
Another 70 billion for the war . . .

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Compare what's been spent in Iraq to date with the Marshall Plan expenditures. Account for inflation and % of GDP and such. I've never seen it done and think it would be quite interesting.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Compare what's been spent in Iraq to date with the Marshall Plan expenditures. Account for inflation and % of GDP and such. I've never seen it done and think it would be quite interesting.

One was to rectify mistakes made by others, one is to rectify ongoing mistakes made by oneself....

certainly not comparable......

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>Says there are "allegations" of course thats apparently good enough these days.

It's been good enough at least twice already; they've already pled guilty and paid millions in fines for defrauding the government and supplying terrorist countries.

Of course, maybe they've turned over a new leaf, and this time they're innocent. After all, they may have to compete honestly in four months.

OK so thats the level of proof you are willing to accept from now on?
Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons before, so there's no reason to believe he turned over a new leaf and wouldn't use them again. So by your logic, we were justified in invading Iraq, right?

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>OK so thats the level of proof you are willing to accept from now on?

?? What proof? There's an allegation. It should be investigated, and the validity of proof determined in court. They've done it before, so it would be no suprise if it's true. Of course, since we are a nation of laws (usually) the burden of proof is on the accuser.

>So by your logic, we were justified in invading Iraq, right?

Nope! You left out that 'proof' part, which is an important part. We'd be fools to ignore him, because people who do something once are likely to do it again. But again, determining whether he is in fact guilty of killing people is better than just killing tens of thousands of people cause you don't want to wait for the proof.

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Not comparable? Incorrect. In both cases you have a nation/nations devastated by war that require outside assistance to rebuild. Granted, there are a myriad of other differences between the countries, but the comparison would be quite interesting to see I do believe.

Think otherwise if you like.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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But Kerry said that we should put as many billions of dollars into this war as it takes to win.

Yes, unfortunately Bush's errors, lies and gross incompetence will cost billions to rectify, regardless of who wins next week.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It's not quite the same, in reality there is no comparisson. With the Marshall Plan in Europe the US nor Canada had any say as to the way the monies would be spent. A third party independant of the White House limted to four years governed by Europeans would determine where the money would go. This shows that Europe wanted to get back on it's feet. Europe pre WW2 already knew about trade, how to build roads, it's infrastructre etc. None of which the Iraqis know how to do. Even Marshall himself said this about his plan:

"It would be neither fitting nor efficacious for this government to undertake to draw up unilaterally a program designed to place Europe on its feet economically." Second Quote: "This is the business of the Europeans. The initiative, I think, must come from Europe."

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Again, there are differences between the two situations and marked ones at that, but I still maintain that it would be an interesting comparison because there are also marked similarities.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I thought you Libs were always bitching about Bush not creating jobs? That money will be spent on contractors to help put people to work. Don't you guys ever give it a rest?

oh my f**cking god

you are a full blown seppo and people like you give your fellow americans a bad name! i hope you were just having a stab?

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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I thought you Libs were always bitching about Bush not creating jobs? That money will be spent on contractors to help put people to work. Don't you guys ever give it a rest?

oh my f**cking god

you are a full blown seppo and people like you give your fellow americans a bad name! i hope you were just having a stab?

Have you read "1984"? Did you understand it?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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