
Zero Tolerance for Weapons

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The latest zero tolerance story concerning "weapons" in school:

A 10-year-old fourth-grade girl was pulled out of class, handcuffed, and taken to the local police station in the back of a police wagon earlier this week after a pair of 8-inch scissors were found in her book bag.

School district and police officials said yesterday that they were following state law and procedures in dealing with students who have weapons on school property. They say that those rules demand police be called and that procedures call for handcuffing suspects regardless of age or crime...


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They have not yet gone far enough to protect childern. What about them thar sharp pointy things they call pencils?>:( Looks to me you can poke an eye out with one o'does thingsB|
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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so were all the kids in art class arrested too, or were their scissors under the legal limit for scissor lenght? this is total bullshit when i was a kid i'd always find stuff around the house that i thought was cool and just throw it in my back pack, no harm intended.
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--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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when i was a kid i'd always find stuff around the house that i thought was cool and just throw it in my back pack, no harm intended.

Yep, but today's school bureaucrats can't be bothered with determining little things like "intent" any more. Mere possession is a crime, regardless of circumstances.

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Huh. I wasn't in high school all that long ago (graduated in 1998) and even then just about all the guys carried pocket knives. Teachers would sometimes even ask for them when they needed a knife for whatever.

This slippery slope makes me worried, since Morgan and I are motivated to have a family...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Huh. I wasn't in high school all that long ago (graduated in 1998) and even then just about all the guys carried pocket knives. Teachers would sometimes even ask for them when they needed a knife for whatever.

In 6th grade, I brought two real swords to school for use in a class skit. The teacher didn't say anything about it, and we used them in our skit. Bet that wouldn't fly today.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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There was archery equipment stowed away in the back corner of the Phys Ed/ Athletic Dept storage.

It never saw the light of day, even though an entire class requested it. We played badmiton instead. :S
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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