seen it with my own eyes.

You mentioned my family didn’t you?

here is what you said

Most likely is the women in your family that need help pal, specially those still in your home land

You know i am from Iran so you have been to Iran?
I am guessing not as you quickly changed your tune.
Just the fact that you are putting all Islamic people in the same category shows ignorance.
There is good and bad everywhere


A simple smile after telling me to STFU, is not a joke either.

That’s the way it was used towards me once and I am sure they didn’t mean it as a joke either.


Your comments are usually ardid when someone of other culture-religion-color (IE Israelis) does something against these extremists. Your silence is deafining when the killing goes the other way around, or is Arab against Arabs/Persian. Also your comments about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict don't really do you a favor as a person tolerant of the Jewish existance, as you also want them completely out of there....

Arabs/ Persians.

Two different races

That’s because I am not a racist.
If an Israeli soldier kills a Palestinian I don’t just think it’s ok because the person killed is a Muslim.
I also don’t see the difference when an Israeli helicopter kills inocent people with a missile or if a suicide bombers kills inocent people with a bomb strapped to his chest.

I also blame a war or a conflict on the person who starts it.
If you come up to me and punch me in the face and I end up kicking the living shit out of you it’s not my fault now is it.
Read about the conflict. Do you even know what even lead to the 1st suicide bombs that were detonated in Israel?

Payback is a bitch.
If you leave people alone they will leave you alone. If you fuck with people they will fuck with you.
Simple logic I know but it works for all things.


Do you think it is not ok to kill these extremists, or portray them as "innocent victims"?.

Witch extremist?

The ones who are responsible for 9-11 yes kill them all.

The Iraqis who are pissed that there is foreign soldiers in there homes (who refer to them as shit stains) telling them what to do? I don’t see them as extremist.

A Palestinian left with no option. Either be treated like a dog or fight back any way you can I don't see him as an extremists. I see them as a person pushed to the extreme


, I also question time and time again your loyalty, as you are definitely willing to fight the US if it ever enters in an armed conflict with Iran.

The great thing about the United States is loyalty doesn’t mean blindly following what the government says.
We have the right to think freely and make our own decisions even if many don’t practice that right

Loyalty does not equal stupidity.

I will not fight for any war I don’t support with whatever country it maybe. I will fight if we are invaded and we are in danger. But you can bet you would not see me fighting for WMD that don’t exist or to make some rich fucker even richer.


Most of our soldiers that have been in Iraq are not trigger happy

Who said they were?
I don’t think you can find or even remotely point to where I have ever said all of are troops are trigger happy, or bad people. As a matter of fact I support our troops. I think people like me who don’t want them to die for stupid reasons do much more for them the ones just following a lost shepherd.

I think by punishing the ones who are guilty of crimes we separate the few bad apples. By covering for them we make them all look bad.

I am not the one making blanket statement here you are.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I not only have a car on blocks; but also a camper on blocks, and a haywagon on blocks. But my dog sleeps in the entryway of the house.

I interupt this discussion for a photo of my dog.

He says you guys should take a deep breath and relax.

There are bad people on this rock. I think we can agree that Religion doesn't make people bad. bad people misuse religion to continue to do bad things.

The current flavor of "bad" religion is Islam. (the fundie version of it)

there are many white wackos out there...(Eric Rudolf, Adolf Hitler, Pat Robertson)
there are many black wackos out there...(Mugabe)
there are even Korean wackos out there...(KIM Jong Il)

race and/or religion do not make a man (or woman) bad. But bad they may be and should be culled to protect the rest of us that only wish to drink our beer and skydive in peace.
illegible usually

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I think we can agree that Religion doesn't make people bad. bad people misuse religion to continue to do bad things.

I've pitched that many times and completely agree. (large power groups attract bad people who want to misuse the system for their own purposes -religion being just one of many)

Surprisingly, there are many that violently disagree with us.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I think we can agree that Religion doesn't make people bad. bad people misuse religion to continue to do bad things.

I've pitched that many times and completely agree. (large power groups attract bad people who want to misuse the system for their own purposes -religion being just one of many)

Surprisingly, there are many that violently disagree with us.

Violently agreeing with both of you.:)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Lol, how biased and ignorant is your statement about my position of the Taliban, mind you, that at the mentioned time you bring up, I was either a-supporter of any kind of the Taliban, nor living in the US, or in some type shape or form supporting any decision that would aid anyone in terrorist activities/anti-women's legislation.

You mentioned that I needed help, and what I think the women in your family living in Iran are the ones that need such help.

The reality, even you are trying to deny it, is that Iran is under Islamic rules, bound by fanatics who use religion as law of the land. It has been very well documented of lack of women's right in Iran, or perhaps that is a figment of my imagination? Is there anywhere in that statement where it points out directly to you? I don't think so, but denying the current state of affairs with women's rights over there is well, sad.

You get pretty pissy about what is being said, and don't even take the time to understand. Is it a problem of blindness?.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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