
Can't Decide

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I'm trying to decide where to go on vacation for AFF training. I have it narrowed down to BPS Langer in England and Ramblers Parachute Center in Austrailia. Is any body familiar with these places? I'll be going in August, I know it's winter in Austrailia but how cold does it get? The cold might be a good thing as I'm stuck in one of these desert counrties for a while. Any info is appriciated.

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Hi there
From your post it is obvious that you don't mind a bit of travel to do your AFF course. Have you considered doing it in South Africa? Not only will your flight be cheaper than to Australia, but the AFF package will be cheaper too. I just did my AFF course there over new year's. It included all 8 AFF jumps plus 2 consolidation jumps.How much? 520 Pounds all inclusive. You will have to do the static line course as well (only about 50 pounds). This would mean 11 jumps total. I did my course at Citrusdal. It is only 1 hours drive from Cape Town.
BTW it is a club, totally non-profit making (trust me on that one), so prices are kept low. The DZ is in the middle of an orange farm and you can walk down to a river and go for a dip if you want to cool down between jumps. My two instructors were excellent, and the social side, well... :)Check out their site, email somebody on the committee and then go, just go. And you will be able to have a really excellent (economical) holiday in a REALLY beautiful country.
PS and our women are WAY better looking than the aussie chicks : Charlize Theron - 'nuff said.

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well im a bit biased cause ramblers is my home dz but it is a great place i did my aff there as well have u been to their web site www.ramblers.com.au i did the 20-jump package it was really good if u have any questions just email me i would be more than happy to help. Where r u from it doesnt get that cold in australia and august is coming up to spring so it will be warming up.

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BPS Langar is a good DZ with some great instructors, a FLEET of aircraft, no height restrictions and plenty of landing space. If you are gonna do it in the UK, I would recommend Langar completely, but.... If you can go to Australia to do it then you get one HELL of a holiday!
Why the complete difference in geographical locations?
Are you intending to jump at Langar after your AFF? If so then it may be worth doing your training there. The instructors/staff will get to know you and it'll be your HOME DZ. There'll also be no need for check-out jumps or any conversions from the Australian reserve deployment system and the UK version (The Aussies use the single cutaway/reserve handle method I think??? - could be wrong...).
Wherever you go, have fun and enjoy view!!

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Yeah! They won't let me on the plane without a 'grown-up'! I refrain from using the word 'adult', let alone a 'responsible' one....
'Altitude restrictions' can be inserted where it "stupidly" says "height" - I should have known as soon as I wrote it...

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