
Bush Bashers--Time to Eat Crow? (Katrina)

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You are funny. A Democraticly controlled congress confirmed him too.

Look, I do not know anything about this guy. The libs blame him so so do you. But to blame Bush because of the retoric about this is nut. I think it is to divert the blame from those who deserve it is what is really going on here....

If I convince my executive committee to hire a guy as one of my senior department heads the approve him. But if he turns out to be a real idiot then I get the blame for it, since I recommended him.

I think it is pretty obvious that Bush used the FEMA position as a political thank you, to get one of his buddies employed and it came back to bite him in the ass.

Unfortunately some people ended up dead because of it (and no he is not only one to be blamed for that), but hey what is a couple of dead bodies between buddies......

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When the Cold War ended and a bunch of documents became unclassified, it was found out that FEMA didn't really have as much to do with emergency management as it did with the continuity of government after a nuclear strike. FEMA had railroad cars and semi trucks constantly driving around the US with comms equipment. It had bunkers hidden in hotels and mountains to keep government officials and selected others safe for months.

I bet they still have a lot of the same stuff going on now.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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