
Moscow Schoolchildren to get Dog Tags

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In the news:
Moscow schoolchildren will soon have to wear military-style dog tags and carry special "passports" as part of a security drive in the wake of Beslan.

"These measures can be introduced under the city's programme for civil defence," Mr Popov said. "We asked teachers, school governors, and they conducted surveys. Most were in favour," he said.

Guards will not be armed - their role will be to alert police if they spot something suspicious, he said.

New legislation is required "to clearly define the status of school premises - who is allowed in, who is not," he explained.
Source: BBC News

These guys are idiots. Giving the children dog tags will do nothing to prevent terrorists from taking over another school. Having unarmed guards will also do nothing.

All these dog tags will do is make it easier to identify the blown-up bodies of the kids the next time the terrorists strike one of their schools.

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In the news:

Moscow schoolchildren will soon have to wear military-style dog tags and carry special "passports" as part of a security drive in the wake of Beslan.

"These measures can be introduced under the city's programme for civil defence," Mr Popov said. "We asked teachers, school governors, and they conducted surveys. Most were in favour," he said.

Guards will not be armed - their role will be to alert police if they spot something suspicious, he said.

Suspicious, you mean, like, several dozen men and women armed with machine guns and large quantities of high explosives storming the school? Is the plan for the guards to alert the police before they're shot to death? :S

They say, "Information is power." So I guess "information" that a school is being taken hostage by terrorists will be used as a substitute for the power to actually physically defend the children and teachers.


All these dog tags will do is make it easier to identify the blown-up bodies of the kids the next time the terrorists strike one of their schools.

Yep. Bleeding hearts -- the kind who won't do a thing to make people able to fight terrorists -- remain keen on being able to have "closure" after a mass murder. Usually this means being able to properly identify shreds of who-was-who for a meaningful memorial service and burial.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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