
Hey Yasser; where did you hide the money?

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In the news:
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has died.

The problem is that Arafat is still the only Palestinian official who can pay the bills. And it is unclear who, if anyone, has access to the estimated $2-3 billion in his personal Swiss bank accounts. Even his wife is said to be unaware of how to access the funds.

Arafat continues to hold the purse strings to the Palestinian finances. For the last decade, he has been the final, and often only word on payment to everybody from the suicide bomber to the janitor. Not a dime was paid without Arafat's okay.

Abbas and Qurei sought to acquire Arafat's power to allocate money during the absence of the PA chairman. But as he boarded a Jordanian Air Force helicopter for Amman, Arafat refused. "I'm still alive, thank God, so don't worry," Arafat was quoted as saying.

"Rather than use donor funds for their intended purposes, Arafat regularly diverted money to his own accounts." "U.S. congressional records revealed authenticated PLO papers signed by Arafat in which he instructed his staff to divert donors' money to projects benefiting himself, his family and his associates." Arafat controls billions of dollars meant for the Palestinian people. In a word, he stole it, intelligence sources said.

His personal fortune has been estimated at between $2 and $3 billion, most of it in Swiss bank accounts.

Full Story:World Tribune

You can't take it with you! It looks like he may cheat his own people out of their rightful funds, even in his death.

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He isn't dead yet. Good post though. Also one Muslim cleric thinks Arafat was poisoned by Israel.

The plain fact of the matter of what I've read is that Arafat has AIDS. They medical tests done on him have just about ruled out everything else but the authorities will never admit this even if it was true. Arafat in his younger days was also known for going to wild sex orgies etc. according to some sources in the arab world.


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