
You want paranoid ? Here it is .(or who told you??)

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You want paranoid? Here it is. ( or who told you)

Found some vveery interesting sheet’ that goes a certain way to explain some of the amateurish attack psychology that goes on round here.:S

Its a series of extracts from an article from a decaying mag found in da attic

Here is it.........

“ As most of us know there are numerous ways to manipulate people’s thoughts and beliefs.
In particular , the status of public figures allows them to be used in the brainwashing process. Especially if they’ve been criminally compromised.
Most of the victims are usually non public figures who’ve expressed peaceful, honest views which conflict with those of the powerful and the wealthy.
The resultant silencing and discreditation of these targets allows information to be suppressed.
To understand fully what follows you must first concede that we have all been mushroomed and brainwashed on cerrtain matters.

This is the false labeling of targets as “crazy” to stop them questioning or commemting on the criminal activities of the ruling class.
Sadly ,as with many things channeled through the corrupt mainstream media , the public doesn’t realise this goes on let alone that public figures can help support, hide and foster it.
The use of corrupt or ignorant psychiatrists and officials is a classic example of deception on a grand scale.

Public figures can be easily conditioned to believe that they are superior citizens.
Couple that with the compromises in morality that can be effected by a ready supply of money , drugs , sex or whatever and you have a powerful group of people that “they” can use .
These people can be singers, actors or sportsmen etc that can lose carreer opportunities if they question the illegal practices around them and may even be set up for shame/humiliation.

The brainwashers are referred to as psych operators.
These psych operators now lurk amongst the professional psych ranks and elsewhere, acting as a cancer to destroy what little truth or integrity remains on certain taboo matters.

A specific example of brainwashing the brainwashers (esp psychiatrists) is the textbook coverage of the condition called “ paranoid schizophrenia.”
Students and practitioners are told its a common disorder evidenced by feelings of persecution, mood swings etc which, largely, also describe what any knowledgeable law enforcer would expect to find from the victims of covert crime.
However the psychiatric fraternity is told nothing about the methods/technology available to covert agencies and organised crime figures. They are not informed that ‘operators’ harass innocent private citizens (mercilessly )if they question or criticize lucrative criminal practices.
The victims usually approach ignorant /culpable local police ,doctors, journalists or politicians for help and are either ignored or institutionalised: listed as paranoid & or shizophrenic.

The correct move would be to contact human rights activists or honest federal police but naive community leaders are phonies who’ll sell them out without a second thought.”

This article just keeps getting better and better . How far down the rabbit hole are we?

Me?... I’ll take the blue pill cause it reminds me of the sky:)

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Not sure if yo all are ready for this ..but check this out......

eek B| pictures attached

after reading the jpgs..............

This is the sort of stuff that gets dreamed up and shat upon from on high in the land down under after leaving the imperialistic lower regions. Nothing new for some of us....

'Even the Queenie is told to take a back seat by these guys. Did anyone really believe that the twisted world domination trip was started by any-one not produced from the the seething cesspits of pre-industrial Europe?' (wee where did this mag come from? )

. It's funny (not ha ha ) how around the time of the mass eeka there was a flurry of lone rangers ( a lot of them disarmed Vietnam Vets) standing up to the authorities . We got to see these disarmed champions being taken down by dogs , mace , police and sometimes gunfire in our streets or on telly each night. Sometimes these 'last standers' were weilding samurai swords or ancient pistols taken in battle at great cost to our forebears in warfare.

Of course they were all presented as crazy people .
Now I wonder what really happened and who it was they upset by getting too close to the truth.

My strong guess is the stench emanates from the British Isles...some of those imperialists just don't want to let go.>:(...and some seem to have forgotton the 'Rules of Cricket' ol' chap.

No offence to the masses of decent pommies ...we know you're out there. ....but how sick has some of your seecrit cervise got ?????

I can do without first hand experience thank you very much as I have already seen the tactics employed .
Now .....Who needs to see a doctor???

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in reply to mike111 's"can't you ever give us pommies a break???? "

mike111 you're OK aren't you?;)

Some of us know the flavour of injustice only too well while others have no idea what it tastes like.

In this case the public media hasn't even considered the possibility that this guy might have been set up for this.
Unfortunately until you experience such injustice yourself it just doesn't seem to make sense...and then when you do experience it it's often too late.

This is the power of mass media public brainwashing.

It's just too easy to 'shoot the messenger ' and that's usually what happens. B|

Please if you're a pommie don't take it personally ...it's not your fault ...hopefully.:o

"Truth is my weapon ,what do you know?
I wield it fast ,I wield it slow ,
I wield it now , feel it's blow,
If it strikes you, there you GO"
(Anonymous whistle blowers anthem.)

