
Are my tax $ paying for this horseshit?

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If light aircraft were a good way to deliver a terrorist attack, I think we'd have seen more use of them by now. Fact is, terrorists all over the world prefer cars and trucks as delivery systems.

I think the reasonthe government/TSA fears the GA population include
- do strange things in large dark hangars which are locked to outsiders 99% of the time
- they are an unconventional lot who shun conformity
- there are too few traffic cops in the sky to control this unruly hoard of heathens
- they flock to secret meetings at places like OSH and Sun and Fun

- they are techno freaks who squander their family and corporate wealth on strange boxes, more costly than their weight in gold
- they speak a strange language full of acronyms like ILS, MEA, MOCA, TBO, RAILS, IAF...

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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"I think the reasonthe government/TSA fears the GA population include"

They haven't worked out how to put tollbooths in the sky yet. B|

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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