
Why did this trial not get much press?

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Marcus Wesson was convicted on Friday of 9 counts of murder for the deaths of 9 of his children, ranging in age from 1 year old to 25 years old. Most of the children were children that he fathered with his daughters and nieces. That's also why he was found guilty of 14 counts of incest/rape/child molestation of his daughters and nieces.

Marcus Wesson was a cultlike and Christlike figure in his family. He was domineering and authoritative. What was odd about this murder conviction is that there was never any proof that he ever fired a weapon. It was alleged that the 25 year old daughter killed them all and then herself.

What brought this about was a police call to his home when two of his nieces, who escaped hsi control, came back to get their children he fathered with them. It turns out that Wesson had created a murder/suicide pact with a couple of older daughters that if anyone was to attempt to break up the family, they would all die. After a standoff with police he emerged covered in blood. 9 people, 7 of them children, were dead inside.

Marcus Wesson was a Jim Jones type character. His control was so total, his strangeness so odd, and his crimes so disgusting and horrible that it seemed unbelieveable. It's still hard to fathom what he did, and it's even more difficult to fathom the tears of his wife on Friday.

This trial and facts seemed set for real Hollywood-type coverage. Which leads me to wonder why it was not covered except as a local interest.

Did anyone else hear anything of this? Did networks not cover it because they were occupied with Jacko? Or, perhaps, was this something SO strange, SO disgusting, that networks would stay away from it?

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The media TOTALLY chickened out on this one. It was far too real and distressing for the perceived frailties of the audience for them to take stab at.
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You're probably right....you'd have thought that the guy who ate his wife's face would've been covered too. Did anybody else hear anything about that? Crazy. Too frail to know or just don't wanna know? I don't know....

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I remember when it happened and recently saw the, I believe, the verdit on cnn.

All we can hope now is that the survivors get some real good help and he never comes in contact with any of the family or anyone else for that matter.

This was one sick m-fer.>:(

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You're probably right....you'd have thought that the guy who ate his wife's face would've been covered too. Did anybody else hear anything about that? Crazy. Too frail to know or just don't wanna know? I don't know....


that was in south africa, which is why we don't hear about much of that. I have a different news source at work and see some really bizzare stuff.:S
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Did anyone else hear anything of this? Did networks not cover it because they were occupied with Jacko? Or, perhaps, was this something SO strange, SO disgusting, that networks would stay away from it?

I saw it in the news quite a bit... but I get most of my news through Yahoo (and it was in their headlines a few times)... Not sure why it got so little exposure compared to the Jackson trial, but I guess it has something to do with our society's obsession with celebrities.

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The media TOTALLY chickened out on this one. It was far too real and distressing for the perceived frailties of the audience for them to take stab at.

You know, that was my thought. However, on Friday evening, the Wesson trial was the only thing on. All of the networks covered it as nauseum. The local press wasn't afraid of it.

Judge Putnam's courtroom was right next door to a courtroom I appear in at least weekly. It's an interesting thought knowing all that occurs in there.

What is odd is that the press will cover a case of a guy who kills his wife (Petersen) like it's the hottest thing around. But a guy who rapes his daughters and nieces and has children with them, and then kills daughters, nieces and the children he has with them (totaling 9) does not merit coverage?

As much as I hate to think it, look at a picture of Marcus Wesson. There may be more that the press is afraid of than the facts of this case, i.e., OJ's picture on the cover of Time magazine. He's one scary-looking dude.

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Not sure why it got so little exposure compared to the Jackson trial, but I guess it has something to do with our society's obsession with celebrities.

Scott Petersen wasn't a celebrity. Why did this trial get about 1/100th of the Petersen coverage?

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The media TOTALLY chickened out on this one. It was far too real and distressing for the perceived frailties of the audience for them to take stab at.

They covered MJ, OJ, Jonestown, Branch Dividians..... I doubt they chickened out....

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Not sure why it got so little exposure compared to the Jackson trial, but I guess it has something to do with our society's obsession with celebrities.

Scott Petersen wasn't a celebrity. Why did this trial get about 1/100th of the Petersen coverage?

Hmm... good point. I can't answer that one.

Personally, I read as much about the Marcus Wesson case as I did about the Petersen case (very little), but you're right about the Petersen case getting a lot more media coverage.

It may have something to do with how much the families of the victims try to get the media involved(?)... I have wondered why some child abduction cases get a lot of media coverage and others don't, and that is one of the reasons that has come to mind.

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Ever notice that where humanity's capacity for depravity is concerned, there's no floor?

Same goes for intelligence, or lack thereof.

But then, someone like this comes along, and you gotta smile. Always looking for balance...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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