
You think DC is bad . . .

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Check out what we've been dealing with here in SD over the past year:

2004 - Mayoral election. Frye (a write in candidate) gets more votes than either of her opponents, Murphy and Roberts. However, the registrar discounts any votes that have her name written in, but the circle next to it not darkened. Oddly, the registrar _does_ count absentee votes for Murphy submitted on the instruction book rather than the ballot. Murphy is declared the winner. Many lawsuits result.

Early 2005 - Murphy comes to be known one of the worst mayors in the country; he makes the top-three worst list in TIME magazine. His mishandling of the city's pension fund crisis becomes legendary. The U.S. attorney's office and the FBI begin a criminal investigation into possible public corruption; the SEC investigates possible securities fraud over his dealings with the fund.

April 25, 2005 - Murphy resigns over the pension scandal. Deputy Mayor Michael Zucchet becomes mayor.

May 2005 - Zuccet is convicted of federal corruption charges in Strippergate - a scheme where strip club owners plied him with money and favors to get him to overturn a no-touch rule in San Diego. He gets the boot.

June 2005 - Councilwoman Toni Atkins is appointed as mayor. She may have to deal with the city declaring bankruptcy, never a pleasant prospect. There are now three missing city council members.

July 2005 - Less than nine months after the last one we have another mayoral election. Results - Frye 43% of the vote, Sanders 27%.

But of course that's not the end of it. Since no one got 50% of the vote there will be another election this fall. That's three - count em three - mayoral elections in a year, after one mayor resigned and the other one got the boot for shady dealings with topless bars. And another contentious election on the horizon. Personally at this point I wish they'd just give up and stick with Atkins. She had no mayoral aspirations, and at this point that's a good thing.

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So to win the election you have to have greater than 50% of the vote? Is this because there are normally only 2 people running at a time? If so, how did Murphy get elected (if Frye had more votes)? I thought that if you got the most votes in most elections you won the election. I know its not that way for the presidency.... but isn't it that way for most other election in the U.S.????


He who swoops the ditch and does not get out buys the BEER!!

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>So to win the election you have to have greater than 50% of
>the vote?

In the sort of midterm election we just had, yes. In a normal election, no. (Yeah, it's dumb.)

>If so, how did Murphy get elected (if Frye had more votes)?

Murphy got enough of her ballots invalidated to win.

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