
Thats it, these fuckers need to die!

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"It is pretty cowardice that they wear black masks and never have the balls to show their faces,, "
Unlike the SWAT teams and special forces people all over the world who wear masks or refuse to be identified by the media.

The mask doesn't make them cowards Sarge, its their actions.

I had actually thought about posting something about police using masks, but didn't bother.

It is something I have heard criticized, and I agree: the police should be accountable to the public they serve, and should not enjoy anonymity. That breeds the potential for abuse of power, and a psychological mindset that they can do whatever they want with impunity. ("After all, I'm just a faceless person with no identity. Who can pin anything on me?") Sort of like a microcosm of the "crowd mentality" that enables people to do things they would normally feel are wrong, just because the anonymity "enables" them.

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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it will sure as hell send one serious fucking message.

Yes it will.. Considering Russia made over 100 suitcase nukes in 1975 and can't account for any of them we might want to be more careful than that... I wouldn't be suprised if one goes off in Iraq and we get blamed....

Or the next one goes off in New York. To drop a nuke in a sovereign country sets a very dangerous precedent. If the U.S army drops a nuke on Irak it would be giving the moral justification to al quaeda to do the same in the U.S.

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it will sure as hell send one serious fucking message.

Yes it will.. Considering Russia made over 100 suitcase nukes in 1975 and can't account for any of them we might want to be more careful than that... I wouldn't be suprised if one goes off in Iraq and we get blamed....

at this point, no matter what happens in iraq we will get blamed.

No, no matter what happens in Iraq, {b]BUSH will be blamed....
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Why not just release Saddam? He's much better at killing Iraqis than we are.

He is the only person that can keep most of those barbarians in check.. lol

Ironically you have a point. Since the war started we have more problems from Iraq than previously. We didn't expect them to lie down and submit, we knew they would react in the way they have and they will continue to do so. I think the way to prevent this from continuing is to saturate Iraq with police/troops who are highly trained, experienced and who have technology to fight crime. Sadly this is unlikely to come from the Iraqi's themselves so we need to be there occupying the country and directing it until it gets back onto it's own feet. I didn't want to go to war in the first place but since we did start it we should make damn sure we finish it properly for the sake of the Iraqis as well as ourselves. It was never going to be easy and it was always going to be a long haul.

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Ah. If the military were more like you believe it should be (with your depth of experience building military forces), then it would be stronger, and better, and more "palatable". Got it.

You should share your ideas on reshaping the DoD with your congressman. After all, why sit there and tolerate a weakened military which could be a lot stronger if only they would implement your ideas.

An army of rugged individualists. Can't wait to see it.

(ed: for spelling)

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Ah. If the military were more like you believe it should be (with your depth of experience building military forces), then it would be stronger, and better, and more "palatable". Got it.

You should share your ideas on reshaping the DoD with your congressman. After all, why sit there and tolerate a weakened military which could be a lot stronger if only they would implement your ideas.

An army of rugged individualists. Can't wait to see it.

(ed: for spelling)

I dont think we ever said our military was "weak" or that it could be a lot stronger. Fact of the matter is we have the baddest ass military on the face of this planet. What is it going to take to exercise our ability? A nuke going off in a major us city? A biochemical weapon going off in a major us city?

Have we built our weapons to be reactive? We need to be proactive and squash all that threaten us. It is my opinion that future generations will be safer because of this. There will be innocent lives lost but 100 years from now they wont matter. Plus, better their lives than ours.

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I dont think we ever said our military was "weak"

And neither did I. I said "weakened", which isn't necessarily weak. Plus, I was replying specifically to PJ. Fwiw, I have mostly agreed with what you've had to say in this thread (except for the parts that seem a bit emotionally overreactive, but that's just imo.)

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