
Madonna on the Iraq War

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If ultra successful multi-millionaires are really stupid morons, where does that leave you and me?

Fortunately this is America, where even stupid morons can get rich in the entertainment industry. Income does not necessarily correlate to intelligence.

If you honestly think that Cher or Madonna are "fucking idiots, stupid, or morons", the irony of the statement is lost on you.
Either of them probably make more serious business decisions in a week than most of us will make in a lifetime. It is pretty easy to be jealous of others' success.

Back on thread topic: I don't think the opinion of a celebrity is any more valuable than anyone elses in this area, but I also think she makes some insightful points.

WOW, so wealth prove intelligence...
BTW - I am betting Cher and Modona don't make many business decisions... THat is why they have advisors for everything!!! They don't need to think, and judging by the comments they love to give to the media, they often don't!!!;)

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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WOW, so wealth prove intelligence...

In the case of self made millionaires, yes along with some luck and charisma.


BTW - I am betting Cher and Modona don't make many business decisions... THat is why they have advisors for everything!!!

If it was really as easy as hiring an "advisor", we would be millionaires too. Its not that easy. It takes an enormous amout of work and business sense.


They don't need to think, and judging by the comments they love to give to the media, they often don't!!!;)

If everything you say is on tape, I doubt you would look nearly as good as you think you do. Example: the president is a very educated and well spoken man with more handlers and speech writers than anyone on the planet; record everything he says and sooner or later he will say something stupid. Happens to everyone. Fortunately most of us have the luxury of pointing and laughing because we have little to no public scrutiny.

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