
Katrina may cost insurers $26 billion

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Well, I wouldn't say I have any "sympathy" for the insurance companies, I understand that insurance is itself a business and should have prepared for something like this - which they probably have through reinsurance.

Heck, just two weeks ago I reviewed all 17 of my insurance policies. Yes, 17 insurance policies. It's nice to have that peace of mind.

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The insurance companies will be fine, they'll just raise your rates (even if they were good at investing the premiums and have enough to cover, it's still a good excuse to raise rates). People will get hit, a company is a non-entity, the money has to come from somewhere.

I wonder why they choose to insure people that live in areas that have multiple hurricanes and mudslides, etc. Hopefully people that make these choices eat the lion's share so the risk is shared mostly by those that create the most risk. (((The castle sunk into the swamp so we built one on top of the wreckage. That one sunk too, so we built again. That one sunk and we rebuilt again - and that one stands here today...)))

My insurance company - twice a year we get refunds if they either; invested really well and ended up ahead or; claims were low and they had leftovers. And the damn place is set up and managed by evil miltary officers/retirees (most are also pretty conservative in their politics although that's a digression). The claims process is very quick and fair also. How can that be?:) I thought these people are all criminal and evil.:P

It's not the faceless companies to vent your rage against, it's people that run these things. Find a company with the right people and you might rage at necessary cost, but at least feel you aren't being taken advantage of.

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