"Under God" in pledge or not?

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I don't really care one way or the other if says "under God" or not. I never like having to get up and say the Pledge in the first place (I did nevertheless lead the Pledge at my high school graduation, to our principal's boundless relief). I just don't like making a show of loyalty oaths.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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People are suing over it because it's not a voluntary exercise.

Bullshit, no one is holding a gun to anyones head over this.

The jackass that is suing for his little girl in CA...He does not even have custody of his kid. And the girls Mother AND THE GIRL HERSELF don't mind it. He is suing since he is agnostic and trying to be a pain in the ass.

The fact that she isn't a great test case doesn't mean there aren't others, Ron. I know it was a minor controversy at my high school in the 80s. It's persisted since as you point out, no one is badly hurt over it.

That you refer to him as a jackass again shows how much you do care about it. He is using his daughter because he lacks standing himself. And unfortunately, rather than address the issue, the court choice to duck and run.

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That you refer to him as a jackass again shows how much you do care about it

I am calling him a jackass since he is using his little girl as a pawn to fight a battle she does not care about.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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That you refer to him as a jackass again shows how much you do care about it

I am calling him a jackass since he is using his little girl as a pawn to fight a battle she does not care about.

Yeah, I hear she cries herself to sleep every night because of it.

You're projecting.

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Yeah, I hear she cries herself to sleep every night because of it.

You're projecting.

No, actually she was bitching about how she didn't care. Her Mom was also complaining.

You might be projecting, but I am not.

Some more info on the father:

The real irony of the California Pledge case is that Mr. Newdow, the Plaintiff, does not seem to realize that the only reason he is permitted to be an atheist without penalty in the United States is because the right to believe or not to believe was granted to him by the very God he is seeking to censor. Mr. Newdow is a medical doctor who also holds a law degree and who previously attempted to sue the President of the United States in an attempt to stop him from using God’s name in public. Fortunately, that earlier case was dismissed, as most modern Establishment Clause cases should be.

More info for you


The case had been brought by an atheist who did not want his third-grade daughter to have to listen to the phrase "under God" in the oath.

Five justices -- led by Justice John Paul Stevens -- said Michael Newdow, the father, did not have the legal standing to bring the case. Newdow, who is involved in a custody dispute with the mother of their third-grade daughter, could not speak for the girl, the court ruled.

The mother, Sandra Banning, has said she has no problem with her daughter reciting the full pledge and argued that Newdow had no right to bring the case.

So the Father (who is a lawyer who argued the case himself...I wonder why?) Who does NOT have the right to speak for his daughter and that does not seem to care what the Mother or daughter feel about this...

He is doing it so he can be a big man. He does not care about his daughter's feelings...He is doing it to be in the spot light, and using her as a pawn. He has

More on this from the Girls Mom:

"She attends Sunday school and I teach Sunday school. And I believe the court record indicates or implies that my daughter is an atheist."

She said her daughter is aware of the decision, having talked to her father about it and seen him on television.

"Her response was, 'That's OK, Mom, because even if they do change the Pledge of Allegiance, I'll still say "under God," and no one will know that I'm breaking the law,'" Banning said.

Banning accused Newdow of using the girl to pursue his own agenda.

"I think that the record shows that he is using her and claiming that she's been harmed by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. And I want to correct that statement," she said.

Paul Sullivan, Banning's attorney, said Newdow brought the girl into the case by asserting in his lawsuit that she had been injured by being required to say the pledge, and he said the court's opinion alluded to the girl being an atheist.

"We are going to be intervening in the 9th Circuit to get this information before the court to make certain that the record reflects what Ms. Banning wants -- No. 1, that the daughter is not an atheist, and, No. 2, that she has no opposition and hasn't been injured by the pledge," he said.

The father is crazy. And a jackass using his girl as a pawn to become famous.

Edit to add bits from the court papers:


Newdow does not allege that his daughter's teacher or school district requires his daughter to participate in reciting the Pledge. [FN3] Rather, he claims that his daughter is injured when she is compelled to "watch and listen as her state-employed teacher in her state-run school leads her classmates in a ritual proclaiming that there is a God, and that our's [sic] is 'one nation under God.'

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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