
As God Made Us

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All right, I’ve got to ask this. The subject has once again come up in a recent thread about skydiving, minus clothing. Now, I haven’t even gone through AFF yet, so it’s not something I’m even considering yet. But I’ve seen pictures and watched videos and stuff, and even though I’m totally shy and would rather die than been seen naked in public, the idea of skydiving totally naked, for some reason, seems like it would be so awesome! So I really want to know, who has actually done it? And, if so, what was it like? I mean, skydiving in and of itself is extreme to the fullest, and letting it ALL hang out while doing it, well, I can’t even comprehend how exhilarating that must be! Shit, just the thought of doing it makes me nervous, in a guilty pleasure sort of way. I’m really curious, anybody want to share? (And I want every single detail!!)
What the hell is wrong with me? – Josh

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sorry i haven't done "it" yet but i will this summer. jump 100 is coming up very soon and i have a very special place to make that jump at! i'll let ya know about it then...who know maybe it'll be outin video form on the web. (if i can convince somebody to video it!

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Just wanted to add something. I got the Quincy 98 video awhile back, and there is just a tad of nudity on it. I got to thinking, man, what would it be like? I mean, you decide to do a naked jump, ya know, just for the thrill of doing it. You’re in the hangar, or whatever (never been to Quincy, I don’t know), and you strip down. You laugh off your embarrassment, and put on your rig. Then you make a mad dash to the plane. Okay, then you’re sitting there. Some people (if God doesn’t totally hate you) are also naked, but you still feel kind of weird. Then it’s time for the jump run. In my head I think that this my be somewhat comforting, I mean, everybody’s jumping and stuff, they’re all psyched, nobody really cares what you’re wearing at this point (or not wearing). So, out you go. Then you’re out there!! You’re skydiving!! And your willy, or …umn…melons…(sorry, it’s all I could think of for all the crazy girls out there :S) are just floppin’ around in the wind. So you go through the skydive, it’s all good, and then it’s time to pull. Good, now you’ve got a parachute over your head so you look down. You find the DZ. Good. Wait a minute, you realize that there are tens of thousands of people down there, and you’re gonna land right in the middle of them, with everybody watching! Okay, another question – what goes through a skydivers mind at this point? For some strange, sick, maybe even perverted reason, I kind of, sort of, want to try it someday. But since I can’t quite yet, well, I’ll say it again, I want stories, damn it!!! Every single detail, please!!!!.
Okay, in the yellow pages, do I want psychiatrist, or psychologist? What’s the difference?? Brain (as you read this) turning to sponge - Josh

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I dunno, I'm prolly gonna do one on my birthday this summer. It's not too cold in August, and I wanna try it. Why not? I would definitely take something to wear in the plane tho... can you imagine a plane loading up with 6 first time tandems... heh heh... good DZ PR I guess!!!

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lol being that I have jumped naked before and have done numerous bathingsuit jumps as well, I can tell you that is alot of fun. I mean aside from being the only girl on the plane naked and you just want to get out lol I mean I am comfortable with myself and how I look but I don't want my naked ass in someone's face for a long time as we give the count to exit the plane. It's not just the excitement of it but you're also like dude I'm butt ass naked!!! I don't realyl know about the flopping in the wind part of it though I've seen pics of soem funky looking stuff that can happen to someones body going that fast...fortunately I have my surgeon to thank for that one for being able to keep my boobs in place when I go naked lol. But yeah if you want to jump make sure you swing by out in so cali...I'd be first to strip down with ya lol
Oh I just have to say how funny I think I am...There was this ad slogan/campaign lol whatever and it was for FEMALES yahooo!!! anyways it said "the weaker sex my ASS" I blew up one of my pix from the naked jump and put it on my little sisters folder, it was priceless there were about 8 guys in the pic all clothed and one bare ass, of yes a chick!!! me !!!! Attached I had that slogan, that girl waltzed all around school and didnt know it was there and was like oh God what has she done now lol

BITE ME.... :P

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if you want to jump make sure you swing by out in so cali...I'd be first to strip down with ya

Ya know, like I said, I’m kind of shy. But I have kind of another, totally crazy side to myself that I have yet to express, and it’s really builiding up. So I have a warning for you - careful what ya wish for!! B|
The dangerously quiet - Josh

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hmmm now we're talking...see there are actually two videos out already flaoting around somewhere of me naked int he sky, I have yet to see them lol, yes that's right my original 3 way naked jump w/ a still photogragher turned out to be swooped by a dozen other guys, yeah over half the plane left lol what a site, anyways I WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO if you take it!!!! I jump Elsinore and Perris, although I'd rather jump Elsinore naked lol, just more laid back over there so fly out and join the fun. BUT YOU HAVE TO GET NAKED!!!!!!

BITE ME.... :P

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