
i just didn't do it for me today

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hey all,
how's it going? me i'm fine. just had this little question toask all of ya.....have you ever not got a kick out of skydiving?
today i made two jumps from 5,000ft. i was having to use the student gear at the dz because my reserve reached it's repack cycle and i haven't driven the two hours to take it to the rigger. i normally fly a pd210 and this was a like a pd 280. sooooo slow and big. had end cell closer and slider not all the way down on both jumps wich i think contributed to this but.....i just didn't feel happy after jumping. normally if i'm feeling bad (not health wise) i normally feel great after jumping but today i still felt bad. it seemed like it lost it's excitment. i did pull off a back layout for which i'm proud of but that's where my excitment ended. i just wasn't satisfied....oh well maybe it'll get better when i get my rig back..........it'd be alot better if i could fill the empty rig in my closet! :-)
"some people wonder, others know, i do both sometimes"

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Don't worry about it. Skydiving is like everything else, you have good days and bad days. Of course, normally the bad days are still better than working.
At the moment I won't even bother to jump from only 5k. During the winter when I couldn't get anything else that was fine, but now I'd rather pass. It's not worth the effort to pack my rig from such a low altitude.

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Also, wingi, who were you jumping with?
What was the social side like afterwards?
The very fact that you are home and on the net instead of having some drinks and a chat at the DZ already says a lot to me. Which DZ do you jump at? I am hoping to make some skydiving trips to Germany shortly to visit a friend, let me know where you jump and I'll come skream some enthusiasm into you...
And remember, my DZ in the UK has a Let and I'm buying a car (road trip Woo-Hoo!!!), so you better come to London soon!
[drop till you party!]

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Hey winger, look on the bright side, usually when you here a skydiver having a bad day it was either his last day or or a day he/she limped, crawled, or got carried away!! tomorrows a knew day (I think I'll go roll in the hay or play with some clay, I just may:)jason
(I'm such a loser;)

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Yeah brother, it happens. I've had a day where I even made a few jumps from altitude, but just didn't feel like making more and quit for the day. In my case, I think I had just let some things from my personal life come to the DZ and interfere with the skydiving (can't believe I let anything interfere ;)). In your case though, it sounds like it was your circumstances. 5000' isn't really enough altitude to do anything in freefall - maybe exit a 4-way and then track away, or a couple of flips. Also, you weren't jumping your own rig and the one you were jumping was a friggin' manta. I think honestly the only situations I'd jump a manta in now are if I had just had a reserve ride and needed to get back up in a hurry or if the airplane I was on was crashing. When you're doing a hop'n'pop, nost of the fun is in the canopy ride, and there just isn't much fun in a manta. If you wrap the steering line around your wrist 3-4 times, then bury it as hard as it will go you can get it to turn at 5 degrees per second or so. And also as mentioned earlier there's the social aspect. If I just went to the airport, jumped out of a plane, and came home every weekend, I think I'd get bored of it. As much of a rush as skydiving can be, it's the people you meet doing it and the fun things you do together that makes this sport so addictive. So my advice is, go get some shuteye (if you're not already). I bet you'll have a lot more fun next time you're out at the DZ getting some altitude with your own chute on your back.

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well thanks for your replies guys. on the social side of my dz...it's a german dz and i don't speak very good german. i can convay my ideas but not hold a regular conversation. (unless really drunk) the jumpers are mostly older at my dz too.(most over 35, a few around my age at 20 something) it just seems that it is quite a diffrent atmosphere than back in the states. but don't get me wrong, we've had some kick ass parties and ive even gone to a spa with a few of em, jumping into the airport fests are the best to, we get to jump in infront of a large crowd, pack, then eat some good food, then take off agian and jump back at the dz! yesterday i think it was just a mix of things combined like the parachute size, and some personal things that are going on with me right now........today is wonderfull though, sunny and warm!!!! to bad i got stuck with the weekend duty this weekend! man, who cares about fixing some planes if i could be jumping on this day.....i think i could even call up my friend the bomb squad guy and borrow his 190 silloute......if i just didn't have to work!!!

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