
Disaffected Americans look north to 'better government'

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Hey Einstein,
If you took the time to read my post, you would have read the first line, which stated the individuals name that wants to go to Canada. I never said anything about you or even attempted to bash you for posting the article, as a matter of fact, I appreciate people like you posting this information. It gives me something to vent about. Everyone that knows me knows I don't vent that often, so venting about idiots such as Joe is a good stress reliever for me. (It keeps the kittens safe) Be careful and don't be so defensive next time...You could accidentally start an argument:o! Peace to you and Yes I am in the military and I did volunteer to defend "OUR" freedom for the past 14 years.

Is that directed at me because you addressed it to Einstein? Much like I thought you were saying "Joe" like hey bud, or pal, or yo dude. :P

Sorry for the misinterpretation. Although I do still think it's a bit harsh to wish someone dead because they are moving to another country. I didn't see him bashing the military anywhere in that article.

I appreciate your service and everyone elses that work to defend freedom, whether it is behind a gun, a desk, or a pen. Your venting just sounded a bit like you were looking for pay back for something that you volunteered to do. Not that you don't deserve it, but demanding it rings hollow. But I guess that IS why they call it venting.


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If you were in the military because you wanted thanks, then you did it for selfish reasons

Are you actually questioning his reasons for joining the military? TO say anyone joins the Military for selfish reasons is....... well it shows lack of understanding of wha the military is ans what people do in it. To join the Military is one of the most UNSELFISH things an American can do. There are all kinds of reasons to join, but potentially laying your life down for your country is not a selfish act. Protecting you right and the right of others to say what they want is not selfish. In fact it gets thrown back in the face of many service members.

So we have reason to talk louder about our opinions and the way we see things, sure. We are the ones that help insure your rights to say and do what you want. Freedom ain't free and we paid the price for you and everyone else that doesn't do anything but talk.

Military members that travel around the world have a better grasp on what really goes on in the world anyway. Stupid news reports what they want to and the truth sits with the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen that are in the shit seeing for real what goes on everyday in the world.

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I think I explained that a little more clearly above. But you were probably typing.

Anyway, again, like I said, I appreciate what the people in the military do for the public. I appreciate what others who serve the public in non-military roles as well.

But, you can't say that NOONE joins the military for selfish reasons. For instance, I'm willing to bet that those mentioned in the original article who went AWOL to Canada joined for college money and when they found out they had to fight, selfishly decided to hit the road. Hell, a kid I went to high school with was a hard core punk anarchist skin head that joined the army for college money and ended up driving a tank in Iraq in '91. He was pissed.


We are the ones that help insure your rights to say and do what you want. Freedom ain't free and we paid the price for you and everyone else that doesn't do anything but talk.

This is the attitude that pisses me off. Again, I appreciate those who serve. But to think that you are the be all and end all of the protection of American freedom is arrogant, condescending, and wrong.

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Yeah, the Einstein was a fun poke at you, sorry!
I don't wish someone undo harm because they want to move...Thats what U-Haul is for, well that and the cool free blankets..I mean, never mind!
I do "thoroughly disapprove with extreme prejudice" someone that wants to "desert their country" and run away based off of the elected leader, especially when their are individuals fighting for the freedom that some take for granted every day. There are men and women of the armed services fighting the global war on terrorism as we speak and defending our freedom, such as the freedom to run and hide when things don't go exactly our way...."The definition of IRONY"!
As for the deserters in the military...Yes they should be punished to the maximum severity of the law.
(I guess it is a good thing that I didn't write the laws) Desertion was a crime punishable by death, but that was back in the day where people loved their country and never considered it. Being Politically correct sucks!
As for the venting...I am out of KY no apologies!
Peace to all...well almost everyone!
"Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form"

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Yes you did explain it better. Thanks


I'm willing to bet that those mentioned in the original article who went AWOL to Canada joined for college money and when they found out they had to fight, selfishly decided to hit the road. Hell, a kid I went to high school with was a hard core punk anarchist skin head that joined the army for college money and ended up driving a tank in Iraq in '91. He was pissed.

Since when did wanting an education that you or your parents couldn't afford become selfish? Sounds like someone trying to better them selves. AS far as people trying to run for Canada. They are pussies. They knew the risks when they joined. IT is selfish of them at that point to run away. NOw someone else may die in ther place if that was what was going to happen. I joined for the college. I was told by my recuiter "We don't forsee any major conflicts within the next 7-10 years, you are only joining for 4." Before the first 2 years was up I was shot at over 15 times at least and served in a war. I could a run and went AWOL. I knew a few guys that did. I didn't because woudl have been slefish and got me thrown in jail.


This is the attitude that pisses me off. Again, I appreciate those who serve. But to think that you are the be all and end all of the protection of American freedom is arrogant, condescending, and wrong.


Hey without an Army, Navy, Airforce and Marine force, you wouldn't be stting there now saying how pissed you are about my additude. Or better yet you may have been drafted into service and got your ass shot off. OR better yet let's not have an Army and see what happens. Maybe then you will realize how has payed for your freedom since the beggining of our country.

I also belive that service members that earned an honorable discharge shoudn't have to pay taxes ever again. They should be given a free home when they exit the military and free medical and dental for the rest for the rest for the rest of there lives. We shoudln't have to wait around in lines anywhere for anything and get to smack people in the mouth that disagree with our thoughts and feelings on War.


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Too late, we have been fighting the radicals and we won this time!!

If there are 53,000,000 "radicals" then maybe your definitions of radical and middle need a little adjustment.

Wendy W.

As opposed to 56,000,000 radicals?:P
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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...but that was back in the day where people loved their country and never considered it.

Could you clarify as to what country you are talking about? If you are talking about America then I believe you are wrong. There were more deserters when there was a war on American soil (back in the day) than when on foreign soil simply because it was easier to run. I've specifically studied the revolutionary war and there were plenty. There have always been deserters and there always will be deserters. Fight or flight (for whatever reason), some people choose not to fight and will risk running even if there was/is a death penalty for it...

I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them.

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