
Christian Voice Pressure Charity to Give Money Back From Jerry Springer Opera

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Disgusting behaviour. What gives them the right to put this kind of pressure on the charity and deprive cancer sufferers from this money?
I heard one of them on the radio today saying God would reward them for the money they had to give back, I hear they are still waiting for the cheque from him! :|


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just another case to show that the biggest known threat to mankind is religion...how ironic....

It amazes me, nearly everyone stops believing in Santa when they grow up, but still insist in believing that there is some super dude in the sky looking down on us all..... oh please....
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It's freedom that allows the Christian group to make their request and freedom that allows the charity to follow their own course of action. Really sucks, doesn't it?

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>What gives them the right to put this kind of pressure on the charity
>and deprive cancer sufferers from this money?

God, of course. God has been the reason for a great many bad (and good) things that have been done over the years. It is the ultimate appeal to authority. "God wants me to give all my money to charity / kill the unbelievers / help the poor / better myself / bring his word to the poor and impoverished / keep the immoral gays from marrying."

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