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inreply to mike111 "What exactly is your injustice though? Perseceuted under the British empire or wrongly accused of a crime by those in power because it suited them'

G'day Mike111,:)Both in varying degrees.
The trip here is that the guy that is serving time for this atrocity very well may not have done the crime.

If you can't see the injustice in such a possibility then .................????? the fact that the real perpetrators may be on the official payroll and walking around amougst us is more than slightly horrific.

I know plenty of people who've done time for stuff they didn't do....you see it's a common occurance for some of us ....nothing new .
Of course most people say every crim says they're innocent .the thing is sometimes they're telling the truth. The system here doesn't even say sorry when they get proven wrong and we've still got a pommie bred system. It seems quite happy to chuck the baby out with the bathwater...and it seems to expect no-one to notice...if you do ..and say anything about it ....WATCH OUT.:)
It often seems incapable of admitting that it might have got it wrong even when it's totally obvious ---something to do with avoiding blame and not wanting to take financial responsibility for due compensation.

It sucks . I know it's probably got nothing to do with you personally ...but why do you think a fair go is so important to some of us down unders.? The answer is because a fair go is something a lot of us usually don't get....just ask Ned Kelly's or any other bushrangers descendants.

Sometimes the system (police courts prison ) just grabs the nearest likely looking victim and pushes them through a delapidated court system that often presumes guilt leaving a defendant to prove their innocence.( heard of a kangaroo court?)

The USA rebuffed this kind of justice some hundreds of years ago but apparently still deals out such injustice to its less well heeled inhabitants in some states.

A wise old gentleman once explained that if you want to time travel??? get done over in an ozzie court...it's just like steppin' back 200 years in time.[:/]
Things are improving but very slowly.

No lower socio-economic types can afford decent legal services so we get a load of immoral people (such as those inhabiting organised crime networks) resorting to having the court system (or mental health system) solve their little problems for them.
See it all the time.B|
There's some very similar things happening to white caucasian people in the Indonesian and other court systems right now ,... a bit like a terrorist attack through the court system. You could call this karmic 'cause they tend to be wealthier types but those Indo's don't care...just like a lot of people have suffered in this country for years without anyone seeming to mind too much.

Seems obvious to me and mine but I suppose some people just don't get it ....:S.

once again nothing personal :P

cheers anyway:)

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Ahhh youre referring to Australia , now i see the link.

I don't know what you are accused of or whether you honestly did it or not. I hope you didn;t, and alhtough i cannot be sure i would give you the benefit of the doubt.

Agreed, a lot of courts are crap when it comes to apologising, - a dude in england lost 25yrs of his life for supposedly murdering his wife when she actually ided of a heart attack = only got £60,000. nothing for 25 yrs of his life.

Im sorry you have endured these, and some of the legal systems are flawed, and unforunately some people within establishments in privileged positions don;t wanna spoil it for themselves and so are against apologising - doesn't necessarily mean they represent the whole system though.

But british legal system are still quite fair compared to others round the world, - i don;t know how you were perseceuted but this has obvousely touched you deeply.

Im sorry you feel that way and hope it will be resolved for you, - im not denying at all that our system is unfiar in SOME ways, and you very well be an innocent victim.

Good luck dude, thing is... if you don't like the system and you had the money, emmigration could do it? i dunno somewere without the "pommie system " which could be fairer.

good luck though, it must be hard to be in your shoes.[:/]


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in rep 2'I don't know what you are accused of or whether you honestly did it or not. I hope you didn;t, and alhtough i cannot be sure i would give you the benefit of the doubt. '

The feeling that you've apparently completely misread this thread and it's issue and tried to make it out to be MY problem demonstrates this threads general topic quite adequately............. thank you.


This isn't about me or your misunderstandings or 'leave the country suggestions" .... it's about the psycho-pathic behaviour of some of your/our country- men and the ease with which they manipulate the system and social mind-set.

Your suggestion that I emmigrate has caused a fair bit of mirth over here:D:D....that is how oz got started after all.( :D:D:D

Love your sense of humor drude. That is one thing that pommie land is still good for .... a good laugh:D


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Dude, lol.

Pyschopathic - lol ill think ill leave this thread alone as i obviosely got the wrong end of the stick - although tis not really that clear what it is!!!!

i can't read either:P

Well one thing we do have left aprt from humour is the ability to play great cricket, as im sure you would agree!!!!!!


Could you simplify your point into like two sentences with an example , cos im dumband don;t what youre saying - as ive supposedly shown!!!!!!:P:P

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Mike , I think you're OK B|

Wish I could simplify it for you and me....then we' could just skydive and have a completely carefree fun jumping life.....

.....and I really hope you poms teach these stuck up ozzie cricketers a lesson or three.:P


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